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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Book Review: Web of Extinction (Zone War Series Book 3) by John Conroe

Web of Extinction (Zone War Series Book 3) 
by John Conroe
October 28, 2019
Pages: 382
The finale to the Zone War series. Alone and weaponless, with a remote-controlled bomb in his neck, Ajaya Gurung must plan and fight better and harder than ever before. The last Spider is out there, in the Zone, plotting the end of man, and man is ignoring the danger. Left with only his skills, wits and courage, he must adapt and overcome before it's too late. If only he had an ace in the hole... oh wait... he does!

In the final book of the Zone War series, everything finally comes to a head. Ajaya and Rikki must figure out how to stop the final Spider before it finds a way out of the Zone to end mankind. Even though Ajaya has done everything in his power to stop the Spider, the public and the government aren’t taking his warnings seriously so the only thing he can do is something drastic that might get him killed.

Even though this series takes place in the near future, the reality of it is that this series is so very real. Humanity is becoming more reliant on technology in today’s age and it is unknown what the future could bring with these advancements. Zone Wars could be humanity’s reality in the future or maybe not that’s the fun in reading this unique and well-written series.

Review: Zone War (Zone War Series Book 1)

Review: Borough of Bones (Zone War Series Book 2)

Getting 5 sheep

Denise B

About the Author:
Conroe wrote his first readable novel, God Touched, right after finishing his daughter's copy of Twilight and muttering: "Vampires don't farging sparkle!"

With seven more books in the series and a stand alone novel (Black Frost), he doesn't seem to be slowing down. He cut his reading teeth on the likes of Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, JRR Tolkien, Robert Heinlein, Andre Norton, and H. Beam Piper.

Financial professional by day and author by night (actually by morning), he bangs out his stories with fingers that are usually sore from forge burns or getting beat up at the dojo.

1 comment:

  1. i do wonder what technology is doing to the young people who don't even pick up a pen or pencil to write anything any more. is it the dumbing down of america? i like books that face some of what, i perceive, problems
    sherry @ fundinmental
