Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dragon*Con Interview: James R. Tuck + give away

James R. Tuck is the author of the Urban Fantasy series Deacon Chalk:Occult Bounty Hunter. He was a busy man at Dragon*Con participating in lots of urban fantasy panels and he was usually the only male author. He is the only guy on the author blog Word Whores …hmmm… looks like he is a smart man too<G> Katie and I were thrilled to talk with him.

Sharon: Your UF novels Blood and Bullets and now Blood and Silver is a hard-hitting action packed adventure! For you, what's been the most rewarding experience with bringing these characters to life?
James: I write books because I wanted to read those books its sort of how I started writing. I read a book that was supposed to be dark and gritty and violent and reviewers loved it, how could she write this,and I read it and put it down and said “I can write better s***t than that”
So I wrote the book I wanted to read and there is nothing like getting your book, a real book in your hand. It is a great feeling.

Sharon: Where did you find the hunky beef cake for yourcover?! *fan yourself*
James: I didn’t find him Kensington did. That is James DiNonno, he is a fitness model, he is a real person…
Sharon and Katie: And his phone number and address?
James: I don’t have that, but if you go on my facebook there are photos of him holding the book. He is a friend of mine, friend him and track him down and stalk him. But he is in New Jersey so he might be a little far away
Sharon and Katie: Road trip!

Sharon: How much of yourself is put into thesecharacters, if any at all?
James: A ton. Deacon’s voice and his reactions to the world are very close to the way that I feel.
Sharon: Potty mouth
James: Very potty mouth, I am very profane. My wife is always “you should not curse as much”
Yeah, I wrote a lot of myself into Deacon. We have the same kind of thought patterns, he of course has been traumatized far more than I would ever, ever want to be. If I had to go through that, I would probably act pretty similar.

Sharon: You walk into a room and your theme song blasts! What is it?
James: Mine or Deacons?
Sharon: You can give me both
James: Deacons…I need a real kick ass song…Walk by Pantera, even though he isn’t really a metal fan, he’s a blues fan, but probably Walk.
For me it would be some really kick ass country song. I love country, I grew up on it.

Sharon: What was your favorite toy as a kid?
James: I had a ton of toys, I love toys. Even to this day, we have a toy collection. Some of my wife’s have to live in their boxes.My favorite would probably be this weird 12’ Incredible Hulk that I had. I played with that thing for probably 8 years. I had it when I was a wee child and kept it till I was way to old for it.
Sharon: Still have it?
James: No, I wish.If I had it I would have it on display in my house.

Sharon: Draw me a sheep!

Rapid Fire Round:

Sharon: Remington or Browning?
James: Browning, because the guy who created the Colt 45(John Moses Browning), his company that he created after leaving Colt was Browning so that’s why it’s my favorite.

Sharon: Zombie Nurse or Vampire Bride?
James: Vampire bride

Sharon: Coke or Pepsi?
James: Coke
Katie: YEAH! *gratuitous celebrating and unsportsmanlike conduct*

Sharon: Hello Kitty or My Little Pony?
James: ohhhhh….G.I. Joe?
Sharon: *laughter* yes

Sharon: Sashay or Shimmy?
James: Shimmy
*And no, he didn't offer to do it*

Sharon: Early Am Rooster or Midnight Owl?
James: Midnight owl, I am nocturnal

Sharon: Jog or speed walk?
James: pfffff…lackadaisically stroll. I’m a stroller

Sharon: Deep fried or baked?
James: Fried, I’m a southern boy

Sharon: Team Bucky or Team Satchel?
James: I have no idea what that means..
Sharon: OMG!
*conversation about Get Fuzzy and how I can’t believe someone as cool as James doesn’t know what that is*

James, this is Bucky and Satchel…

Sharon: Anything else before we wrap up?
James: No, that will be it, read my books! Buy my s***t.

James then signed some things for us to give away and went to visit with his son and wife before his next panel.

About the author:
James R. Tuck was born and raised in The South. Brought up on a steady diet of good southern cooking, country music, Jesus, and guns; he has always been a little weird. For over 15 years he has been a professional tattoo artist and owns Family Tradition Tattoo in his hometown of Marietta, Ga. Now he writes yarns about monsters, guns, hard-eyed men, and tough as nails women.

He puts the DARK in Dark Urban Fantasy.
His Deacon Chalk: Occult Bounty Hunter series is a thrill ride spilling over with violence and mayhem.

Here there be monsters.

Strap up, arm yourself, and hang on for the ride

One of a kind signed sheep drawing, signed bookmark, Tuck s**t and Sheep s**t!
You can see the cover for the next Deacon book!
To Enter:
1. Leave contact info
2. What was your favorite toy as a child?
*followers get double entry
Contest ends: Sept. 19 at midnight


  1. Love the sheep drawing. Books look great. I am adding them to my list.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. Lol, another amazing interview, thank you! My favourite toy as a child, lego or playmobil I guess. Besides reading lots of books I did not play much.

    I am a follower of the flock.

    auriansbooks at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for the interview and the giveaway! What a great question... I loved everything if I could play with it, my barbies, my little cars. well everything was fun.

    gfc follower: Melliane


  4. Great Interview My favorite toy as a child my Strawberry Shortcake Collection I had them all.
    GFC crystaley73
    FB Crystal Young
    Email crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

  5. My favourite toy as a child was a Baby Doll that actually crawled and cried it I hid from it. That and later my lego bricks kept me amused for hours (or at least fort hose hours when iIwasn't allowed to read :D).

    Thaks for a great interviewand an even better giveaway.

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com
    follow via
    GFC ilona
    FB Ilona Fenton
    twitter @felinewyvern
    and RSS so I can never miss this blog :D

    1. aw! we would miss you missing us you always comment and give sheep love. I never played with Legos...I was a Barbie girl.

  6. LOVE this! Especially the shimmy part, for some odd reason.
    Faith Hunter

  7. I just want to say that I love Sheep S**T and Tuck S**T. lol

    Fun meeting James in the flesh, what a fun and lovable guy! We jumped him in to the flock. He's down for life now! Woohoo!!!

  8. I had alot of favorites, barbies, toy cars, and stuffed animals. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  9. Used to play jacks a lot. Remember that? Imagine kids playing it now. Wonder if they even know what it is. Thanks for the giveaway.

    gfc sherry fundin


    1. I played Jacks too Sherry! And marbles. Fun times :)

  10. I liked Legos.

    I follow via email.


  11. wonderful interview! Although I do think we should have some vicarious video of the shimmy - hee hee hee!

  12. Tucks**t AND Sheeps**t?! And NOT in a paper bag and set aflame on my front porch?! You guys totally rock!!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

    1. we would never put Tuck's s**t on your porch! Now sheep S**t...naw, we wouldn't do that either ;)

  13. James R. Tuck's sheep drawing is adorable!!! Great interview, I loved his rapid fire responses! I haven't read Blood and Bullets yet, but I will because it looks like a pretty badass series :)

    My favorite toy as a child were Barbie dolls.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  14. OMG I am not sure I can answer this without revealing what a twisted soul I was.. hmmm let's see, the rake? no.... oh the Crowbar.. wait no.. I have to call my mom hold on (dialing WA)OK she said I only played with Barbies when forced to by the "stupid neighbor girl" That my favorite toys were my crayons, water colors and pens and my bike. I was always climbing trees, swimming, digging up treasures at low tide and "catching to many fish you refused to clean OR eat" there ya go, straight from the head parental units mouth!

    1. oops email interruptus when laptop died kriss

  15. Great interview and giveaway!! I have Blood and Bullets but haven't had the chance to read it yet. My favorite toy would have to have been my Hug-a-Bunch or my Care Bear :)
    I think I follow as Ashley Applebee but I can't remember lol
    Ashley A

  16. Hi! My favorite toy as a kid? Hmm. I think maybe that cry baby. I had one. It cried (real tears) and went potty. I thought it was the neatest thing! lol
    GFC: shadow_kohler

  17. contest over! the winner is Melliane! *sheep balloons fall from the sky* Sending you an email. Thanks to everyone who commented :)
