Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Swag: May the Fourth Be With Ewe!

Sunday Swag Team!
Riverina Romantics 
 I Smell Sheep 
I posted this last year and because it is so epic I am sharing it again...not because May 4th snuck up on me and I didn't have time to search for some cool sheep/starwars stuff. 

 You can play Sheep Wars! Your sheep can battle the dark side with a light saber!
click link to play
sheep, star wars, light sabers,
May the fourth be with ewe!

Death Star Pez, R2D2 candy container, Double Decker Moonpie, R2D2 jumbo eraser, Kool-Aid, Vampire sucker and Angry Bird Star Wars Band Aids.

Head over to Riverina Romantics and win more Swag!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. oh my i must win this for my brother he is a HUGE fan of Star War.
    so my brother favourite is Kyle Kartan, i'm more classic and prefer Leia^^

  2. Hmmm. R2D2, or Yoda, or Han Solo or what about Leia... Darn it. I love them all! My dad (coolest ever) took me to the original in the theater even though I was only a toddler. I have always loved SW. The originals are still my favorites. He does not know it yet but for Father's Day he is getting an original film cell from SW. So cool. This is another fabulous contest!! Thanks.

  3. I loved all of the characters in Star Wars. I guess I will go with Yoda, Leia and Luke.

  4. My favorite character has to be Yoda, love the way he talks. He's pretty swift with his battle moves.
    Thanks for the contest!

  5. I want the pez! I love pez! LOL

  6. My favorite was R2D2. I loved the blips and beeps, really could almost understand what he was saying.

    cmucha319 AT yahoo DOT com

  7. Yoda, now. It used to be r2d2 when I was little

  8. Love. May the 4th be with you too.

  9. Hans Solo is my favorite, love the sarcasm.

  10. Chewy, r2d2 and the Queen! :)

  11. Love Obi Wan Kenobi and R2.

  12. I'm an Ewok fan :). I even had a cat named Ewok.

  13. Is that even s question? Han was and forever will be my first crush. December/2015 cannot be here soon enough! !

  14. I have a dog named Wookie, love Ewoks, but R2D2 is always a favorite.

  15. Pretty cool... Star wars rocks... I love me some Han but yoda will always be my favorite

  16. R2D2 and Han Solo... Man Harrison Ford was good lookin back then.
