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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Excerpt: Fire Called (Ember & Ash, #1) by Edeline Wrigh + giveaway

Fire Called (Ember & Ash, #1)
by Edeline Wrigh
Publication date: July 23rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance
She’s the ember that started the fire.
He’s the ash that remains when all is dead.

When Emberly, a field biologist with a connection to the spirit world, returns to her hometown for her dream job, she thinks she’s prepared to defend her home and confront her destiny. But she’s not prepared for Ashton: the man she must marry to uphold the bargain she made for her life. And no amount of chastising from her ghost twin is going to change her mind.

Ashton, the handsome, reluctant heir to the mining empire that killed Emberly’s grandfather, wants nothing to do with his family legacy. But when his father announces plans to resume mining operations, his only hope at protecting the mountain is to work with the woman he fell in love with at first sight—and who can’t stand to look at him.

Forced into a fake relationship to keep the circumstances of their magically arranged marriage—and the supernatural salamanders—a secret, their annoyance with each other is only heightened by their mutual attraction. But there’s only so long they can avoid fate.

Fire Called is the first in a new contemporary romantasy trilogy. If you like steamy romances, hearing ghost stories around the campfire, and finding magic in so-called ‘mundane’ places, this one’s for you.


Excerpt 1:
The Appalachians are ancient—they existed millions of years ago, before the continents separated. They have stories aplenty to tell those who will listen to the pines sway in the wind, to the howls of the coyotes, and to the stories wildflowers tell when they bloom, each a different shape and color as the weather warms and cools in the spring.

It takes practice, sure. And there are those with gifts, like Virginia—the youngest of seven daughters—who have a special affinity for those conversations.

The sky was overcast, the air was thick with the scent of rain, and the birds chattered warnings about the impending storm on Ember’s first day in the field.

Today’s goal was to survey the area to prepare for future outings.

She had convinced Nicole she could handle the woods alone. And Nicole, ever trusting, had granted her the autonomy she craved.

Ember reveled in the solitude of the mountains. She relished the freedom to explore at her own pace, unburdened by the presence of others.

But then she heard a voice she didn't recognize.

“Emberly,” it said.

She neither saw anyone nor was sure where it was coming from.

It wouldn’t be the first time she’d heard her name called by someone—or something— she couldn’t see. It wouldn’t be the last either, especially with the amount of time she’d be in the woods after dark. She knew what the tales said about those who acknowledged such voices with words or action; it was best to ignore it.

In the early daylight, it was less likely to succeed at harming her. It was also loud enough it was probably far away. Still, spirits gossiped, and she didn’t want a reputation for being gullible.

It kept talking to her anyway.

“Emberly Jane Whitmore, you have a debt to repay.”

The “debt” mention gave her pause.

It was unwise to talk to spirits you couldn’t identify, especially in the woods. Then again, it was unwise to promise yourself to the spirits, too. Ma had warned Ember about that a thousand times and about the consequences that befell those who promised themselves and attempted to evade payment.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, directing the question nowhere in particular just in case. “I’m supposed to be working.”

“This is the work,” the voice said cryptically.

“Again, what exactly are you asking me to do? Shed my blood on a rock?”

“You will know when you know. But consider this your summons. When the time comes…”

The spirit voice? Confusing as shit. And not at all helpful.

“When the time comes, I what?”

“Be ready to meet your betrothed.”

About the Author:
Edeline Wrigh is an eccentric storyteller with a penchant for swearing, drinking too much caffeine, and spending more time with cats than people. She writes fantasy, romance, and love stories without happy endings from her house in the midwest. When she’s not putting words on paper, she’s busy upleveling her martial arts game or taking in stories in any way she can.

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$25 Amazon gift card
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 22, 2024

New Release: Feisty Felines and Other Fantastical Familiars Anthology


Feisty Felines and Other Fantastical Familiars
by editors: Kevin J. Anderson, Allyson Longueira
July 23, 2024
318 pages
You’re familiar with familiars, aren’t you? But familiars have lives, triumphs, sacrifices, epic adventures of their own—and a shadowy underbelly few ever see. Will you?

When the witches and wizards are away, the familiars will play!

Gifted adventurers across time and space often travel with an animal familiar—usually a cat, but possibly other fuzzy, scaly, or prickly creatures. These magical companions lead their humans into mischief, help them out of sticky situations, or offer opinionated commentary along the way.

We're familiar with familiars ... or are we?

Compiled by New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson and award-winning editor Allyson Longueira—and their Publishing graduate students at Western Colorado University—Feisty Felines and Other Fantastical Familiars features 26 never-before-published short stories and poems crafted by Mercedes Lackey, Heather Graham, Jody Lynn Nye, John Hartness, Steve Rasnic Tem, and many others.

You’ll love this collection kitty-littered with surprises at every turn. Some stories are whimsical, some are sad, some will tug at your heartstrings—and some will stay with you long after you close this book.

From mischievous cats to cunning ravens, skittering spiders to—a cow?—these feisty familiars will take you on a magical trip to places even wizards don’t tread.

“The Dragon’s Cat” by Jody Lynn Nye
“So Burn Us Both” by Lisse Kirk
“Trial By Cow” by Andrew Rucker Jones
“Blackwood’s Tomb” by Joseph Floyd
“The Ritualist and the Hedge Wizard” by Kit Calvert
“Beneath the Wings of Night” by Ngo Binh Anh
“Kitten For Sale” by Aster Marsh
“The Dreamer” by M. Lalli Lassegard
“A Rat, a Root, and a Big Orange Fruit” by Zach Shephard
“Second Life” by Christina Sng
“The Witching Hour Letters” by Amanda Cecelia Lang & Brittany Peshek
“The Familiar’s Familiar” by Maegan Langer
“The Cat a pantoum” by Sandy White
“Some Spider” by Pines Callahan
“Scary, Scary Skunk” by Heather Graham
“Orphans” by Matt Beswick
“The Last Life of Hilde the Small” by Jessica Feather
“And Have Never Forgotten” by Mercedes Lackey
“Fluffy” by T. Chandler
“Earth, Bonding” by Kerri J. Roe
“Not Common” by Lois Bartholomew
“The Secret of the Sorceress” by Alexander Hay
“Sink or Swim” by Rebecca M. Senese
“Old Crow” by Steve Rasnic Tem
“Tail-End” by Lia Wu
“Renfield” by John Hartness

From mischievous cats to cunning ravens, skittering spiders to—a cow?—these feisty familiars will take you on a magical trip to places even wizards don’t tread.

This anthology is the fifth produced by Kevin J. Anderson’s Publishing graduate students as part of their thesis work in the Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Western Colorado University.

About the Author:
Kevin J. Anderson has published more than 175 books, 58 of which have been national or international bestsellers. He has written numerous novels in the Star Wars, X-Files, and Dune universes, as well as a unique steampunk fantasy trilogy beginning with Clockwork Angels, written with legendary roc2k drummer Neil Peart. His original works include the Saga of Seven Suns series, the Wake the Dragon and Terra Incognita fantasy trilogies, the Saga of Shadows trilogy, and his humorous horror series featuring Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. He has edited numerous anthologies, written comics and games, and the lyrics to two rock CDs. Anderson is the director of the graduate program in Publishing at Western Colorado University. Anderson and his wife Rebecca Moesta are the publishers of WordFire Press. His most recent novels are Clockwork Destiny, Gods and Dragons, Dune: The Lady of Caladan (with Brian Herbert), and Slushpile Memories: How NOT to Get Rejected.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Excerpt: Realm of Dreams and Destiny (Entwined Hearts Series, #1) by Stella Dale + giveaway

Realm of Dreams and Destiny (Entwined Hearts Series, #1)

by Stella Dale
July 22nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance
They were bound by destiny long before their hearts were entwined…

Aralin’s life is a complex web woven with delicate threads of secrets and destinies. Born into a world where supernatural creatures are hunted, she hides a dangerous reality.

She is not human.

As a princess and pawn in the royal games of power, she finds herself betrothed to the emperor’s son. Yet, her heart beats for another––a warrior in the emperor’s army, a commoner unaware of her true identity.

Just as her world teeters on the brink of disaster, a mysterious vigilante enters her life, his dark allure tempting her toward rebellion against the oppressive emperor. His charm is undeniable, and his cause justified. With each encounter, their fates become increasingly intertwined.

Caught between two men who awaken different desires within her, Aralin struggles with conflicting feelings of duty and desire. However, a new obstacle arises in the form of an ancient prophecy. As signs of the prophecy reveal themselves, Aralin must make a difficult decision: surrender to the expectations placed upon her by others, or fight for her own fate?

Ezerick’s POV
She was, in every way, an enigma––a beautiful witch who appeared from the shadows, capturing my heart and imagination. And leaving me forever changed.

The witch with chestnut hair and vibrant green eyes has been appearing to me for five years. Each visit is our shared secret, a hidden world that unfolds within the confines of the empire grounds. She meets me in the courtyard, gardens, and stable, always under the veil of secrecy.

She believes I’m a knight in the emperor’s service because it’s what I’ve allowed her to believe. Perhaps it’s the way she often finds me in training, always clad in golden armor. Or maybe it’s the way I carry myself with the discipline and bearing of a soldier.

In her eyes, I see a mixture of curiosity and innocence. It’s a wonder that the harsh realities of our worlds have not marred what we share. She speaks to me of her life, her dreams, her fears. But never once has she asked about my lineage. Never once has she voiced suspicions that I’m more than what I appear to be.

To her, I’m a knight. Not the crown prince. Not the heir to the empire. There’s a simplicity in that identity, a freedom that allows me to be someone other than the person everyone else expects me to be. With her, I’m not burdened by the weight of the crown, the expectations of an empire or the gaze of a demanding father.

Our conversations meander through topics both mundane and magical. She speaks of her world, a place of beauty and enchantment, so different from the structured life I lead. Her tales are a balm to my soul, providing a respite from the rigors of my princely duties.

Yet with each visit, a part of me aches with the guilt of deception. I long to tell her the truth and reveal who I am, but fear holds me back. I’m afraid of losing the connection and bond we share. The truth could tear us apart. I don’t know how I might cope with losing her and what we have. So I remain silent, cherishing each moment we have, living in the stolen time of our secret encounters.

In her presence, I find a peace I never knew I needed. It’s a connection that transcends the boundaries of our respective worlds. As the crown prince and future emperor, my life is filled with duty and expectation. But with her, I’m just a young man caught in the spell of a beautiful young witch.

Sometimes I wonder if she ever looks at me and sees beyond the armor and guise of a soldier. Does she ever glimpse the prince hidden beneath the golden metal? Does she sense the lineage coursing through my veins or the destiny that awaits me outside our secret meetings?

The connection we share has grown beyond mere friendship. I’ve found a confidante in her, a kindred spirit who understands me in ways that others can’t. Our conversations drift from the mundane to the profound, each word a thread in the intricate web of understanding and acceptance we’ve built.

In the quiet moments we share, I often catch myself marveling at the ease with which we interact. There’s an effortless flow in our conversations, a rhythm as natural as the ebb and flow of the tides. She listens with a depth that makes me feel heard in the truest sense, her responses thoughtful and genuine.

There’s a vulnerability in our interactions and a mutual openness that has grown. I’ve revealed hidden parts of myself I’ve kept guarded from the world, and shared fears and dreams that I’ve never voiced aloud. In return, she’s entrusted me with her own inner thoughts, her hopes and her sorrows.

The ability to be my truest self with her is liberating and poignant. In her company, I find a sense of peace and belonging that eludes me in my royal life. She’s become a sanctuary and haven where I can lay down the burdens of my title and just be me.

This witch who’s cast a spell over my heart… I like her more than I ever thought possible. And lately, I’ve grappled with a startling realization.

I might have fallen in love with her.

About the Author:

Stella Dale is a passionate storyteller who's always had a love affair with books, devouring stories from all genres since she could first hold a book. She spent years as a dedicated nurse, providing care and comfort to those in need, before embarking on her writing journey. However, her true calling beckoned, and she left the medical field to follow her dream of becoming an author.

Nestled in the heart of Mississippi, Stella weaves captivating stories that are brimming with love, adventure, and enchantment. At home, she is surrounded by her loving husband and their three spirited felines, who never fail to provide inspiration and entertainment. When she's not crafting characters and worlds, she loves to embark on international travels, immerse herself in different cultures and landscapes, and satisfy her insatiable curiosity for life's endless tales.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)
$25 Amazon gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 19, 2024

Excerpt: Reluctant Hero (The Seeded Saga, #1) by Vanessa MacLellan + giveaway

Reluctant Hero (The Seeded Saga, #1)

by Vanessa MacLellan
July 16th 2024
Genres: Adult, Science Fiction, Superhero
Someone is taking the Seeded.
Can a psychic hacker crack the digital world and unearth the conspiracy before it’s too late?

The Seed grants extraordinary powers to a select few—the Seeded.

For Nekoka—a genius catgirl blessed with multiple Seeded powers, cool tech, and loyal friends—every day is Mardi Gras. But her carefree days in the Big Easy come to an end when her best friends decide to bind their New Orleans Seeded group with rules and duties by going official. Nekoka, a free-range hedonist, rebels against any leash, and she storms off to Portland. She’s nobody’s hero.

But she’s soon caught performing heroics when she saves lives in a freeway pileup involving abducted Seeded. As she hacks secure networks about the mysterious incident, she uncovers a sinister plot to gather low-powered Seeded, and she’s faced with a choice: confront the sadistic horrors head-on and risk capture, or hightail it to safer pastures. But the situation is critical. If Nekoka leaves, friends and frenemies could die.

Journey through the shadows where friendship, sacrifice, and determination forge heroes in the face of impending darkness.

Propped against the railing of the second level, Pablo smiled down at them. Nekoka waved as he descended the stairs.

With Pablo’s every stride and strut, Nekoka’s inner hot bod aficionado purred deeply. Cyrus was lovely, but Pablo oozed desirability. Damn.

“Pablo, looking lickable today,” Nekoka said with a husky burr.

“Oh, a licking. Is that why I had the bar opened early?” he asked with a smirk, leaning against the bar with one hip, the long lines of his body on display, the cheeky grin holding promises and secrets. There was always an element of grace and fluidity to Pablo’s movements, and it wasn’t any surprise to Nekoka that every pose, every posture he presented, cast him in an elegant light.

How could he simply lean and look sexy? And not be attainable? It wasn’t fair.
About the Author:

Vanessa MacLellan was born and raised in the farmlands of eastern Washington, works as an environmental engineer to fund her travel addiction, and is an avid birder, naturalist and hiker living in Portland, Oregon. She also loves watercoloring—you'll find many paintings on her Facebook She writes a rainbow of spec fic: fantasy, horror, and science fiction.

She searched for stories with good people and kept bumping into morally gray or villainous protagonists. Grim dark up to her knees. She doesn't enjoy constant darkness; it leaves her feeling worn down. When times are grim, she wants to face into the light and come out feeling hopeful rather than bitter. She decided to change the face of writing and bring in the light.

Vanessa loves heroic characters who understand the value of honor, sacrifice, and courage. Escape from the humdrum into magical lands where actions matter and heroes step forward to right wrongs, from small to large, to make a better world.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT) - 2 winners
$25 Amazon gift card
Ebook copy of Reluctant Hero
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 15, 2024

Book Review: The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer

The Lost Story
by Meg Shaffer
July 16, 2024
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ASIN: ‎ B0CL65K16X
ISBN: 9780593598870
As boys, best friends Jeremy Cox and Rafe Howell went missing in a vast West Virginia state forest, only to mysteriously reappear six months later with no explanation for where they’d gone or how they’d survived.

Fifteen years after their miraculous homecoming, Rafe is a reclusive artist who still bears scars inside and out but has no memory of what happened during those months. Meanwhile, Jeremy has become a famed missing persons’ investigator. With his uncanny abilities, he is the one person who can help vet tech Emilie Wendell find her sister, who vanished in the very same forest as Rafe and Jeremy.

Jeremy alone knows the fantastical truth about the disappearances, for while the rest of the world was searching for them, the two missing boys were in a magical realm filled with impossible beauty and terrible danger. He believes it is there that they will find Emilie’s sister. However, Jeremy has kept Rafe in the dark since their return for his own inscrutable reasons. But the time for burying secrets comes to an end as the quest for Emilie’s sister begins. The former lost boys must confront their shared past, no matter how traumatic the memories.

Alongside the headstrong Emilie, Rafe and Jeremy must return to the enchanted world they called home for six months—for only then can they get back everything and everyone they’ve lost.

It has been a few years since teenagers Rafe and Jeremy return to civilization after vanishing in a West Virginia state park. Rafe never remembered where they were or what happened and Jeremy never said a word. Until one day, a young woman named Emilie, whose adopted mother had died, wanted to fined her older sister, who had vanished too. She hired Jeremy who found lost people as a job.

If you enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia and the Witch World series by Andre Norton, then you will enjoy this story, a modern take on fairytales and classic fantasies. For it is more than two lost boys, but about lost stories, the one we hold in our hearts.


I gave The Lost Story 5 sheep.

Reviewed by Pamela K. Kinney

 About the Author:
Meg Shaffer is a part-time creative writing instructor and a full-time MFA candidate in TV and Screenwriting at Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. When not watching Hitchcock films, she's reading Star Trek novels. When she's not reading Star Trek novels, she's napping. Her debut novel "The Wishing Game" is available now from Ballantine.