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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Book Review: The Stone Golem (The Demon's Gate Book 2) by Jeanette Battista

The Stone Golem (The Demon's Gate Book 2)
by Jeanette Battista

After a disastrous mission and betrayal from within its own ranks, the London Resistance is shattered beyond repair. Amaranth and the meager remains of the Resistance journey to Vatican City, where they hope to discover the true location of the Demon's Gate. Should they find and destroy it, the demons would be forced back to their own world, and the spell binding Amaranth to a demon would break.

But on their heels comes Raulston, a powerful man hell-bent on crushing an resistance to the demons that are destroying the remnants of humanity. Amaranth and her closest companions--Dham and Cat--will do whatever it takes to ensure humanity's survival. With Amaranth's magical powers, and Dham and Cat's rare ability to kill demons using sacred bells, they might stand a chance against the demon invasion. But as the trio face life, death, and the in-between, their devotion to each other may be what brings their downfall.

The Stone Golem is book two in The Demon's Gate trilogy and begins right where we left off in book one, The Iron Bells. Amaranth and her companions Dham and Cat are on the run following the prior events of book one. They are on a quest to reach Vatican City in hopes of discovering the location of the Demon's Gate and closing it once and for all. Again they face betrayal and heartache from those closest to them and must forge on.

The world building was primarily accomplished in book one and I would definitely recommended reading it first as there is much that will be lost in the adventure. I came to love the characters more on this journey as loyalties were tested and new discoveries opened up. The writing continues to be very well executed with edge of your seat suspense and plenty of action to keep this reader anxiously turning the pages.

Once again the conclusion is a bit open-ended leaving me anxious to read the conclusion of the trilogy, which I am certainly looking forward to. I received this book via NetGalley.

review: The Iron Bells (The Demon's Gate, #1) by Jeanette Battista

4 Sheep 


About the Author:
Jeanette Battista graduated with an English degree with a concentration in medieval literature which explains her possibly unhealthy fixation on edged weapons and cathedral architecture. She spent a summer in England and Scotland studying the historical King Arthur, which did nothing to curb her obsession. To satisfy her adrenaline cravings—since sword fighting is not widely accepted in these modern times—she rode a motorcycle at ridiculously high speeds, got some tattoos, and took kickboxing and boxing classes. She gave up the bike when her daughter came along, although she still gets pummeled at the gym on a regular basis.

When she’s not writing or working, Jeanette spends time with family, hikes, reads, makes decadent brownies, buys killer boots, and plays Pocket Frogs. She wishes there were more hours in the day so she could actually do more of these things. She lives with her daughter and their ancient, ill-tempered cat in North Carolina.

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