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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sheep Book Review: Blood And Bullets by James R. Tuck

He lives to kill monsters. He keeps his city safe. And his silver hollow-points and back-from-the-dead abilities help him take out any kind of supernatural threat. But now an immortal evil has this bad-ass bounty hunter dead in its sights. . .
Ever since a monster murdered his family, Deacon Chalk hunts any creature that preys on the innocent. So when a pretty vampire girl "hires" him to eliminate a fellow slayer, Deacon goes to warn him—and barely escapes a vampire ambush. Now he's got a way-inexperienced newbie hunter to protect and everything from bloodsuckers to cursed immortals on his trail. There's also a malevolent force controlling the living and the undead, hellbent on turning Deacon's greatest loss into the one weapon that could destroy him. . .

I've recently seen this book being promoted and advertised on a few different book blog sites I frequented, and I was intrigued. And not just the cover, (Deacon is a beast) the synopsis got my interest as well.

Deacon Chalk had a normal life 5 years ago, he was a successful tattoo artist with a family, it was more or less perfect. Until his wife and daughter were killed, after that Deacon left the tattoo life and turned monster hunter. Not too much detail is given in the first book about what happened exactly, and I'm hoping that in later books we will be told more about this.

Deacon seem to come across as a total bad-ass and could care less about those around him, but he's just the opposite. As the owner of a strip club called Polecats, he is fiercely protective of the girls that work there, most of whom are girls that he saved from demons, were creatures or vampires. He cares for the girls like a father dotes on his daughter (not in a creepy over-sexed kind of way). He looks out for them and makes sure that they are protected to the point that each girl has her own gun and cross for protection in case the club is ever under attack. Not to mention the bartender, who happens to be a priest, ready to lay the righteous smack-down on any offenders.

The book starts off with Deacon being confronted by a young female vampire that reminds him of his dead daughter. She comes to Deacon asking for help against another vampire hunter called "Nyteblade". Deacon gets the info about Nyteblade and chooses to check it out, only to find out it was a trap. Deacon's not too happy about this and questions Nyteblade to see what he knows about this. Unfortunately Nyteblade has no idea either and Deacon sets off to find out who is behind this and why they want him dead. There is a lot of action and gun fights from this point on in the book.

I found a few flaws with this book, which I'm hoping will be fixed by the time the second book is out. There were a few parts that I found highly repetitive in the course of only a few chapters. I don't think there really needs to be a full replay of all the guns and the types of bullets that are used two chapters apart from each other. Also the description of how Deacon looks with all his tattoos is not something that needs to be re-described two chapters apart either, you just need to look at the cover to get a basic idea of how he looks.

At the end of Blood And Bullets there is a 9 page sneak peek into the next book Blood And Silver, I chose not to read it just yet, seeing as how the second book will be here in August.

If you don't mind reading an Urban Fantasy that is more focused on muscle and gun-fire over magic and spells I highly recommend checking this book out.

I'm giving Blood And Bullets 3.5 sheep, hoping there will be less repetitive info in the next book.


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