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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Book Review: Curse of the Phoenix: The Last Rising (book one)

Curse of the Phoenix Bundle 

by Rachel Firasek

Book One: The Last Rising
After paying two millennia’s penance to Osiris, world-weary Phoenix Ice has had enough. Saving souls without any hope for her own redemption isn’t how she imagined spending eternity. Fed up, she decides her next death will be her last. But when she sacrifices her own life for a sexy Texan in a catastrophic plane crash, she has no idea the consequences will be so great…or that she’ll end up back in his life for her next assignment.

Now that Turner Alcott has survived the worst, finding a wife and mother for his son matters more than ever before. When the mysterious Ice comes into his life, Turner knows she’s the one—but love is the last thing Ice wants. If he wants to win her heart, Turner must teach Ice how to forgive herself, and prove that love is the ultimate sacrifice.

Book Two: The Last Awakening
For three hundred years, Arabella’s life has been one meaningless death after another. In a cruel twist of fate, Osiris gifts the phoenix her mortality and long-gone voodoo magic with a warning that she must save her next soul within a week without using magic, or she’ll lose her power forever.

Ex-soldier Greyson Meadows desperately wants to be freed from the nightmares and guilt that haunt him. Confronted by a waif of a woman who forces him to face the truth about his past, he runs fast and hard, fighting the need to prove himself worthy despite his perceived failures.

When Ari becomes the target of her own magical blunder, the weak will find strength and the strong will fall. One will have to give up everything so the other can have peace, but will love’s magic withstand the loss?

Book Three: The Last Beginning
Though she’s always hated being a phoenix, Sadie has to admit immortality has its advantages. She’s seen and done more in the last 150 years than she’d ever dreamed of, but she can’t get past the fact that Osiris has done nothing but manipulate her and her fellow phoenixes.

Or that, when her last incarnation as a phoenix comes to a fiery end, the fire slowly begins to consume her body.

Sun god Osiris is ashamed of his role as ruler of the Underworld, but he unless he can figure out how to save Sadie, that’s exactly where she’s going to end up. Permanently. Terrified he’s going to lose her, he takes her on a hunt for The Book of the Dead, which is the only way he knows he can save her—even if it means she’ll hate him forever.


Review: The Last Rising (book one)
The Last Rising starts out fast and sexy, talk about having a moment on plane with the sexy man sitting next to you. *fans self* It's HOT. But after the heat dies down, the story slows a bit. More introduction to the main character is given, but sometimes with novellas things get a little left out. More back history to Ice would have been helpful, I lacked sympathy for her situation and at times was lost as to why she was even coming back to life again and again or how. Maybe the next installment sheds more light on that.

I did like Turner at the start of this story, he comes off as a cool guy that's trying his best to play the role of single dad. He was giving off all the good vibes and I ate them up! But, he took a little dive when he constantly made his job more important than his son. Even when his child was throwing up in the story, he leaves Ice (the kid's teacher) to take care of his kid. Not cool.

But overall, the story has it's fun moments and I enjoyed it well enough.

Getting 3 Sheep


About the Author:
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Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart. After all, romance on the edge is better!

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