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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Book Review: Over the Moon (Lorimar Pack, Book 2) (Gemini Book 5) by Hailey Edwards

Over the Moon (Lorimar Pack, Book 2) (Gemini Book 5)
by Hailey Edwards
June 13, 2017
Pages: 253
Dell has persuaded the Bloodless army to fight alongside her pack in Butler, but she still has to get there. Halfway home, the rift detonates, blasting out a magic surge that sweeps across the globe, frying electronics and spells alike. Leaving her with no way to get home except on her own two--or four--feet.

Dangerous times demand equally lethal alliances, and she has to make a risky deal if she wants to reach the front lines before it's too late. The bargain grants an ancient fae power over her, a hold she vowed no man would ever have on her again, but freedom requires sacrifice.

As the threshold between Earth and Faerie erodes, humans and supernaturals alike are in danger of being erased as the fae seek to claim this world as their own. This is the moment when new legends arise and old gods fall, when fates unspool and futures unravel, when battles are won and lives are lost.

The war isn't just coming. It's here.

I always struggle when I write a review because in most cases the books are from series that I love and hope that I give the reader what they are looking for in the review without any spoilers. So, with that being said, this is a series that I have loved from the very beginning. Each of her series involves a handful of books and continues to the next series where a different set of characters move the front burner. I think that is the way many authors are writing these days and I appreciate it. It gives you the opportunity to get to know each character more intimately while continuing the story line.

As Dell and Isaac try to keep Tiberius safe and get home to Butler before the worlds collide they find themselves in serious trouble when a magic surge sweeps across the globe disrupting magic and frying all electronics. Torn between two rescues, Dell and Isaac will have to decide who will need to be saved first to ultimately save the world.

Edwards characters are hard not to love. They are well developed and each have their own personalities that lend to the creativeness of the book. Shapeshifters and fae are some of my favorite characters to read and if they are yours too you will not be disappointed with these books.

Review: Promise the Moon (Lorimar Pack #1) (Gemini Book 4)
Review: Wolf at the Door (Lorimar Pack, Book 2) (Gemini Book 5) 

Getting 5 sheep

Denise B

About the Author:
Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review. I really enjoy Ms. Edwards. I love the covers for her books and this series is a great UF to read.
