This series blew me away from the very first book. Rose and Lissa just draw you in and they never let go. The characters, the storyline, the twists and turns, the books just get better and better. They are packed with action, love, mystery, heartache, and betrayals. I never know what to expect. I'm on the edge of my sit with every book I read. I devour them as fast as I possibly can just so I can experience more. It's an intense relationship that I have with these characters. lol.
Rose, who is strong, sarcastic, fiercely loyal, and a dedicated rule breaker, is best friends with Lissa, who is beautiful and kind and brilliant. They complement each other so well that I have a hard time finding any fault in their relationship. Throw in Christian, a rebellious outcast, who is madly in love with Lissa, and Adrian, the bad boy royal, Dimitri who is everything a Tall, Dark and Handsome guardian should be, and you have the makings of perfection.
In the final installment of this series I was left feeling sad that it had ended but excited to see what Richelle will come up with next. In this final book Rose does what she does best, saves the day while breaking a lot of rules. In order to clear her name of royal treason and murder, she has to escape prison, solve the murder, track down the illegitimate child of Lissa's dad, and avoid the guardians, all while trying to stay faithful to Adrian. It doesn't help that Adrian is stuck at Court while Rose's ex, Dimitri, is on the run with her.
The chemistry between Rose and Dimitri just leaps off the pages at you. They have the type of dynamic between them that love stories are based off. If you thought Bella and Edward were hot, you ain't seen nothing yet! lol. If I was asked to pick a favorite couple I'd have a hard time picking between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy and Rose and Dimitri. She's fierce and witty, while he's the strong, silent type. They suite each other so well. I find myself jealous of a fictitious couple. lol.
All in all this series is a beloved favorite of mine. I have read and re-read the books over and over again and I never get bored. The combination of the characters personalities, with the wit and charisma that are delivered by them, this book is a winner. There were definitely some shocking discoveries, but it all added to the whole of the story. This book ended exactly how it should. Hands down, this gets top pick by me.

I haven't read Spirit Bound yet, but I couldn't wait. I got a blogger to tell me who Rose ended up with (don't judge me ). All is right with the world now. I can't wait to read this one