Thursday, November 1, 2012

Interview: DB Reynolds + give away

Today we have Vampires in America author D.B. Reynolds and "she's on a boat!" heehee, tell me you guys get that reference (NSFW)? The next book in her sexy vampire series Lucas just released so we asked a few questions about it along with more pertinent ones like if she prefers dirty cowboys or dirty firemen and what she would blow up if she could get away with it. If you stick around you have a chance to enter for winner's choice of any of her books! Sorry, we aren't giving away the dirty cowboys and firemen this time.

Welcome to the Flock! Have you heard that silly rumor about us and duct tape and flogging? Oh, you haven’t…never mind! *nervous laughing*

he is mine!
Sharon: Let’s give the readers who don’t know you or your Vampires In America *Raphael is mine* series a little crash course. Tell us about *Raphael is mine* the series as a whole. We also need to know what the future of the series is *Raphael is mine*
DBR: I think Cyn might have something to say about the *Raphael is mine* part. (laugh)  But let’s see what I can do with the rest of it. Vampires in America basically tells the story of the eight Vampire Lords who rule all of the vampires in North America. Each Vampire Lord rules a territory of his own, with the lesser vampires quite literally dependent upon him/her for their next breath. My vampires are powerful, aggressive, ruthless, bloody and violent, but also gorgeous, sexy and totally devoted to their chosen mates.
Sharon: Don’t forget the great sex!
DBR: Yeah, they've had hundreds of years to perfect their techniques in bed (and out of it) so they’re pretty talented. And vampires have tremendous stamina, plus they recover very quickly, which means they can practice their talent over and over again. <EG>
Sharon: I wonder if this is why Katie loves vamps so much….hmmm
Katie: "Stamina" I say no more. 

Sharon: Lucas comes out at the end of the month. He is the sixth vampire you have written about. Do you have a favorite vamp or storyline in the series?
DBR: That’s like asking a mother if she has a favorite child. But since we all know that mothers DO have favorites among their children, I’ll admit that Rajmund is a sentimental favorite of mine.  Though now that I’ve met Lucas, it’s a toss-up, because he’s such a sweetheart. A bloodthirsty sweetheart, to be sure, but still …

Sharon: Is there a scene you had to cut in revisions that you really didn’t want to do, but had to? What do you do with the darlings you kill?
DBR: There are always scenes that end up being cut, but they never get deleted from my hard drive. I have a special file for each novel called Deleted Scenes, and every time I delete a significant scene or part of a scene, I stick it in there, because you never know when you’ll want to go back and retrieve your brilliant prose. Plus it hurts too much to throw them away. Most of the scenes that have been cut so far were cut in the first draft, before I ever sent it to my publisher. But with Rajmund, there was a miscommunication with my publisher about how long the book could go, and I had to cut one of my favorite scenes. That’s the airport scene with Cyn and Raphael arriving in New York and being greeted by Rajmund, though that particular scene is available on my website, so my readers still get to enjoy it.
Sharon: As a fan, I appreciate it when authors put deleted scenes on their sites. So thanks!

Sharon: You also have a werewolf novella. Are you looking to branch out with a different series any time soon? If so, what kind?
DBR: I’m currently working on the first book of a new urban fantasy series, that features werewolves, demons and humans, with a werewolf male and a half-demon human female as the lead protagonists. I also have a science fiction romance that is centered around genetically modified cat/human shapeshifters on a distant planet. The first book is already written, though I need to do a round of revisions before it goes anywhere.

Sharon: both sound interesting. These genetically modified shapeshifters…um, are they modified in any “special” way? *hint-hint, wink-wink*
DBR:  LOL  Their ancestors started out as humans, or rather their ancestral DNA did. That was the modification, from regular human to big cat shifter. I will say, however, that they’re some pretty fine specimens of male.  Very, very alpha.

Katie: If you had to fight a fictional charter, villain or otherwise, with your bare hands who would it be and why?
DBR: Me personally? And I can’t have a gun? Bummer. I guess I’d go for a zombie, because I’m in reasonably good shape, I can change direction quickly, and I’m ruthless. Plus, I can always grab a flamethrower with my bare hands.  
Sharon: I would have gone with Spongebob SquarePants. He would be easy to take and I could use him to clean up the kitchen when I was done <G>
DBR:  Yeah, but as Lucas would say, where’s the fun in that? If you’re gonna fight, you need a little challenge. Not too much, mind you, I want to enjoy my chocolate cake at the end of the day, but just enough challenge to get the blood pumping!

Sharon: You have been given the keys to a Ferrari for the weekend. Where would you like to drive it?
DBR: That’s easy. I live in Southern California. I’d hop in the Ferrari and head down the Canyon to the coast, then turn right and make a run up Pacific Coast Highway, going as far as I could before I had to turn around. Then I’d stop for lunch, and watch the waves, maybe see some dolphins or a whale or two, and then climb back in the Ferrari and head south for home.  And then, I’d go visit my local spa and get a massage, because Ferraris aren’t all that comfortable. LOL
Sharon: What car would you have preferred? And who would you take with you? (Fictional or otherwise)
DBR:  I’d go for a high performance luxury sedan, with a sun roof. And, if I could take anyone with me I wanted … I’ll take one of my own guys, probably Raj. But I get to drive.

Katie: What's the weirdest thing you've been asked?
DBR: Honestly, the weirdest thing I’ve been asked was your question about whom I’d like to fight barehanded! My heroines all have guns.
Katie: Awesome. I get weird points! *fist pumps* 
Sharon: I think you have more than your fair share of those...*smack* ouch!

Sharon: What would your last meal be?
DBR: Pot roast and mashed potatoes, with biscuits and gravy. And, if I must, I’d eat a carrot or two. Oh, and chocolate cake for dessert. With chocolate chip ice cream.
Sharon: This is your last meal…you don’t have to eat veggies if you don’t want to <G>
DBR: I appreciate that!

Katie: An armored car crashes and all the money flies out...what would you do?
Sharon: We are so going to judge you by your answer…
DBR: Oh darn, I’d like to keep at least some of it, but I’d probably gather it up in neat stacks and give it back. Shit.
DBR: It’s a mark of my character that I answered that question before I saw your comment!

Sharon: If you could blow something up, what would it be?
DBR: Geez, you’re a violent bunch! Unfortunately, everything I want to blow up has political significance, and I try to be apolitical, so …..
Sharon: We think our violent tendencies are connected to the Kool Aid…want some?
DBR: Yes, please. It’s so freeing to lose one’s inhibitions! <G>
Sharon: Oh, we check those at the door ;)

This is our Rapid Fire round. Grab a bat cause they will be coming at you fast!

hungry yet?
Katie: Over easy or Scrambled?
DBR: No question. Scrambled.
Sharon: I like mine mixed with grits and bacon!
DBR:  A little sharp cheddar is always welcome.

Sharon: Coke or Pepsi?
DBR: Doesn’t matter, as long as it’s Diet.
Sharon: Oh, never got that answer… but if you HAD to pick... (We are having a “friendly” competition about this)
DBR: If I HAD to pick, then Coke, Diet, Cherry. J
Katie: More points for Team Coke!!! 

Katie: Clue or Monopoly?
DBR: Clue. I like mysteries.
Sharon: Me to, but I think I like money more <G>
DBR: Only if I get to be the banker.
Sharon: You have proven your character already so I guess that will work

Sharon: Crunchy center or chewy center?
DBR: Neither one. I like cream centers.

Katie: Wine tasting or Grocery store food samples?
DBR: Wine tasting.

Sharon: Giving or taking?
DBR: Giving.

Katie: Sexy legs or Sexy Hair?
DBR: Sexy hair.

Sharon: Dirty cowboy or dirty fireman?
DBR: Eeeeeeek. Um. Cowboy, I guess, because Lucas is my cowboy.
oh, decisions...decisions...
Sharon: *refraining from making naughty cowboy comments*
DBR: Like what? (blinks innocently)

Katie: Skipping or Spinning?
DBR: Skipping.

Sharon: Bite or lick?
DBR: Lick.
Sharon: thinking of those cowboys?

Katie: Mountain hike or Lake swim?
DBR: Lake swim.

Thanks for playing with us! See? No duct tape…<G> Is there anything you want to let the readers know before you go?
DBR: Visit my website at!

THE BADLANDS of SOUTH DAKOTA . . . haunting landscapes, legendary outlaws, and . . . vampires? Lucas Donlon, Vampire Lord, is one of the most powerful vampires in North America and beyond. Charming and irreverent to his friends and lovers, he enjoys everything about his life as a vampire. But when a neighboring lord makes the mistake of declaring war, he quickly discovers that Lucas is every bit as lethal as he is charming. Kathryn Hunter doesn’t care about powerful vampires or their wars. Her baby brother is missing and she will do anything to find him, even if it means going against both her FBI bosses and the local vampire lord. But Lucas Donlon has other plans for the lovely FBI agent who’s landed on his doorstep. Waging war against their enemies and each other, Lucas and Kathryn will risk everything to keep the most deadly vampire war in hundreds of years from engulfing every vampire, and human, in North America.

Vampires in America Series
Betrayed (Cyn/Raphael novella #1) 

About the Author:

D. B. Reynolds is the author of the Vampires in America series, as well as other paranormal fiction. She is also the recipient of two Emmy nominations for her work in television sound. DB married her University professor and now lives with him in a flammable canyon near Los Angeles. When not writing her next book, she can usually be found reading someone else's.

Yes, there’s a giveaway. A copy of any one title, including LUCAS. Print or e, and it’s International.

To enter:
1. talk to the raffledude!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Raphael is only $2.99 for kindle

  Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide


  1. If I could get away with it, I would blow up town hall.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. I am sure it all depends on who and what made my cherrios soggy at that moment and I was able to get away with it

  3. I am not sure what I would blow up but I would want it to be really LOUD!

  4. Wow, Sharon, D.B., and Katie - most excellent and fun interview:) Kudos for slapping a smile on my face through the whole thing. D.B. congratulations on your definitely sounds like my kind of read and I can't believe I haven't noticed any of your books before today. Sharon, thanks for the intro to D.B. Reynolds;)

  5. hmm.. i don't like blowing things up, especially if i can't get anything good out of it

  6. Thanks for the interview. I have been enjoying this series thanks to your recommendation. Looking forward to reading Lucas.

  7. can't think of any reason to blow something up, other that to watch it. lol usually creates more harm than good. thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Fun interview! I don't think I want to blow anything up, not that I'll admit to :) I've been wanting to start this series, so thanks for the chance.

  9. Thanks for a fun interview and congrats to DB on the new release! If I could get away with it (and get all the important stuff out) I'd blow up my BF's house. It's old (over 50 yrs) and needs a lot of work. And only if insurance would pay :)

  10. Loved the interview. I haven't read this series yet, but I have to now. :)

    If I could blow something up...Oh I think I would blow up The new Treasure Island Sirens show. There used to be a great Pirate ship show at Treasure Island here in Las Vegas with half naked pirate men and it was so much fun, but now Treasure Island is called TI and the pirate show is half naked women..not good..not good.

  11. If I could blow something up hmmmm well I really don't care to much what it is as long as it is a really HUGE explosion and I get to watch :O) Carin

  12. Maybe blow-up a castle

  13. I'd love to blow up a mountain! Preferable one that has gem stones in the soil HEHE... Love the interview! XOXO

  14. My explosion choices are political too, so I get where you're coming from! I can't express how much I love this series :) I have just ordered my print copy of LUCAS (I do have it on Kindle, but I'm such a print girl). Hate to have to say it Sharon, but if anyone's going to fight Cyn for RAPHAEL, it's ME!! Thanks for the great interview, D.B. You are my favourite author!!

  15. I would blow up... I can't think of anything I would want to blow up. Can I keep the chance until something (coughsomeonecough) really upsets me? ;-)

  16. I won't put the specific business on here but there is a definite group of individuals I wouldn't mind shaking up a bit ;)


  17. I would blow up every car that gets in my way in traffic on the way to work. Yeah! sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  18. Anything that would make a fine fireworks! =) love that. I´m not really angry enough to blow up anything specific.
    Thanks for the giveaway, =) can´t wait to read for myself!

  19. Whoever/whatever it is that calculates my income tax!

  20. If I could get away with it, I'd blow up the D M V because you have to wait 1+ hours just for 5 minutes at the window!

  21. Awesome interview, enjoyed myself very much with reading it. I would love to blow up child molestors. I really wish we had the American justice system for them, instead of just a few years in jail, a few lifetimes.

  22. If I could get away with it, I would blow up my house so I could build the home I really want!

  23. Can't think of anything to anihilate at the mo , but when I do it will have to be a big loud flash bangy explosion!

  24. Loved the interview. I would probably like to blow up my bills! lol
    Damaris (Maris) dsr002(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. I would blow up the all forms of prejudice! If only it was possible!

    Thanks for the great interview! I love me some Vampires in America! They are so yummy!

  26. Fun and great interview DB - and Lucas is HOT HOT HOT

  27. I can't wait for the next book to come out

  28. I dont't want to blow up anything. But thanks for the giveaway!

  29. Thanks for the fun and informative interview. I think I'd blow up the IRS and the DMV as long as there was some fun fireworks.

  30. Love this intervies. So many dirty comments going through my mind in the Rapid Fire round.

    I don't really know what I'd blow up but it'd have to be pretty loud and big. Maybe I'd blow up all the people (and ther building they work in) that are trying to close my local library/work.

  31. Fun interview. I would like to implode a building.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  32. I don't really know what I'd blow up but I'd have to do it big.
