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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Interview: Historical Paranormal Romance Author: Caroline Helenasdotter + giveaway

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
I have been writing stories ever since I learned how to read and write. When I was a child I loved fairy tales, that love never really subsided. The Moomins were some of my absolute favorites growing up. Today I love to read fairy tales with my children. Jan Lööf is one of our favorites. My daughter is particularly fond of Pippi Longstocking.

What is something unique/quirky about you?
In 2012, I had the unique experience of studying Russian in Russia, residing in St. Petersburg. I am also a taekwondo black belt and a capoeira graduada. Martial arts are a true passion of mine.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
The caracal definitely. It is my spirit animal.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
At the age of 12, I completed my first young adult book. For me, anyone who writes is a writer, regardless of whether they've been published. During my teenage years, my love for Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings fueled my passion for writing, particularly in the high fantasy genre. I was absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings (I still am).

Who designed your book covers?
My mother, Anna Helena Annika Karlsson, is a brilliant artist. My surname, 'Helenasdotter,' actually means 'daughter of Helena' (since 'dotter' means 'daughter' in Swedish). In Sweden, surnames typically derive from the father's name, using 'son' for sons and 'dotter' for daughters, such as Andersson, Nilsson, or Karlsson. However, I chose to take a name that celebrates female energy and honors my mother instead.

In Swedish tradition, it's more common to create a surname from your father's name, even if you use a 'dotter' name instead of a 'son' name. My father is named Thomas, so conventionally, my surname would be 'Thomasdotter.' Yet, I wanted to pay homage to feminine energy and decided to take 'Helenasdotter' instead.

Which of your novels can you imagine being made into a movie?
So far, I have only published two books. My first one, 'Saga of the Swedish Water Spirit,' is much spicier than 'Whispers of the Nordic Draugr.' It would probably be difficult to adapt that one into a movie

Advice to writers?
I am going to quote Jack London on this one: 'You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.'

And believe in yourself. It can be really tough out there for authors. Do not let anyone make you feel that you are less than you are. Never give up, never give in; stay true to yourself and remember to be kind to yourself.

What inspired you to write this book?
I have always been interested in Scandinavian mythology and folklore, and I love to incorporate fantasy with folklore/mythology into my writing. My main female characters are always women over the age of 30. I believe there is a lack of female characters in the romantasy genre who are middle-aged or approaching middle age. I would love to see more books with female romantasy leads in their 30s, 40s, or even older than that!

What did you enjoy most about writing this series?
I have a very vivid imagination, and I love to write about fantasy and love. The brain does not know the difference between writing/reading about something or experiencing it in real life. The same neural patterns get activated in the brain when you imagine something or when it is actually happening. Writing and reading about love gives you the chance to experience falling in love time after time.

Have you written any other books that are not published?
Yes, several. I have about 10 unfinished books and even more ideas. When inspiration strikes, I just have to write it down and start crafting a story. Hopefully, I will have time to finish many of them. However, time with two small children is very limited; I only have time to write during the night. I also find that having limited time to write inspires me even more; it forces me to truly value the time I can devote to writing and make the most of it. Writing becomes my reward after a long day.

What can we expect from you in the future?
I have another book coming up at the end of the year. It is something that I have been working on for a very long time. I will continue writing romantic fantasy and folklore/mythology with a lot of romance

What book do you think everyone should read?
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle had a profound impact on my life. When you read this book, one of two outcomes is likely: either you'll stop after a few pages, feeling it's a waste of time and that you don't understand it at all, or it will deeply resonate with you.

In 16th-century Scandinavia, Katarina's fate intertwines with Ulrik's dark demonic past. Love and darkness converge in a captivating tale of redemption amidst ancient legends.

Whispers of the Nordic Draugr

by Caroline Helenasdotter
Genre: Historical Paranormal Romance, Romantasy
In the misty realms of 16th-century Scandinavia, where myths dance with reality, Katarina finds herself ensnared in a perilous dance between the mortal and the ethereal. Possessed by the elusive mare, her world fractures, and the shadows grow darker. But amidst the chaos, a reluctant guardian emerges - Ulrik, the enigmatic master of her estate, harboring demonic secrets darker than the midnight sea.

Haunted by a past veiled in blood and sorrow, Ulrik battles not only his own demons but the sinister machinations of Vasilij, his tyrannical draugr maker. Bound by an unholy pact, their fates entwine with Katarina's, as love and darkness collide in a deadly game of fate.

As Ulrik and Katarina traverse the treacherous landscapes of love and fear, they must confront not only the malevolent mare but the looming specter of Vasilij, whose hunger for power knows no bounds. In a tale woven with romance and terror, their journey unfolds, where every step taken could lead to salvation or damnation.

Enter a world where passion ignites amidst the howling winds, and where the line between hero and villain blurs in the flickering light of ancient legends. Prepare to be ensnared in the spellbinding tale of Katarina and Ulrik, where love defies even the darkest of shadows.

Experience a spellbinding blend of love, passion, folklore and mystique.

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About the Author
Caroline Helenasdotter is a Swedish author born in 1986, living in the south of Sweden with her partner and two small children aged 3 and 6. She holds a bachelor's degree in political science and language from the University of Lund. Helenasdotter has lived and worked in Switzerland, Norway, Portugal, and Russia, and she is fluent in Portuguese. When not writing or spending time with her family, she enjoys practicing yoga, martial arts, and running.

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