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Monday, July 29, 2019

The Blood Knight Chronicles by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom + giveaway

The Blood Knight Chronicles is reborn with a new twist on legends. 
With best-selling author Linda Thomas-Sundstrom 

Hi there, Sheepters. Happy Monday to you all. So glad you could join me here for a look at this new paranormal series that has, like its immortal main characters, just been reborn to ebooks and print. 

This is a happy birthday celebration post for the first book release in a seven-book series titled The Blood Knight Chronicles. Take a peek at book 1… 

Before we meet this book’s hunky immortal main character, here’s the scoop on the series. 

The Blood Knight Chronicles (7 book series)
A long time ago, a group called the Seven was formed from seven of the best knights of the Round Table. These knights were offered immortality in order to protect a holy relic known as the Grail, which contains secretive powers best kept hidden from the masses. 

Seven immortal knights, protectors of the Grail, will live through time until we find them now, in the current century…. in this series. Called “Blood Knights” because of the way they became immortal. Not vampires, though they do possess not only fangs, but longings for the kind of justice no mortal men could conceive of. Undefeated in battle. Unearthly gorgeous. If not exactly righteous, something close, with the will to protect humankind from monsters that lurk in the shadows of a modern world.

One Blood Knight per book in this series. Seven books. 

First up: Lance VanBaaren. (You might recognize the name LANCE from legends surrounding the Round Table. Yep. He just might be that one).
by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
July 12, 2019
267 pages

Publisher: GothicScapes
When tough ex-cop Jesse Stewart finds him by accident while in Europe on a missing senator’s daughter case… and they meet face-to-face… both Lance and Jesse must reconcile the immediacy of their feelings of connection and either dig, tooth and nail, into a hidden past, or go down fighting for a just cause.

In the lead to this post, I used the term reborn. That’s because the first version of Golden Vampire was published by Harlequin’s Nocturne line in 2011. Now in the hands of GothicScapes, my author edition of this story sees the light. YAY !!! 

Reborn. Like Lance and his six Blood Knight brethren, to face a new time.

Posted here is the original 2011 cover from Nocturne (which looked nothing like Lance). The new GothicScapes cover above captures Lance much as I envisioned him.

Golden Vampire was translated into several languages and remains a great and inspiring first book in this series that continues this October with Immortal Obsession.
I hope this reworking of legendary characters spikes your interest, as it spiked mine. I’m writing the sixth book about them now, and fall in love with each and every one for their looks, strengths, sense of honor, and even their flaws. I mean, when they love, they love forever!
More of these knights can currently also be found in the Nocturne line: check out Immortal Redeemed (Galahad) and Angel Unleashed there.

Look for more from the GothicScapes label in the future on all retail sites, and a few spin-offs as well.

Got questions? Leave them here. And maybe you’ll want to enter the birthday gift giveaway of a signed print version of one of the books in this series. Immortal Redeemed – also a “top pick” from trusted review sites.

Happy reading!
Leave a comment you can.
Cheers for now~

About the Authors:
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom is the author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy novels and novellas, both dark and light, for HarperCollins/Harlequin Nocturne and GothicScapes, with more than 30 stories that trespass into the supernatural realm.

Linda is the author of contemporary, paranormal romance, and urban fantasy books for Kensington, Amazon Montlake, GothicScapes, Harlequin Nocturne, and Harlequin Desire. She currently has 30 stories that trespass into the supernatural realm, with ton of ideas for more.

A signed print copy of one of the other books in this series: Immortal Redeemed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you, ReneeO. I love that you loved this book! *heart* Thank you for telling me...

  2. love the Golden vampire you write so beautifully the characters feel real keep on writing this series its awsome
