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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Book Review: Arctic Dawn (The Norse Chronicles #2) by Karissa Laurel

by Karissa Laurel
July 5th 2016
Paperback, 276 pages
Alone and exhausted after her month-long sojourn as a shooting star, Solina Mundy flees to southern California to lie low, recuperate, and plot a survival strategy. The one person she trusts to watch her back is her best friend, Skyla Ramirez. But Skyla has been missing for weeks.

The arrival of a dangerous stranger and the discovery of a legendary weapon of mass destruction forces Solina out of hiding and back into the fight for her life. Solina knows she won’t last long on her own. She must find out what happened to Skyla and unite her contentious allies if she hopes to track down this devastating weapon before her enemies use it to burn the world to ash.

Solina has built a precarious new life in San Diego. Hiding out from her would-be assassins, she’s trying to stay alive by constantly looking over her shoulder. When a mysterious stranger threatens to blow her cover, Solina reaches out to Thorin for protection. The two renew their shaky partnership in the interest of keeping Solina safe from the malevolent Helen Locke and her wolf-at-arms Skoll.

So. At the risk of sounding gushy: I adored this book from start to finish. Book one, Midnight Burning, was excellent, but Arctic Dawn surpasses its predecessor. Devoid of any awkward set up, Arctic Dawn is a fast-paced, action-packed read right from the start. The book maintains an enthralling pace throughout and provides a conclusion that’s satisfying but compelling.

As a character, Solina has become a force. Learning to harness her power, she has developed an admirable sense of self-preservation and resourcefulness. She’s sassier, smarter, and stronger. Solina and Thorin’s relationship is definitely evolving. The glacial pace of this union is frustrating, however, lends more authenticity to the story.

No doubt, The Norse Chronicles tops my favourite new paranormal series of the year. Arctic Dawn is rich with plot and character development, but has definitely made way for so much more to come. I look forward to another installment in this fantastic set.

Double Sheep Review: Midnight Burning: (The Norse Chronicles – Book 1)

Five sheep

Bianca Greenwood

About the Author:

Karissa lives in North Carolina with her kid, her husband, the occasional in-law, and a very hairy husky. Some of her favorite things are coffee, chocolate, and super heroes. She can quote Princess Bride verbatim. She loves to read and has a sweet tooth for fantasy, sci-fi, and anything in between. Sometimes her husband convinces her to put down the books and take the motorcycles out for a spin. When it snows, you'll find her on the slopes.

Find out more about Karissa and keep up to date with new releases, including the sequel to Midnight Burning, coming in 2016.

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