Thursday, August 4, 2016

Excerpt Spotlight: CHILDREN OF AMARID (The LonTobyn Chronicle, Book 1) by David B. Coe + giveaway

CHILDREN OF AMARID (The LonTobyn Chronicle, Book 1) 
by David B. Coe
Lore Seekers Press
384 pages
June 22, 2016
CHILDREN OF AMARID is the first volume of the LonTobyn Chronicle, David B. Coe’s Crawford Award-winning debut series. This is the Author’s Edit of the original book.

For a millennium the Children of Amarid have served the people of Tobyn-Ser. Drawing upon the Mage-Craft, which flows from the psychic bond they forge with their avian familiars, the Mages of the Order have fulfilled their oaths by healing the injured and ill, repelling invasions by the land’s enemies, and caring for the people in times of crisis. They are governed by laws handed down by Amarid, the first of their kind, who committed the Mage-Craft to the people’s protection. Only once in a thousand years has a mage defied those laws. Theron, a contemporary of Amarid, sought to use his powers to gain wealth and glory. For that he was punished, though not before he brought down a terrible curse on his fellow mages and all who would come after them.

Amarid’s Children were, along with the Keepers of Arick’s Temples, the most honored men and women in Tobyn-Ser. They roamed the land, serving and protecting its people, healing them when they were ill or wounded, and guiding them in times of trouble. In the absence of a formal charter binding together the land’s towns and villages, the Order, in uneasy alliance with the Sons and Daughters of the Gods, served as Tobyn-Ser’s government, guarding its people from outside threats and settling disputes among communities.

They were as much a part of the land as the Seaside Mountains, which towered above the coastline just to the east of Sern; they were nearly as important to Tobyn-Ser’s people as Arick, Duclea, and the other gods. The feathers mages left as tokens of their service were prizes to be cherished; indeed, even finding a feather was considered a harbinger of good fortune. Gifts from Amarid, they were called. As a child, Gerek had longed to join the Order himself, and Kori already spoke of it as well. Any man or woman who donned a forest green cloak and bore a mage’s staff, even a stranger, was a friend, a protector.

And yet now, confronted with this silent, hooded figure and his strange black bird, Gerek, for reasons he couldn’t name, felt vulnerable, afraid. Within him, everything he had learned as a child—everything he, in turn, had taught Kori—battled with an overpowering, instinctive urge to flee. Battled, and lost.

Still holding Kori in his arms, he turned and hurried along the path toward the safety of the boat.

“Can’t we stay and talk to him?” Kori asked, gazing over Gerek’s shoulder, his words jarred with each step.

Gerek didn’t answer, concentrating instead on keeping his footing and avoiding the roots and rocks that cluttered the trail.

“I want to see his bird!” Kori said, his voice growing more strident. “Why are we leaving?” An instant later, he whispered, “Papa,” in a tone that filled Gerek with dread. “I think he’s coming after us!”

Gerek halted and spun. The figure did appear to be following them, the easy bearing he had noted before replaced by grim purpose. Still, Gerek couldn’t make out the cloaked face, nor could he identify the strange bird. He whirled and began to run. Kori clung to his neck, bouncing in his arms. Twice they nearly fell, but both times Gerek righted himself and maintained his grip on his son. He knew without looking that the figure pursued them, gaining ground with each step.

Just as they reached the descent to the beach, Kori screamed. “His bird!”

Gerek stopped and swung around again, his lungs burning. The huge, black creature glided toward them, its flight buoyant, effortless. One might have called it beautiful. Gerek’s stomach heaved; he bit back the bile rising in his throat.

About the Author:
David B Coe
Writing under his own name ( he has most recently completed a contemporary urban fantasy called the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, published by Baen Books. The first two books,SPELL BLIND and HIS FATHER’S EYES came out in 2015. The third volume, SHADOW’S BLADE, has recently been released.

Writing under the D.B. Jackson pen name (, he writes the Thieftaker Chronicles, a series set in pre-Revolutionary Boston that combines elements of urban fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction. All four books in the series, THIEFTAKER, THIEVES’ QUARRY, A PLUNDER OF SOULS, and DEAD MAN’S REACH, are available from Tor Books.

David is the author of the LonTobyn Chronicle, his debut trilogy, which received the Crawford Fantasy Award as the best work by a new author in fantasy. He has also written the critically acclaimed Winds of the Forelands quintet and Blood of the Southlands trilogy, and the novelization of director Ridley Scott’s movie, ROBIN HOOD, starring Russell Crowe. David’s books have been translated into a dozen languages.

He received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his Master’s and Ph.D. in U.S. history from Stanford University. He co-founded and regularly contributes to the Magical Words group blog (, a site devoted to discussions of the craft and business of writing fantasy, and is co-author of How To Write Magical Words: A Writer’s Companion.

There’s a tour-wide giveaway you can share! David is giving away a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card (winner’s choice), or one of two copies of CHILDREN OF THE AMARID. Open to US residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is the first of a trilogy you're re-editing, right? Get hooked on one, get two more :-) Thank you for hosting David on his blog tour - the excerpt was an excellent introduction to the story!

    Pauline E.

    1. Thanks, so much, Pauline! Yes, this is the first book in the LonTobyn Trilogy, which continues with THE OUTLANDERS and concludes with EAGLE-SAGE.

  2. I better wait until all three are out and start them then. I just know if I don't I'll be upset at having to wait to read the rest.

    1. They should all be out in time for the December holidays, and they make great gifts! ;)

  3. I am looking forward to reading them. A trilogy sounds amazing.

  4. Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a great read

  5. I'll add this to my ever growing pile of books. :D Looks amazing.

    1. I have one of those piles, too. Hope you enjoy it!

  6. Replies
    1. The artist is Romas Kukalis and we were SO glad to get the original art work back for the re-issue. We have the original art for books two and three, too.

  7. I just downloaded a sample...this sounds like a good one..well written so far! thx for sharing!

  8. ps. I commented before I joined the giveaway...just sayin!

    1. Thanks so much, June! Glad you're enjoying it so far.

  9. Wow, sounds good. I want to know what happens with the bird. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. I liked the excerpt - looks good!

  11. Congrats on the new release! It sounds like an amazing book. Thanks for sharing the great excerpt.

  12. Sounds awesome! Can't wait to read it!

  13. Sounds like fantasy world building at its best with rich characters.


  15. This sounds like it will be a wonderful fantasy series!
