by K.F. Breene
169 pages
Paranormal Romance
With Sasha as the proclaimed Mage of high ranking power, she can't just slip under the carpet to a peaceful existance. Instead, she must present herself to the Council, a group of white mages who reside over the magical community, governing Stefan's people. There she must prove she has what it takes to be the mage of Stefan's clan, not something easily done.
Stefan, too, has been noticed by the large faction of rulers. An alpha leader with a firm hold over his people, he has outgrown in his position, and it shows. Ties to a human mage with a vast well of power, though, has made him a target. Sasha is sought after, and those who want to harness her power will take her by force if necessary.
With Dominicous' and Toa's help, Sasha and Stefan must face the trials coming up. Proving themselves is the easy part. Getting out with their lives becomes the challenge.
There is no series out now quiet like this saga. It is truly a unique and rewarding reading experience. How the talented author can continue to deliver creative and vibrant characters, that develop each installment, is just mind blowing. I'm hooked. Addicted. A slave to this series.
Our leading lady Sasha has come so far in her journey, and things are only picking up more and more! We get to meet the insane council and all their tricks. These immortals are koo-koo padded wall members. Though they are brutal and domineering, I loved them all! Each new character addition adds yet another gripping lay to the awesome onion!
Stefan continues to hold his own and keeps the whole alpha-male vibe rocking yet again. The love and devotion that he has just pours off the pages and into my undead heart. The author walks the line off too much/and not enough angst with ease. This saga continues to be my top favorite and I recommend this one to those who love a solid fist punch to the face with their romance.
Review: Demons (Darkness #4)
Getting 5 Sheep
About the Author:
A wine country native, K.F. Breene moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making and editing films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an Accountant. Thinking on it now, she often wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.
While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began directing movies in her head.
A wine country native, K.F. Breene moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making and editing films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an Accountant. Thinking on it now, she often wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.
While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began directing movies in her head.
Love the review Sharon, wow 5 sheep I need to get this one!