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Sunday, November 23, 2014

WIP it real good with Urban Fantasy Author Linda Welch

We have a new guest post feature for authors. I love getting snippets from an author's W.I.P. (work in progress). So here is a chance to share a  bit of what you have in store for readers.
Urban fantasy author Linda Welch

-Linda's current WIP: Dark Demon Risen, Whisperings Paranormal Mystery book seven. Coming 2015.

Sharon: ACK! I've been reading Linda's paranormal mystery series, Whisperings, since the beginning. Now I'm worried...

Whisperings series
Along Came a Demon (book 1) is always free

Downside Novels
Downside Rain (book 1) sale $.99
Baelfleur (book 2)


  1. I just picked up Along came a Demon. Thanks!

    1. I really like her style of writing. Let me know what you think :)

  2. Thanks for featuring that piece from my WIP, Sharon. And don't worry. ;)

  3. Wow, great snippet. I need to check out this series.

  4. Wow, that sure makes a statement.
