GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ The Funky Werepig Show Season 4: Episode #26 | I Smell Sheep

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Funky Werepig Show Season 4: Episode #26

Season 4: Episode #26
Hey but hey, howdy and Harroink!

Happy Turkey Day! And you can't spell T-h-a-n-k-s-g-i-v-i-n-g without 'Misty Blues.'

Your Funky Werepig is giving his annual thanks with one of our all-time favorites, GINA COLEMAN! Bringing the stories, the laughs, and that beautiful kick bahookie music that only MISTY BLUES can bring.

We're all at the kiddie table-- eating stuffing and chugging Zima. And we saved a seat for you!

Gina Coleman
Blues singer
Blues and Blues Infused Jazz, Funk and Soul
Gina is a graduate of Williams College.  She began singing in 1990 on a dare by her co-workers and hasn’t turned back since.  She began performing in a duet, The Siblings.  Gina shortly started her own duet, Cole-Connection, which blossomed to a five-piece band that allowed her to showcase some of her original music.

Music Spotlight
Misty Blues

**Make sure you don't miss the the answers to those burning questions (the kind you can't solve with
What is the werepig thankful for? (do you even want to know?)
Will Mike Aronin finally get to appear on the FUnky Werepig show?
 Who is JJ Glamour talking about? And you don't want to miss him singing "Scrub Down for Jesus."

And whatever is happening here...

click to hear!

Watch the show HERE

The Funky Werepig
Once a live internet radio show. Kind of like Animal House meets Larry King. Now a YouTube show. And no one knows what the hell Animal House or Larry King are. So throw your pants in the air like you just don't care!

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