Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love is in the Air Giveaway Hop

Love Is In the Air Blog Hop
Blog hop runs from 12:01 AM February 7th through to 11:59 PM February 14th, 2012.

I Smell Sheep is proud to take part in this tour and we welcome all of you to the fun about to begin! So let's get this party started.

What's up for grabs? Take a gander at this awesome prize pack-o-love!

The Vampire Voss by Colleen Gleason
Within the Flames by Marjorie M. Liu
The Emergency Chocolate Kit
Mrs. Fields Chocolates
Nail Care kit
Cupcake shaped note book
Small Makeup bag
Bookmarks, magnet, Sheep pencil, stickers

So how do YOU win all these goodies? Ponder no longer just follow the instructions below and you're entered to win! This is a US CONTEST ONLY.

1. What's the most cheesiest thing you've gotten or given for Valentine's Day?
2. Do you follow the blog? If so you will get double entries.
3. Tweet or Facebook about this post and get double entries.

Contest ends February 14th at midnight!
To find all the other stops in this tour click HERE.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Well it's the thought that counts...right =) One year my husband was deployed. So he asked his mom here in the states to pick out something for me from him and deliver it on V-Day. Well I knew right off he didn't pick it out because it was a crazy necklace. She spent the money on this and a giant teddy bear...I'm way too old for teddies but it was the thought that count. My husband just laughed but from then on he was more specific. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. Okay so the cheesiest thing I have ever given on Valentine's Day was a CD with all the songs my husband and I listen to while we were dating (yes ALL of them) The CD turned out to be like 4 CD's total and I wrapped them, gave them to him....and......He didn't even remember half of the songs :) He proceeded to let me know that he loved the CD's..and then Never listened to them again. We still have them collecting dust on the CD rack so I guess that counts for something :D

    I am a loyal follower: GFC: Kristina
    Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/harley_chick883/status/166871755124776960

  3. Cheesiest thing...a teddy bear (as an adult) it was cute and fluffy but a bit cheesy.

  4. Thanks for participating in our hop!

  5. I can't say I've ever gotten anything I would classify as cheesy. I've always gotten flowers or teddy bears; both of which I love. I love stuffed animals (even though I'm 30+)so I don't have a problem getting them as gifts. :)

    I'm a loyal member of the flock here and on FB.

    saphsbookblog at gmail dot com

  6. My honey doesn't believe in giving valentine presents so I can't say I've gotten anything cheesy. Once out of meanness I gave him a dozen buds (the beer) in a flower box with ribbons around them and a big ole ballon on it.
    Follow via Google connect as loves to dive
    lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. Cheesiest was one of the cards that said I didn't have money to buy you a present. What a loser.

  8. I don't know if this will be the cheesiets, but my ex was just dumb...his birthday falls on the same week as Valenties Day and our anniversary was in the same week also. He expected 1 gift for his b-day, 1 for V-Day and 1 for our anniv. Me, I got one gift for V-Day and our Anniv.

  9. I have never had a date/boyfriend on Valentine's Day :( But it's ok, I've got my book boyfriends ;)


  10. Once I was nice enough to give my boyfriend an Ab-Roller for Valentine's Day :) Isn't that nice of me?!?!? In my defense, that's what he wanted LOL

  11. A really cheesy t-shirt that said that he was my valentine with an arrow!
    Yeah...don't know wat happened to it! LOL

    Samantha Dacier
    samanthadacier @gmail.com

  12. My hubby doesn't like Valentine's Day as he thinks it's a commercial holiday but every year he gives me flowers. I know it's not cheesy,but it's all I got:)

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  13. The cheesiest was probably those cheap school kid valentines.


  14. My husband is an old romantic so he never gets me anything cheesy for Valentine's. I try to do the same for him :D

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  15. It was a plastic candy box with a clown on top holding heart shaped balloons - but it was from my little nephew & he had picked it out so I loved it.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  16. I usually got jewelry for Valentine's Day but sometimes I would get a stuffed animal. I eventually donated the toys to a charity. I really have no use for stuffed toys. LOL

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  17. When my husband and I were dating I got a poster board and make a Card out of all kinds of candy. I had a friend take it to work for me to surprise him. He was active duty Navy at the time and by the time he got home all his candy bars had been stolen from friends. I learned to NOT send candy to work anymore. He did love it though!

  18. The worst was a convenience store rose (with the price sticker still on it)!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  19. A stuffed bear, out grew those type of presents many, many years ago.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  20. The cheesiest thing? Well I pretty much get the same thing each year..it's kinda a tradition these days. Hubby goes to the market, gets a bag of mini candy bars and when he walks in the door he tosses the whole thing, store bag and all at me. LOL


  21. I think the cheesiest thing was Billy Squire's The Stroke album, especially after I found out that the guy only wanted to start making out and it would give me an idea. Dumped him, but kept the album.

  22. I just came to say hi, my first blog hop, I know the giveaway is international only.
    Good luck to all!

  23. I folded a small tin full of paper crans and gve it to a friend.

  24. I got a childs valentine card with a lolipop in it from an ex. He said he forgot to get something and stole it from his son. What a loser!
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize! <^_^>

  25. I think the cheesiest valentine gift was a boyfriend got me a pizza for Valentines. (I guess he was hungry) and if memory serves me correct, I think he broke up with me shortly after that...loser! That was a bad relationship from the start!

    Great giveaway!
    areeths at new dot rr dot com

  26. I guess i'm boring bc I always get the same thing flower card chocolates and dinner. When my husband was deployed I got a dozen roses everyday thru the month of feb but thats more romantic than cheesy!

  27. baaahahaha these are too funny! Love the ab-roller Liz got her man. lol I would have to say the cheesiest thing I got was a singing telegram. BUT it was so cheesy I loved it! :)

  28. luckily, I can't think of any cheesy gifts. My husband usually takes me out for a nice dinner on Valentine's Day.
    mcv111 at hotmail(dot)com

  29. I can't really think of anything that I've given for Valentines that is cheesy but once I got a really cheap box of chocolates. LOL wish he'd have forgotten


  30. I haven't gotten any or given any cheesy gifts. I think the cutest was a monster size teddy bear that he drove home seat belted in causing people to stare. My neighbors all saw me receive it.


  31. Probably those heart candies with the pre-picked messages

  32. Well, we don't really do Valentines Day, but one year I got my hubby a chocolate shaped fish that said You're a Great Catch! Well, he really is, lol.

    hschrock24112 at yahoo dot com

  33. Cheesiest moment was last year, when I walked into my boyfriends house and he had the lights turned down low, and Barry White playing. I think he thought it was super romantic, but I couldn't stop laughing.

  34. One year I was given a card and in it he wrote I went to Vons (local grocery store) and could not find your perfume so I got you this card LOL Don't think I will ever forget this one. I now seek out my own treats ;)

  35. I don't think I have ever received any cheesy gifts but my birthday is two days before Valentine's Day so I get to celebrate both. Even though my boyfriend knows I don't like cake (I know I am weird) he gets me one each year. I thinks he gets it because he knows I won't eat it so he gets to eats it.
    Thanks for this great giveaway!
    -Maritza R

  36. A purple plastic pitcher was the weirdest gift. Go figure! At least it was my favorite color!

  37. I've never gotten any cheesy gifts on Valentine's Day.

  38. I can't really think of any cheese. One of my faves is a Dachshund decorated with hearts and stuff. I love Weiner dogs so this great!

  39. I think the cheesiest gift I received was an emergency tool set for my car. Granted, it was pink...but wow!!!

  40. The cheesiest gift I have ever received would have to be the red and pink colored pencils. I know the idea was sweet, but still...LOL
    Blog follower-Michelle Bledsoe
    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  41. I can't say 'Cheesy', but I will say that chocolates was given one year, like a lot of them, even after I said please don't buy me chocolates because you know I'm trying to lose 10 pounds! After all said and done....He said he liked my ass too much and I always lose first in that area. Go figure!
    Sebrina C
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com
    Twitter and FB too....lol

  42. I don't know if I consider it cheesy, but when I was a kid (a very loooong time ago) I would both give and receive the valentine with a lollipop.


  43. I don't know if you'd consider it cheesy, but my un-romantic ex-husband once bought me a breadbox for Valentine's Day. He was such a romantic, NOT!!

    seriousreader at live dot com

  44. The cheesiest gift!? A teddy beat shoved into a wine glass and a balloon tied to it!

  45. I don't think I've ever gotten a cheesy Valentine's day gift...hm. ericanicholas at gmail dot com

  46. Bubble bath. Thx for the giveaway...Happy Valentines Day <3

    barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com

  47. Singing frog, it was actually given to my daughter. It had boxing gloves and sang Hit me Baby One more time.

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  48. I would have to say nothing. I was going out with someone for over a year and he thought it would be a good idea not to get me a thing. No card nothing. Now I have a wonderful hubby that asks what I would like.

    mary_reiss @ hotmail.com

  49. I would say that the cheesiest thing that I ever got was a house key and the guy said it was to his heart. Umm, I think I would have preferred chocolate or maybe a necklace instead. lol High School what can I say.

    Great Give Away, Thanks.


  50. The cheesiest thing I've ever gotten was valentine socks that said 'be mine'.

  51. Its really always been the traditional items in the years Ive gotten anything.

  52. One of my ex-boyfriends gave me a musical tape of his concert performance I had had to miss when I had some conflicting event. I would have enjoyed seeing him in person, but hearing him two months later--isn't that a little egotistical? I guess that's partly why we broke up!


  53. Hmmm, I can't remember anything cheesy. I'm usually a cards and candy type of person.

    riverinaromantic AT aol DOT com

  54. I can't recall anything cheesy
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  55. I really can't remember anything cheesy on either end though I'm sure my husband has said something cheesy each year haha

    Emily D. LadyMagic0@aol.com
