Saturday, May 4, 2013

May Movie Releases

Here are the nationwide movies coming out this month. I want to see: Iron Man, Star Trek, Epic, Hangover, Now You See Me. 
What are you guys looking forward too?
May 3
Iron Man 3, movie releases, May 

May 10
Peeples, movie release, May, david Allen GeierThe Great Gatsby, May, Movie release

May 17
Star Trek, Into the Darkness, movie, release

May 24

Epic, movie release, 3D, animated

Hangover, Part 3, movie release

May 31


  1. Iron Man, Star trek for sure.. i Just wish the theaters were a lot closer!!

    1. if you wait for Star Trek you can go into town and catch both :)

  2. Iron Man 3 is the bomb diggity! Loved it. We watched it this weekend. All I can say is, show up early and get your seats. The theater was filled to capacity. :)

    1. I also heard you have to stay till after the credits too! Hope to see it this coming weekend when everyone is healthy again.

  3. Saw Iron Man 3--went to see it this past Friday at 10:15 am--got filled, but not as bad as if we'd went on the weekend. LOL

    Seeing Star Trek Into Darkness--got tickets already for fan sneaks here Wednesday before release weekend.

  4. Oh sign me up for Into Darkness, this is . . . excuse me had a fangirl moment here. I cannot wait!!!
