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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Excerpt: Ancient Protector (Ancients Rising Book 1) by Katie Reus

We are so excited to be helping USA Today bestselling author Katie Reus celebrate the launch of her brand new paranormal romance series! ANCIENT PROTECTOR, book one in the Ancients Rising series, is out now and it's one you don't want to miss!

Ancient Protector (Ancients Rising Book 1)
by Katie Reus
June 30, 2020
260 pages
Even as he fights for their future…

With the world still rebuilding after massive dragon attacks, famous singer Star isn’t willing to rely on a stranger to protect her family—though dragon shifter Lachlan is difficult to resist. Something about him is strangely familiar, but she doesn’t understand why. He’s already helped Star rescue her sister from a recent abduction, but trust doesn’t come easy when his kind has nearly hunted her race to extinction. When her sister’s kidnapper launches another violent attack, Star has no choice but to accept Lachlan’s aid. But no matter that he’s stepped up to protect her, she’ll never allow the ancient Scottish dragon into her heart.

They’re bound by the past.

Lachlan lost the woman he was meant to mate millennia ago. Unable to live in a world without her, his pain drove him to hibernation. He never thought he would move on—until Star. He’s well aware the feisty shifter is his new destiny, so if tailing her to New Orleans is what he has to do to be near her, then so be it. When Star is attacked, Lachlan resolves to protect her at all costs. And he won’t have to do it alone. It will take Lachlan, his clansmen, and Star’s misfit band of friends to rain fiery vengeance down upon their enemy if she and her sister are to ever be truly free. Only then can he claim her and discover the shocking truth that lies buried in their past.

“Lachlan,” she murmured, the feel of his name on her tongue familiar.

“I like it when you say my name.” His Scottish accent got just a little bit deeper, and a whole lot sexier.

She fought off a shudder as something echoed inside her. Damn it, she needed to shut this down now. “Look, tonight was pleasant—”

“Pleasant? Already giving me the brush-off, lass?”

“Not the brush-off. Lachlan—”

He groaned. “I told you I love it when you say my name. Are you just trying to drive me mad now?”

His Scottish brogue was so crazy sexy and damn did she feel that all the way to her toes. “Fine, I won’t say your name again.”

“Oh, I want you to say my name. Particularly while my head is between your legs—”

“Lachlan!” She turned to stare at him. No one ever talked to her like that. People usually kissed up to her, and on the occasion a man or male worked up the courage to ask her out, they were usually douchey frat bro types. Or mega-rich assholes who assumed she would say yes. This… She had not expected this boldness.

He shrugged his broad shoulders, looking more delicious than she could handle. “I believe in honesty.”

“I don’t care,” she spluttered. “You can’t just say stuff like that.”

“Why not? I know you want me.”

“You’re a very maddening, arrogant dragon,” she muttered. “What?” she asked when he gave her a strange look and stopped. “That can’t be the first time someone’s said that to you. I feel like you probably drive people crazy all the time with your ‘honesty.’”

“No…it’s not the first time.” Still, the look he gave her was almost guarded.

She looked away for a moment as they stood in the alley that ran behind shops and restaurants. It was quiet, though she could hear people in the distance—laughter, little strings of music coming from somewhere. But here in this moonlit alleyway, there was only the two of them. The knowledge that it was just the two of them here heated her blood.

She wanted to say his name but didn’t want him to drop another sensual statement on her. Instead she pressed her palm to his chest, intending to… She wasn’t sure what her intentions were. But the instant her fingers curled against his shirt, he let out another groan and dipped his head toward hers. He didn’t pause, didn’t wait as he brushed his lips over hers.

As if he had every right to.

She was the one who deepened the kiss, grabbing onto his shirt and tugging him closer. As she did, it felt like a dance they’d done a thousand times before, like coming home. Something inside her broke free as she sank into this teasing, the sweep of his tongue against hers.

Immediately he took over, a low rumble emanating from his chest as he hoisted her up, as if he couldn’t get close enough to her. She wrapped her legs around him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She had the feeling he wanted to pin her to the brick wall, but instead he simply wrapped his arms around her, cupping her ass and pulling her tight to him as he delved his tongue into her mouth.

Teasing, tasting, tantalizing. Triple Ts, and the man was making her crazy.

Heat flooded between her legs as he kneaded her ass, again in a way that felt so damn familiar. She didn’t question it but grinded up against him instead, rolling her hips against him as they made out like teenagers. Even as they kissed, she hated that there were clothes in the way. Her nipples tightened against her bra cups, the friction sending another rush of heat through her. God, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d simply made out with someone and it was invigorating and—

“Holy shit,” she heard someone mutter from nearby and pulled back.

That was when she realized she was glowing. Well, her purple fire was flickering all across her body and her hair. And her skin had a soft, violet glow to it. Oh goddess, no. No, she hadn’t felt the change come on at all.

About the Author:
Katie Reus is the New York Times, USA Today, and IndieReader bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, the Moon Shifter series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom’s stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn’t always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated summa cum laude with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. Her book Avenger’s Heat recently won the Georgia RWA Maggie Award for Excellence in the fantasy/paranormal category.

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