GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Seven Sinful Years of Smelling Sheep! Giveaway | I Smell Sheep

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Seven Sinful Years of Smelling Sheep! Giveaway

check out this awesome birthday banner created by Bianca Greenwood!

We made it another year!
We want to give a big shout out all those responsible.

Our Reviewers
Pamela Kinney, Denise B, Jeanie G, Bianca Greenwood, Adria Reyes, Tammy K.

For taking the time to write all those guest posts and offering some great giveaways. And let's not forget putting up with our interviews!

To the large and small presses for all the books and giveaways you offered.

The Flock...what would we do without you! Whether you visited us only once to enter a giveaway or you subscribe via email, thank you putting up with our occasional brain farts.

I Smell Sheep FB Group Members
Y'all make us laugh with all the sheep and dragon pics/videos you share.

We raise our plastic kid's cup (you know the one from that restaurant with the lid) of Kool-Aid to all of you! Head over to Baaart's booth and get a hug, kiss and moon pie from us!

There are four prize packs. The three with books are US only. The signed Tshirt from NolaStoryCon 2017 is international.

Prize 1
-XL shirt signed by everyone (excerpt Jeanine Frost) that attended 2016 Nola Story Con. There is some swag from the event. Because I didn't get Frost's signature I have included the four bands she gave out during a book tour one year. Don't think you can get them anymore :)
-lots of author and sheep swag will be included
Thanks to Elizabeth (The Book Attict) for the author list!
Jeaniene Frost (not on shirt)
Melissa Marr
Ilona Andrews
Kelley Armstrong
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Charlaine Harris
Lara Adrian
Jeanette Battista
Jenna Black
Rachel Caine
Kresley Cole
Zoraida Cordova
Cora Carmack
Jay Crownover
Kimberly Derting
Sonali Dev
Kami Garcia
Molly Harper
Kevin Hearne
Beverly Jenkins
Sophie Jordan
Laura Kaye
Katie McGarry’
Chloe Neill
Jana Oliver
Pamela Palmer
Aprilynne Pike
Kristen Proby
Gena Showalter
Rachel Vincent
Jaye Wells
Sarah Wendell
Samantha Young
Wendy Higgins

Prize 2
US only
-Dani Harper (lg) tote bag + swag
-books! Peeps, Pez, Batman soap, Baaart
-various author and sheep swag will be added

Prize 3
US only
-Feehan tote bag + swag (includes a flash-drive bracelet)
-Books! Peeps, Baaart, Pez, dragon earrings
-various author and sheep swag will be added

Prize 4
US only
-Ashlyn Chase insulated lunchbox
-Gini Koch totebag
-Books! PacMan soap, Peeps, Pez, Baaart
-various author and sheep swag will be added

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I ate a whole bag of sour gummies at the movies last night. Pretty sinful if you ask me ;) Aaaaaand we are pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Happy Blogversary!

  2. Nothing sinful lately. This is the swaggiest and most awesome group I know! Thanks for keeping me as a member of the flock!!

  3. OMG I would love to win any of those great prizes! Happy anniversary!

  4. I don't always share my chocolate and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Happy Anniversary!

  5. i am not very sinful but I love your blog ... Happy 7th blogversary!!!

  6. I'm also not very sinful but love ya'll! Happy Blogversary!!!!!!

  7. Happy blogoversary! Seems like we were just celebrating #6.

  8. I haven't done anything really sinful lately... But I love I Smell Sheep! You guys totally ROCK!
    Ashley Applebee

  9. Happy blogoverary. I cannot believe it has been that long. Many you have many more years!

  10. Nothing sinful lately, however, you all are so awesome and thanks for the great giveways that you have.

  11. I look forward to your reviews every time they show up in my inbox! I love the variety of genres that all y'all read and the movie reviews tend to go the way my own brain goes :D <3

  12. It's Lent, so, like L'il Jon in that old Chappelle sketch, I plead the Fifth. So happy for you, though--keep on keepin' on!


  13. I at 3 rolls with dinner last night, even though I knew they were 180 calories apiece!

  14. I at a whole chocolate *looks a bit guilty*
    Congrats on the blogoversary!!!!

  15. I am sure I have several sinning things, speeding, white lies to my children and spending too much on something I was not suppose too. Happy Blog Birthday!!

  16. Happy Blogoversary!! You're really really great and I want Baaart! I just ate 6 pcs of DOVE chocolate ;).

  17. I find this site humorous so I visit often. Good job

  18. Happy Blogoversary! As for something sinful well I've done nothing unless you count my reading. My books aren't always on the good side. ^_^! Thank's for being awesome!!

  19. I bought ten milk chocolate marshmallow filled eggs and I intend to eat them all myself.

  20. nothing; happy blogiversary!

  21. Happy blogiversary!! *tosses confetti*

    The most sinful thing I've done is order more books even as my TBR pile leans over like the tower of pisa. lol Thank you for all the great posts, authors and books. You are greatly appreciated and enjoyed!

  22. I ate an entire Share size bag of Coffee Nut M&M's... and didn't share them. That's right, no sharing for me... mwahahahahaha

  23. You're awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. The most sinful thing I've done lately is having a little too much chocolate!
    Happy Blogiversary!!
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  25. Ate some sinful Mozart chocolate.

  26. I ate a wonderfully decadent chocolate cupcake with ganache and vanilla whipped cream. Mmmm! --- Heather Rizzuti

  27. Just visited Dairy Queen for a shake that I really did not need. Your are great.

  28. Oh my goodness I can't even begin to go into how amazing you guys all are. I keep staying up after work to read which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't end up with only 3-4 hours of sleep before I have to get up to get the kids ready for school.

  29. Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more. The only thing I could say was sinful is I brought a candy bar to the doctor's office and ate it while hiding behind a book. LOL

  30. I hide candy from my kids so I can eat it! LOL. Happy Blogoversary!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  31. Hubby bought a king size Butterfinger and I ate the whole thing in one sitting. It was the only chocolate or candy I'd had all month and it was totally worth it. lol But other than that I've been good. You guys are 100% amazing though.

  32. Went skinny dipping in the pool...during the day. I waved at the planes flying over. LOL Happy blogoversary.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  33. I ate the cereal that my daughter bought for herself.

  34. I try to avoid sin ;) I Smell Sheep is the most wondrous, woolly, BEAUTIFUL blog everrrrrrrrr--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  35. I made a batch of red velvet cupcakes from scratch...and hid 6 of them in the freezer so I could enjoy them later.

    Congratulations on 7 years!

    P.S. I emailed you the author list from NOLA Storycon 2016.

    1. thanks! I didn't get it...which email did you use? mine is sstogner1 at gmail dot com

    2. I just resent it to you. I had previously sent the list to k28dalton at gmail.

  36. I haven't done anything very sinful lately as I lead a very boring life. This is why it's such a good thing you are all here to entertain me :D Congratulations on the 7 years of doing so.

  37. Happy 7 yr blogaversary I have been with you a long time I wish you many more years of love and luck thank you for everything you do. What sinful things have I not done lately is what you should have asked baaaaaawaahahahaha loves you bunches

  38. I have been an good lately.. You all rock the internet..

  39. I wasn't all that nice to my monster in law this week. In my defense she is also my boss and not that nice to me!!

  40. Happy Blogaversary!! I wait until my boys fall asleep and then eat some of their candy from Easter.

  41. i would have to say smoking cigarettes.i told myself i was gonna slow down and haven't. i really need to do this

  42. Happy 7 Year with your blog!! Keep up the awesome work! I am addicted to peanut butter too much!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I'm not sinful but you guys ROCK! Love your blog!!!!!
