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Friday, November 26, 2021

Last Stop: Horror on Route 13 Anthology + giveaway

Last Stop: Horror on Route 13
October 30th, 2021
Genre: Horror/ Anthology
Publisher: Eerie River
A terrifying journey into America’s forgotten regions.

You ever heard of Route Thirteen? No, not that one.
The real one.

It ain’t on no map, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who’s travelled it. I dare say this book’s the only evidence you’ll ever come across mentioning that forgotten road. Or the bar.

Goes by the name of Whiskey Pete’s.

That shiver you just felt? That’s a warning, and so’s this book. Thirteen stories of pure horror, blood-curdling violence and spectacularly bad decisions, inspired by the poor folks who fell foul of old Route Thirteen and Whiskey Pete’s.

Let this book be your warning. If you find yourself on that forsaken road, with the warming lights of Whiskey Pete’s upon your windshield, turn back. Or it’ll be your Last Stop

A shared-world anthology of dread authored by

Holley Cornetto ~ L. T. Emery ~ Peter J. Foote
J.W. Garrett ~ David Green ~ Stephen Herczeg
Abigail Linhardt ~ Beth W. Patterson ~ Lynne Phillips
Austin Shirey ~ Joshua D Taylor ~ V. A. Vazquez ~ Patrick Winters

$25 Amazon e-Gift Card (Closes December 2nd at Midnight EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized By:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the release of Last Stop: Horror on Route 13! It sounds like a great shared world anthology for me! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a magical holiday season!
