The Sunday Swag circle is getting bigger!
Froggarita's Bookcase has joined the fun!
Riverina Romantics The Jeep Diva I Smell Sheep
Now you have 4 chances to get your swagger on
In honor of MystiCon yesterday, I am spotlighting Seventh Star Press. Author Stephen Zimmer is a major force behind the marketing of SSP. I met him at a con a couple of years ago and was impressed with not only how SSP does business and treats its authors, but the quality of the product they put out. You can get all their books through major e-retailers, but they offer beautiful special editions on their website along with the art work. Keep an eye out because they are working on many cool anthologies including The Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Seventh Star Press
Editors: Amanda DeBord, Louise Bohmer, Karen Leet, and Joshua Leet.
Principle layout/art direction: Matthew Perry
Principle artists: Matthew Perry and Bonnie Wasson .
Authors include: Steven L. Shrewsbury, Jackie Gamber, Michael West, Stephen Zimmer, D.A. Adams, R.J. Sullivan, J.L. Mulvihill, H. David Blalock, Eric Garrison, Selah Janel, and John F. Allen
Head over to these two blogs and win more Swag!

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