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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Excerpt: In the Shadow of a Dream (Fareview Fairytales, #3) by Maci Aurora + giveaway

January 30th 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance
With the promise of finally learning her mother’s secrets, Brinna Fareview and her family gather together. Only somewhere between the truth and lies, Brinna wakes to find she’s trapped in a space in between the world awake and the nightmares of her family. All of them are asleep. Learning she has the ability to move from dream to dream, Brinna tries to find a way out of the dream world, but she’s stuck, unable to fix what’s ailing her family. But then an unexpected thing happens, Lucian Uraiahs, god of day and light, walks into her dream.

While Lucian decided a long time ago that Brinna Fareview was a blight on his peace, he can’t seem to avoid her. She pops up at every turn, all because his brother is god-yoked to her sister. All Lucian wants is to disappear into the oblivion of the cosmos amidst his shame and guilt, but the unbidden feelings he has for Brinna can’t be contained. When Lucian is stripped of his powers for refusing to bend to his father’s will, he is imprisoned with only his guilt to keep him company. Except when he falls asleep, he dreams of Brinna and somehow becomes the only link to saving her, her family, and his brother from a spell that could destroy them all.

Brinna and Lucian must work together to uncover the secrets they need to break the sleeping spell, but the longer they share their dreams, the more they realize time is against them.

Join the Fareviews in book three of the Fareview Fairytales series, In the Shadow of a Dream, to discover the truth that has them trapped behind the hedge.

Luc grumbled and turned back to look at the hedge once more, walking its length when he heard women’s voices—sweet and lilting—coming from inside. He stepped back, searching for the elusive entrance.

“Remember when we were talking to Tarley the other day? About the man in the woods?” Aurielle—he knew her voice—replied.

“So romantic…” the other said, her voice soft and whimsical. Which left only two possibilities: Luc’s woodland fairy or the other sister, the one with the dark, soulful eyes. “Why are we doing this again?” she asked.

He wondered which one was with Aurielle and suppressed any hope it might be his singer.

“Well, I’ve met someone.” Aurielle snapped the words, because the other one seemed to be antagonistic about being dragged out into the woods.

He grinned at their bickering. Relatable.

“I have so many questions! You’ve been behind the hedge since–” The sister’s voice cut off abruptly, then she shouted, “The Great Nap Escapade?”

“So,” Aurielle said, drawing out the word, “you’re doing this for true love. And I promise, Brin, you won’t have to wait long.”

[…]There were words spoken Luc couldn’t discern, followed by Aurielle bursting from the hedge. She called out for Nix and disappeared across the road through the bramble.

“What if someone comes?” Brinna called, then groaned. “Annoying.”

He was going to talk to her! He swallowed as he thought about what to say. “Couldn’t agree more.” Luc couldn’t see her; she was still hidden within the hedge.

She gasped. “Who’s there?”

“The brother.”

Her head—like a disembodied apparition—appeared from the hedge, turning to look for him.

When she saw him, her eyes widened. It was the first time he realized her eyes were gray. “Whose brother?”

He hummed but said, “Since we’re both on lookout duty, we could make it interesting.” “Who are you, exactly?” she asked, stepping from the hedge.

Luc’s breath stopped up, caught up by both disbelief and utter excitement. […] “There you are,” Luc said, finally finding his voice.

She demanded his name.

“Lucian,” he said, turning slightly toward her, his shoulder leaning against the hedge—a terrible choice. He straightened and wiped the leaves from his shoulder.

“And you’re not here to meet my sister?”

“Stars, no,” he said, allowing himself to truly look at her as he shook his head, grateful, suddenly, that Nix asked him to be his unnecessary companion. “That would be my brother. Come closer.” He gave her a slight grin. “I don’t bite. Usually.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I’m fine right here, thank you.”

“You know my name, which gives you power. Will you not offer the same?” Though he already knew it, he wanted her to offer it freely.

“Brinna,” she replied and disappeared back into the hedge.

“Wait,” Luc called. “Where did you go?” The hedge didn’t have an entrance. “Where are you?” “Here,” she whispered, as if daring him to find her. Despite the low volume, her voice reached him, and he wondered, strangely, if it always would.

He used his godlight to sneak through the magical threads of the hedge, and his arms passed through, allowing him to grasp Brinna. Using her as leverage, he pulled himself inside.

She squealed—a cute little sound that seemed as if she was trying to be quiet about it—and stumbled into him, her palms pressed against his chest. Heat seared his skin underneath his clothes where her hands rested.

“What are you doing?” she demanded. “Unhand me.”

He did. Immediately. Swiping his hands over the place she’d touched to wipe away the sensation.

He hated the added impulse of wanting to wrap her up in his arms.

Ridiculous. He told himself he was curious about this hedge, given he’d never seen anything like it on his Roam.

He walked deeper into an arched passageway that stretched out in front of him with no end in sight, as if it curled in on itself. Surprised by the muted light inside, Luc glanced over his shoulder, where Brinna now stood framed by an arched entrance.

She followed him. “What is wrong with you?”

His internal glow warmed the darkness inside the hedge so he could see her features, which pinched with her frown. He wanted to press his thumb against her mouth, run the pad of it across her lips, but he swallowed the urge instead and looked away.

“If I keep walking, what will I find?” he asked, ignoring her question for one of his own.

“The cottage. Where I live.” She paused, then said, “You truly couldn’t see me? That seems… unbelievable.”

He hummed and looked around. “Perhaps if it wasn’t enchanted.”

“Enchanted!” She scoffed, an unflattering kind of snort, but Luc found it… cute. “You must be mistaken.”

He snorted back at her, incredulous. “I am not mistaken. Not about this.”

“You don’t make mistakes?” She offered a sharp laugh.

He’d begun to think this—trapping himself in proximity to her—was one. “Absolutely not,” he lied. The very large mistake in his immediate past had nearly cost him his brother, but she didn’t need to know about that.

“I highly doubt that.” She crossed her arms, her dark eyebrows arching over her pretty eyes. “Now, why are you glowing?”

“Why is this hedge enchanted?” he countered, realizing he should have doused his godlight so his father wouldn’t know, but he didn’t with her attention finally fixed on him.

They stood facing one another, the hedge seeming to close in around them. He only needed to take a step, and he’d be close enough to draw her into his arms, lean forward, and kiss her. The shrinking hedge and his overpowering urge to touch her made him feel like he couldn’t take a deep enough breath.

“How do you get out of here?” The shrinking hedge unnerved him, even if it was an illusion…Then he realized he couldn’t see the opening any longer. It had disappeared. He was trapped.

“I need to go,” he gasped.

About the Author:
Website-Instagram Newsletter
Romance author.

Lover of stories.

Maci Aurora has been writing stories since she was a child. When she was eleven, she fell in love with reading Sunfire Historical Romances about girls who made a difference in their lives and still fell in love. In high school, a friend introduced her to Lavyrle Spencer and Judith McNaught, and from there, her writing journey was cemented in telling stories about love. Having already published many novels (all of which are threaded with romance as upper YA and New Adult titles) under the pen name, CL Walters, Maci Aurora wanted to write stories that offered the same attention to story and characters but with additional steam.

Maci writes in Hawaiʻi where she lives with her husband, their children, and their fur-babies.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)
Ebook copy of In the Shadow of a Dream
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: Creep: 21 Tales of Terror (Nights of Madness Book 2) by Kevin Bachar

Creep: 21 Tales of Terror (Nights of Madness Book 2)

by Kevin Bachar
January 31, 2024
ISBN: 9798874263034
A man who steals packages from people’s doorsteps takes a box he should have never stolen or opened.

When a couple goes on a weekend road trip and gets lost, they end up somewhere that isn’t on any map.

Scientists searching for the ‘God Particle’ that started the universe open a portal to a certain type of hell in one suburban neighborhood.

CREEP takes readers on a terrifying tour of our everyday lives. Wicked stories about the people and places we come in contact with each day that harbor terrible secrets and horrors. We walk through the world thinking we know where every step will lead but if the dark stars align, the commonplace can become shocking. It’s the type of horror that can CREEP up on you and leave you shaking with terror.

Kevin Bachar is an EMMY award-winning documentary filmmaker who has swum with sharks, climbed the peaks of mountains, and explored the darkest of forests. In CREEP, he leaves the wilds of the world to expose the twisted horrors of our daily lives.


Kevin Bachar has a collection of horror stories. Stories where the everyday lives of people are suddenly upended into terrifying events. Like the “God Particle.” A woman gets a call from her husband, who works at a facility where they are trying to find the ‘God’ particle, succeeding one day to their horror. He warns her to take their children and run away as far as possible. For not only do they find someplace where metal objects get sucked in, but there is ‘something’ behind that trying to enter our world.  

Another I liked was “Pipes.” Something uses pipes in homes to watch us as we shower, shave, whatever…. When the main character finds a scrawled message on his fogged-up mirror after his shower, he thinks his wife has left it. But when his wife, Mary, teases him about the same message on the mirror he left her, he tells her he never did it. Soon, Mary thinks someone is frogging them, and they even have the police check their house. Nothing. But it continues to happen until the husband dumps Drano down the sink after feeling air blown against his face, and he begins to wonder if something is in their pipes. From there, things go bad. 

Others I liked: “The Trap” (a whole new way to think about Leprechauns.), “The Winding Road,” “Off the Rails,” “With Silver Bells,” and “Legend Has It.”

If you want some short stories instead of starting a novel or for that flight or train trip you’re taking, this collection might just fill the bill. Think of the Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, and even Outer Limits. If you like these TV shows, then you will enjoy these stories.

I gave Creep 4 sheep.




Reviewed by Pamela K. Kinney

About the author
I’m a national EMMY award-winning documentary filmmaker and WGA screenwriter. If you’ve watched National Geographic, PBS, or The Discovery Channel you’ve seen my work. I’m the idiot in the water filming sharks in murky water or vampire bats in pitch-black caves. But I sometimes like to leave the factual world behind and work in fiction.

The elevated horror film I wrote - The Inhabitant - was released through Lionsgate last fall and is available on Prime. A reviewer in The Guardian wrote - “...there’s a lot more finesse here in the telling of the backstory … and a sense of menace lurking around every corner in the bland suburban setting; together it evokes indie “elevated horror” features such as It Follows.”

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Excerpt: The Allie Nighthawk Mystery Series by H.R. Boldwood + giveaway

Tell us about yourself: when did you start writing?

I write literary fiction under my given name and horror and urban fantasy under the byline H.R. Boldwood.

I live in Mason, Ohio, with my husband and a black lab named Poe. We have two sons and three gorgeous granddaughters who keep us hopping.

I began writing in the seventh grade when my English teacher asked our class to write a short story on any topic. Of course, I wrote a horror story! It was titled “The Reincarnation of Sir Thomas More.” My teacher gave me an A and was so taken with the story that he sent it to a college professor at Northwestern University. Two years later, I won an on-the-spot poetry-writing contest.

As an adult, I attended Thomas More College, where I won the 2009 Bilbo Award for creative writing. A friend from Thomas More suggested I join an international online writing group focused on producing flash fiction stories. That was the best writing education I ever had! Flash fiction writing teaches word economy and focuses on word choice and strong verbs. Pacing is everything.

Since then, I have attended and delivered many writing seminars and published numerous short stories in addition to the Corpse Whisperer urban fantasy series.

Welcome to the world of Allie Nighthawk, corpse whisperer and bad ass zombie hunter.

The Corpse Whisperer (An Allie Nighthawk Mystery Book 1)

by H.R. Boldwood
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Mystery
Zombie hunting just got wicked fun!

Welcome to the world of Allie Nighthawk, corpse whisperer and bad ass zombie hunter.

“If you raise deadheads, you’d better be able to put ‘em down. Nobody said it was pretty. But in this day, when vampires aren’t just for breakfast anymore, and the dead are disposable pawns for necromancers, someone has to ante up. Looks like I won the lotto. Imagine my delight. You should thank me, really, because the world is batshit crazy.”

When the zombie population spikes and no one knows why, it’s up to Allie to solve the mystery. But there’s a hitch. She’s stuck babysitting Leo Abruzzi, a zombie-bitten gangster who’s turning state’s evidence. But the mob and a powerful necromancer will stop at nothing to take Leo and Allie down.

Allie Nighthawk is Anita Blake on steroids, with a fondness for leather and Jack on the rocks. She has a healthy dose of Stephanie Plum and Rachel Morgan in her, too, though she’d never admit it. The battle between good and evil just got wicked fun.

Excerpt from The Corpse Whisperer:
The cemetery would be a freaking obstacle course, but Rico insisted we wait until sundown to raise our rotter. As we climbed over the retaining wall, he explained that mommies don’t want their children watching me chase decomped deadheads down Central Parkway with a flamethrower.

I get that. I got no problem being discreet. It’s not like I want to do this work in the daylight anyway. You spike one zombie’s head, the ACLU and the paparazzi are all over you like stink on a flesh-eater. Besides, biters tend to hole up during the day, since they can’t see in sunlight. Wrangling them is easier in the dark, when they’re on the prowl.

Fallen tombstones, mole holes, and titanium flower vases all vying to take out my knees are the problem. That’s why the art of negotiation comes in handy.

“Hire me,” I said as we sprinted though the headstones. “I’m tired of this independent contractor shit. I want double-time for field work, full medical coverage, and disability benefits. Call it hazardous duty pay.”

Rico stopped and swung his flashlight in my direction. “Captain Dorsey said you’ve already discussed that with him. You’re not in the budget.”

“Really, De Palma? It’s not smart to screw with the one person who can keep your ass from getting corpsified.”

“That’s Cap’s call, not mine,” Rico said, taking off with long, powerful strides toward the gravesite.

The backhoe had done the hard work. I stared at McCoy’s low-rent casket shining in the moonlight and gave Rico one last chance to bail.

“You know, this isn’t as easy as I make it look. Raising a rotter is a lot like doing a rain dance. You might get a drizzle or you might need a freaking ark. McCoy’s a freshy. He hasn’t even been dead a week. Raising him will screw with the cognitive function of his brain—the part that processes information. He won’t be capable of lying, that requires deliberation and intent. But whatever else happens is anybody’s guess. You sure you want to do this?”

“She’s six years old, Nighthawk. We don’t have a choice.”

“Open the lid.” I closed my eyes and let the power surge through me like God’s own hand.

Make no mistake, the ability to raise the dead is a God-given gift that comes with a moral obligation to protect the living and the dead. The gift itself isn’t evil, but misuse of that gift is as ugly as it gets.

The mortician had done an impressive job, given the circumstances. McCoy looked like he was napping, like his eyes could open at any moment, and he’d be confused by his surroundings. Sometimes appearances aren’t deceiving.

“Cephas Allen McCoy, in the name of God, I command you to rise!”

Cephas moaned low and steady.

I spread my hands over him and whispered a single word. “Awaken.”

Tiny rivers of light streamed from my hands into his body, causing him to pitch and thrash. Teeth clenched, limbs flailing, he sprang upright and opened his eyes—crazed, animal-like eyes that showed fear but nothing else.

He grabbed the edge of the casket and leapt to the ground above. Shit. That’s what I’d been afraid of. His muscles still had memory. The .32 he took to the heart didn’t cause peripheral tissue damage. Climbing out of that grave, for him, was no more difficult than climbing out of bed to take a leak.

We stood, face to face—almost. He looked about six-two, giving him a good eight inches on me.

“Cephas, stop!”

He froze and stared at me, like he was trying to figure out who I was, trying to use the cognitive part of his brain that no longer worked. Then he twitched.

God. I hate when they twitch.

“Cephas, where’s Twila Harris?”

He growled and drooled on my feet.

“Answer me, damn it!” I pulled the bag of barbecue chips out of my pocket, opened it, and waved it under his nose. “Tell me where she is and they’re yours.”

Rico’s eyes went wide. “Potato chips? You’ve got to be—”

“Hey. You mind? I’m working here.”

Cephas grabbed at the chips and slurred, “Duck blind on Lake Chetak. Shush…it’s a secret.”

Now for the tough question. “Is Twila still alive?”

“Yes. Yes. Pretty. Go play with her. Need to play. Need her.” His mouth quivered, and a long string of saliva that dangled from his lip bounced like a bungee cord. Then he snarled, snatched the chips out of my hand, and bolted across the cemetery.

“Ah, shit!” I took off after him, the freaking twitcher.

Corpse Whisperer Sworn (An Allie Nighthawk Mystery Book 2)

Zombies, Voodoo, and Hoodoo-what would you do?

Life Among the Tombstones (An Allie Nighthawk Mystery Prequel)

Freelance zombie hunter seeking full-time employment-benefits required.
**Get it FREE!**

Corpse Whisperer Torn (An Allie Nighthawk Mystery Book 3)

Zombie hunting 101: Never tell your neighbors what you do for a living.

About the Author:
Website-Facebook-X Amazon-Goodreads
H.R. Boldwood, author of the Corpse Whisperer series, countless short stories, and Imadjinn Award finalist, is a writer of horror and speculative fiction. In another incarnation, Boldwood is a Pushcart Prize nominee and winner of the 2009 Bilbo Award for creative writing by Thomas More College. Boldwood’s characters are often disreputable and not to be trusted. They are kicked to the curb at every conceivable opportunity when some poor unsuspecting publisher welcomes them with open arms. No responsibility is taken by this author for the dastardly and sometimes criminal acts committed by this ragtag group of miscreants.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!
$10 Amazon
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal: The Fate of Elysian by Theresa Sherron

How gorgeous is this cover?!

We're thrilled to present the the brand-new cover for The Fate of Elysian by Theresa Sherron. Available now!

The Fate of Elysian

by Theresa Sherron
May 2023
Genre: Dystopian Fantasy
Will you live a life that is predestined and controlled from your first breath of air? A life full of darkness, destruction, and pain, where your existence is owed to the survival of humanity.

Faye's eighteenth birthday turns her life upside down, just like the rest of the teens who walked this planet before her. She must travel to the city; she knows she would never return the same…if she ever returns!

In a futuristic world founded to cope with the effects of a famine that altered the course of humanity, there are certain commandments to follow to live a prosperous life. Faye steps into the city of dreams with several unanswered questions. All she has is a mysterious symbol to find her soulmate, who was predestined at birth. Not knowing who her symbol will light up for, she must trust her judgment – or destiny. Will her judgments be right?

Her rebelliousness leads her to uncover a disturbing truth about the city, which is known as their Elysian. But is it just that? Along with others, Faye is determined to find the missing pieces and bring justice to herself, her family, and her friends. She is fearless; she's not afraid to challenge those who are in power.

Has her entire life been a lie? Does she want to fight to be with the love of her life or settle with the ‘soulmate’ chosen by the city at the time of her birth?
Faye must decide.

Available on Amazon

Cover Reveal Organized By:

R&R Book Tours

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Cover Reveal: Bride of the Mountain King (Kings of Starfall, #1) by Misty Malkasian

Bride of the Mountain King (Kings of Starfall, #1)
by Misty Malkasian
March 29th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult
She must wed a powerful ally to save her kingdom. But a terrifying ghost king steals her instead.

Princess Liosa keeps half of her face hidden under a curtain of hair. She must wed to save her kingdom from the looming threat of attack by the Rose Court, but if a future husband ever found out the truth of her face, she could lose both her kingdom and her life.

But on the day she’s supposed to choose from a room full of suitors, a terrifying king arises from underground and steals her away to the Hollow Deep—and he may be worse than all the other suitors combined. He may not even be alive.

Liosa, now a queen of a strange kingdom she’d never known existed, must navigate its perils as she struggles with her terrifying new surroundings and marriage. Unsure of herself and petrified beyond what she’d ever imagined, she grapples with the same question she’s asked herself her whole life: why has the Great One chosen to inflict so much suffering on her? Hasn’t she suffered enough?

As she finds herself drawn deeper into her husband’s world, she learns of deadly goings-on in the Hollow Deep, plans that could set into motion a chain of cataclysmic events in Starfall. She must decide if she wants to remain terrified and useless, or if perhaps the Great One brought her to the Hollow Deep for a reason after all.

She only wonders—why did the Mountain King choose her? And can she ever love a creature made of mist?

With a new take on fae fantasy and an undercurrent of faith, Kings of Starfall is a connected series of clean standalone romances with their own happily-ever-after, leading up to a single cataclysmic event that must be stopped before the entire world falls to ruin.

Perfect for fans of Beauty and the Beast and Sylvia Mercedes’ The Moonfire Bride, prepare to be swept into the dark and glittering world of Starfall…

About the Author:
I grew up reading during all my classes instead of paying attention. I read anything I could find, including the backs of shampoo bottles (there's some fun stuff written on those!). At twelve I started writing my own stories, and as an adult, I still haven’t been able to kick the habit.

I live in the Midwest with my husband and two little girls, and by day, I test financial software and write code.

Check out my website for all kinds of cool things, including my newsletter, which you can sign up for to receive early news and cover reveals for my upcoming books. You can also get in on future giveaways! Visit

Funky Werepig 50th Episode No Pants Party!

 The Funky Werepig Show

 Funky Werepig 50th Episode No Pants Party!
They said it couldn't be done. 50 episodes of an old school talk show in a Tik Tok world, with a YouTube budget of $7.

But here it is--- the biggest Werepig party of all! More laughter. More music. Surprise guests. World famous comedian Michael Aronin turns the tables... and interviews the Werepig. And the piggie petters win music from our kick bahookie favorites VEER, Misty Blues, and others!   

So let us in the No Pants Zone say hugs and harroinks for all the love, the support, and the Zima. 50 episodes wouldn't have happened without you!
Are you ready to go? 

The Funky Werepig Interview
THE FUNKY WEREPIG- once a live internet radio show. Kind of like Animal House meets Larry King. Now
Ghosts of Werepig Past
And a little Werepig Future

Music interlude with Misty Blues!
**Make sure you don't miss the the answers to those burning questions (the kind you can't solve with ointment.)
Can you outrun your own a$$?
What does Slappies deliver?
 When is Dracula's Winkee coming?
What the hell is wrong with Greg?
Is Greg working par time with Toco Bell drive thru?
Is JJ Glamour asleep or playing the keyboard?
And whatever is happening here...

And always remember to be...

Watch the show HERE

The Funky Werepig
Once a live internet radio show. Kind of like Animal House meets Larry King. Now a YouTube show. And no one knows what the hell Animal House or Larry King are. So throw your pants in the air like you just don't care!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Excerpt: A Vampire in Disguise (Creatures of the Midwest Book 1) by Ava Silvers + giveaway

A witch’s mission to find her sister’s killer leads to otherworldly dangers.

A Vampire in Disguise (Creatures of the Midwest Book 1)

by Ava Silvers
Genre: Cozy Urban Fantasy Mystery, Paranormal Romantic Suspense
A witch’s mission to find her sister’s killer leads to otherworldly dangers.

When Hazel Goode’s search for a murderer lands her in Shadow Hollow, she thinks the strangest thing there is herself. But this little midwestern town has been collecting supernatural creatures for centuries, and the arrival of one more could shatter the paranormal veil.

Corwin doesn’t plan to disclose he’s a vampire. After all, vampires are supposed to be extinct. But when he enlists Hazel’s help to solve a mystery – the same mystery she is trying to solve…but for a very different reason – his secret will put them both in danger.

Helping Corwin could crack Hazel’s case wide open, or could make them the next target. Now, with the Last Vampire on Earth and Hazel both digging around in the Midwest’s magical underbelly, it won’t be long before an uncontrollable darkness is released. And this time, there will be no escape.

Fans of True Blood and Midnight, Texas will find their next fix in Creatures of the Midwest series, a thrilling, additive paranormal drama.

Scroll up and one click to start reading this cozy small town fantasy today!

**On Sale for Only .99cents Jan 26-30!!**

Excerpt for A Vampire in Disguise by Ava Silvers
“So, what’s that you have there? A touchstone? Do you have magic, Corwin?”
He held up a metal disk that looked ancient and had an oval shape. He let me hold it, and its warmth surprised me. I was warm, too, as though I had stepped through a wall of fire. Willow’s vibrant laughter slipped through me, a sound I recognized, even without hearing it, as joyful. The edges were worn thin, and the etchings on either side looked faint, but I didn’t recognize the symbols.
“I’ve had that as long as I can remember.”
He looked wistful as he took it from my fingers and flipped it, catching it deftly and slipping it back into his pocket. “Ja—,” he hesitated. “Just a little something from someone I used to know. At one point, it was the currency in Persia, but now, it’s my daylight token. With the right relationship and the right spell, any object can be put into service. Vampires and witches have a long history, it’s just well-concealed. Sarah spelled this for me and—”
Suddenly, Corwin clutched my arm with a vise-like grip, his eyes wide. “Hazel. Where is Willow’s token? What happened to Willow’s daylight charm?”

**Coming Soon!**

Once Bitten, Twice Turned (Creatures of the Midwest Book 2)

Let Sleeping Vampires Lie (Creatures of the Midwest Book 3)

About the Author:
Ava Silvers is a Midwest Urban Fantasy author whose obsession with the supernatural transcends from her storytelling into real life. When not writing about her own imagined paranormal locations, her idea of a good time is visiting abandoned towns and haunted hotels. A collector of rare books and strange artifacts, her home, like her books, is filled with all things magical and mysterious.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!
$10 Amazon
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 26, 2024

Excerpt: Murder and Magic Series by Yurie Kiri + giveaway

It’s going to be a wild ride so strap in and hold on.

Moonlight Beach (Murder and Magic Book 1)

by Yurie Kiri
Genre: Supernatural Murder Mystery, Paranormal Thriller
Winner of the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival’s award for Genre Fiction.

Chick lit Café Awards First Place toMoonlight Beach: Murder and Magic by Yurie Kirifor best Paranormal Thriller, Crime & Mystery - April 2023.

What Is Shattering The Idyllic, Seaside Community Of Rancho, California?

Grisly death. Bodies washing up on nearby Moonlight Beach. It’s downright disconcerting to the privileged one percent living in their gated communities in one of SoCal’s ritziest enclaves. Worse, they have no idea what or who is behind the slaughter.
Is It Sharks? Something Supernatural? Greedy Venture Capitalists?

Maneaters are known to inhabit the waters off Moonlight Beach, but shark attacks are rare. What about black magic, satanic rituals? A coven of witches lives nearby. Or could it be the venture capitalists, whose latest company harvests human organs for transplant, exploiting the vulnerable to save the wealthy elite?

The Violence Shows No Signs Of Ending
Two more people are killed on a cliff overlooking the beach – and all their organs are missing. This bloody terror isn’t slowing down. It’s accelerating. What the hell is going on? They better figure all this out before more people get butchered or, God forbid, Rancho’s inflated property values plummet.
**On Sale Now for Only .99cents!!**
Amazon-Author’s Site-Bookbub-Goodreads

Excerpt from Moonlight Beach by Yurie Kiri, copyright 2019

Roy Vasquez parked his Cadillac convertible at the edge of the beach, got out, slammed the door shut and walked towards the sound of the crashing surf. As he walked he concentrated upon breathing in all the natural scents of salt water, sea weed and the beach environment. Suddenly he caught a scent of expensive perfume and he looked around for the source. Roy smiled when he saw the young woman walking alone at the water’s edge. How had she gotten there? His was the only car parked along the deserted coast road. Maybe she was alone?

The large flat screen TV over the back of the bar at the Rancho California Inn was playing the early evening news showing an attractive young news woman standing in front of a rugged California beach with waves crashing on a rocky shore.

“This is Monica Jones, Channel 7 News at 5. We’re continuing our coverage on the string of brutal murders plaguing our little community. Some people think that as many as five victims, all women have been killed over the last six months by the same person who left another battered body on Moonlight Beach just last week. Like the others, there’s been no progress with the recent victim, another young woman who is still unidentified…” The scene on the TV screen quickly shifted from Monica’s carefully made up face to a shot of a something lying on a deserted beach covered by a sheet and then it switched to a drawing of a young woman’s face. “Anyone with any information about the victim….”

“What?” Beverly said shocked, staring at the screen. “There’s a serial killer in this neighborhood?” She put her drink down on the bar and stared at the man sitting next to her. He was a local she’d just met. “I never heard about that! I thought it was safe here…”

“Hey! Jose!” the man shouted at the bartender, a slender young Latino. “Turn that shit off! It’s disturbing the lady! She’s from back east and doesn’t need to hear that crap! Everyone knows Monica is full of shit! Remember that alien abduction story? It went on for a whole week!”

“Sorry Mister Goldman,” the bartender said glancing over at the compact, tough looking man with short cropped, curly brown hair. He switched the TV off and looked back at Dicky Goldman and at the startled attractive, dark-haired woman sitting next to Dicky. “Okay now? Or shall I put on some sports?”

“I never watch the local news,” Dicky said to the woman, he thought that her name was Beverly but he wasn’t sure. “Monica always says such stupid shit. You would have gotten a kick out of her alien story… Hey, you okay, baby? Want another drink?” She looked frightened but he wanted to get her drunk and up to bed in her room as quickly as possible.

“I’m fine,” Beverly said wishing that she’d never stopped at the bar after checking in. She didn’t think that she’d go to that beach either after seeing the news. “Why do you think Monica is wrong? What happened out there?”

“She’s trying to turn a shark attack into a murder,” Dicky said with a smirk. “What a bunch of bullshit! Another drink?”

“No thanks, I’m feeling a little jet-lagged,“ Beverly said thinking that sharks were just as bad as human serial killers. “I think that I’ll go back to my room now. Can I call you tomorrow after my meetings, when I’m free?” Dicky was starting to creep her out and she was glad that she’d kept her room number secret. She hoped that she could see more of Monica’s news broadcast up in her room and a lot less of the local men, one of whom could be a serial killer, if Monica was right.

“Sure baby,” Dicky said glaring at Jose, the bartender again. He blamed the bartender for screwing up his chances with the attractive out-of-towner. “You’ve got my number, right? Don’t worry about Monica’s wild stories, she’s just trying to pump up her ratings. Anyway, call me tomorrow when you’ve got more time. I’m going to be tied up later on tonight…”

"Tell me again,” the young woman said. "I don't understand what you mean...." She looked at her host, a smiling, but intense and fit, brown-skinned man with a short black pony-tail. She had just met him at Moonlight Beach where he’d introduced himself as Roy and she hoped that he was rich. He drove a nice car, he certainly lived in a rich area and he had a big house but he looked sort of weird sitting on the floor shirtless and shoeless, just wearing a pair of tight designer jeans.

"You want to have a real psychic experience, don't you?" Roy Vasquez asked looking closely at the young, brown-haired woman he’d picked up on the beach. "You said that you did on the beach, didn't you... Fay?" He hoped that he got her name right. He went through a lot of women and their stupid names like Tammy-Fay or Mary-Jane all kind of ran together in his mind.

"Sure, what you told me before at the beach sounded cool and trippy,” Fay said with a smile. "Nothing like I ever heard before.... but now that I'm here, you have to explain it to me all over again."

"Sure! What I do is based upon old Indian ways,” Roy said with a knowing smile. "See this house and land?" He waved his hand at view out the window of the rolling hillsides that separated his house from the vacant neighbor’s house. He hoped they never sold it; he liked the privacy.

"Yes, your place is beautiful,” Fay said. She felt a little out of place however. She was barefooted and still dressed for the beach. "And... this big house, it’s all yours? You live here, all by yourself?” She hoped he wasn’t married. Meeting a rich, single guy was her dream.

"Yes, but this land, all of it used to be Indian land,” Roy said proudly. "The ancient ones explored this land and discovered, then used the various hidden power places! Under the right conditions, in their sacred spots, they met powerful spiritual guides..."

"Really?" Fay said. She was interested but she was also hungry. She had skipped lunch and it was almost dinner time.

"Really,” Roy said. "Do you want to try it? Meet a spiritual guide? Or an ancient Indian soul?"

"Sure,” Fay said. "You know I do. That's why I let you bring me here. I don’t usually go places with a stranger but I studied American-Indian stuff in school. And I do know a little about their religious practices... but didn't they have to wait for the right time or something? You know, like a special moon rise?”

"Tonight’s the full moon, but it's always the right time in my house,” Roy said with a grin. “You’re not from around here, are you? Where’d you go to school?”

"Back east. Anyway, why's your place so special?" Fay asked glancing around at Roy's decorations. His house was filled with Indian artifacts that looked fit for a museum. Maybe Roy was an Indian, she thought; he looked like one at times, but she couldn't tell how old he was. Sometimes he looked old, and sometimes he looked young, but he was certainly brown and strong looking, and almost devoid of body hair. That was what had impressed her when she met him at the beach. He had been wearing nothing but a tight speedo-style swimsuit and his bare, brown body had rippled with god-like power when she’d seen him walking towards her among the deserted sand dunes. “Tell me why.”

"Because this house was built, with solid adobe bricks, right on top of one of the best of the old Indian power places,” Roy said with a confident smile. "Power is always available here, you just have to be open to exploring it..."

"Cool,” Fay said staring at a large stuffed rattlesnake in a lighted glass cabinet. "Where is it? Your power spot?”

"I'll show you in a moment,” Roy said. "First you have to be prepared... you know, like we discussed on the beach.”

"You mean take some magic mushrooms?" Fay asked. "Sure, give me some. I'll do it with you.” She shook her head affirmatively and smiled. She liked drugs.

"You ever do mushrooms before?" Roy asked looking into her innocent blue eyes.

"No, but I know it's a part of the Indian religious experience,” Fay said smiling. "So, I want to try it. It’s a lot like pot, isn’t it? I smoke pot.”

"Sort of,” Roy said. He stood up and went into the kitchen. Young girls were so gullible and trusting, he thought. Good thing she’d hitched a ride to the beach alone, there’d been no one else to deal with when he’d scooped her up.

"Got anything to eat in there?" Fay called out. "Or drink?"

"Wine and fruit okay?" Roy asked loudly as he rummaged around gathering up the supplies. He knew that if she was hungry, her empty stomach would let the mushrooms act quicker. He carried a tray back towards the young woman and found her still sitting cross-legged on the floor.

“Fruit sounds good,” Fay said watching Roy come back into the room with a tray balanced on one hand like a waiter.

"Wine too?" he asked, looking at her. She looked good enough to eat, he thought. She wore skimpy shorts over a bikini and had tousled brown hair. Her firm young body was sunburned in some places and pale in others.

"Wine is fine,” she said, giggling in anticipation.

"Good,” Roy said setting the tray down. He handed her a shriveled-up piece of dried mushroom. "But take this first. Wash it down with some wine." He poured wine into a glass and handed it to her.

"You taking one too?" she asked as she tossed the dried mushroom into her mouth and started chewing.

"I already did,” Roy lied, sipping wine and watching her. “You need to catch up!” He saw that she had swallowed the mushroom and chased it down with wine. He refilled her glass as she made a face at the mushroom’s bitter taste.

"That was pretty nasty,” Fay said. "How long until it kicks in?"

"Not too long so don't worry,” Roy said smiling. He picked up a piece of fruit and nibbled on it. "Those are good ones..."

"So, where's your Indian power place?" Fay asked. She picked a piece of apple off the dish Roy had sat on the floor and crunched upon it while watching him. She wondered what the mushrooms would feel like but then she wondered when Roy had taken his piece. She didn't recall seeing him eat one, but maybe he had done it in the kitchen.

"Outside by the fire pit,” Roy said waving his arm towards the back yard. "But let's wait until the moon starts to rise before we invoke any power. That should make the spirits more receptive to us, providing you do the right thing..."

"What kind of spirits are there?" Fay said excited. "And what else do I have to do to meet them? I mean, I ate your mushroom, is there anything else I need to do to get ready?”

"I'll help you,” Roy said expansively. "I'll be your guide, just do exactly what I tell you and everything will be fine...." He smiled at her.

"But what kind of spirits are they?" Fay asked while chewing noisily on another piece of sweet, tasty apple.

"Indian spirits of course. One in particular is the powerful spirit of a departed Indian Shaman... killed on this very spot by a snake,” Roy said with a wide grin pointing at the floor. He watched Fay’s blue eyes widen in surprise and he smiled broader. Actually, the Shaman he’d described had been killed outside but he wanted to impress Fay. Her expressive face had a glow of anticipation.

"A snake?" Fay asked. "I didn't think that a powerful Shaman could be killed by a snake. He must not have been that strong..."

"It wasn't a he,” Roy said, looking into Fay’s eyes. "According to legend this powerful Shaman was a woman. You know, Indian women could be even more powerful witches than men in those days. Anyway, one day, this woman was walking through the grass when the snake bit her. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake that snake off and she couldn't get the poison out."

"It probably wasn't a snake. Maybe it was another Shaman or a medicine man who wanted to kill her,” Fay said. "That's the kind of stories I’ve studied in college..."

"I'm sure it was,” Roy said shaking his head affirmatively. "Anyway, after the snake killed her, she vanished.... turned into dust right," he pointed towards the outdoor fire pit like he knew exactly where it had happened. "Out there."

"Wow..." Fay said slowly. She suddenly felt rather weird and detached. Maybe it was the wine on an empty stomach or maybe it was the mushroom kicking in, she couldn't tell which.

"Really wow?" Roy said amused by the look on Fay's innocent, expressive face. She looked dazed yet happy. In a little while he could do anything he wanted with her. But first he wanted to use her to contact that departed spirit. He had an ancient score to settle with that old witch and the spring full moon was the perfect time.
Moonlight Canyon (Murder and Magic Book 2)

Amazon-Author’s Site-Bookbub-Goodreads

Moonlight Duology (Murder and Magic Books 1 & 2)


Moonlight Rocks (Murder and Magic Book 3)

"A Wild and Crazy Ride."

"... if you're not used to the writer, buckle up."

"This book has very great character development with a plot so great that you can’t ignore nor get enough..."

"The author’s use of religion to push the plot forward and develop characters is so masterfully crafted and unique – I’ve personally never seen in done in a novel like it is portrayed in Moonlight Rocks."
Amazon 5-star Reviewers

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Moonlight Rip Tide (Murder and Magic Book 4)


**Coming soon Spring 2024!**

About the Author
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Yurie Kiri speaks Japanese, English, French and has studied Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish and a smattering of other languages such as Korean and Russian along with binary and hexadecimal machine language. Why? Because if you really want to get to know someone, you need to speak their language no matter if they’re machine or human.

Yurie lived and worked in Asia for decades before recently coming to America. Yurie went on an extensive backroad journey all across the US and Canada. Yurie also sailed (single-handed) from Mexico to the Canadian border, retracing a well-traveled road journey by sea in a small, live-aboard sailboat.

Yurie has been traveling and gathering story ideas from Asia for the Game Series, which covers Japan and other Asian countries, and North America for the Murder and Mystery Series which covers the American Southwest.

And, yes, Yurie does not use pronouns (for a reason). For one thing, it keeps the reader guessing – is Yurie male, female, non-binary, or even a machine? No one really knows for sure…

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