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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy 10th Birthday I Smell Sheep!

Y'all...we've been smelling sheep for 10 years... *blinks* 🐑

When Katie started I Smell Sheep 10 years ago BS (before Sharon) 

Instagram debuted 🐑 Legalization of same-sex marriage
iPad debuted🐑 The Walking Dead TV show started
Bieber Hair was popular 🐑 Angry Birds game came out
“Billionaire” by Bruno Mars  My Space was popular
Despicable Me, Toy Story 3, Inception
Breaking Bad 🐑 "Tik Tok" Kesha
Lady Gaga wore her meat dress 🐑 Last episode of Lost aired
🐑 6.933 billion world population 🐑

April 2011 Sharon became a permanent part of I Smell Sheep 🐑

Here is the original logo vs the current logo
(created by original member Richard)
Richard also created some sheep mascots
Other sheep made for us

Kool-Aid and Moon pies are the official drink and food of I Smell Sheep

Baaart is a nickname, his official full name was created by members...
Dr. Baron Bixter von Baaathalmew III Jr.

We couldn't have done it without all the awesome people who wrote reviews for I Smell Sheep over the last 10 years, the authors who wrote guest posts, the publishers who sent books to read and giveaway...

Author/artist Adrienne Wilder created a cool movie poster!
Previous posters Adrienne created

Shout out to reviewer Bianca Greenwood for our birthday banner!

1 winner: $20 amazon gift card (INT)
1 winner: box of books (US only)

(#of winners TBD): Woolzilla poster (INT)

(#of winners TBD): mystery swag bag (INT)


  1. "I'm loving the Sheep movie posters. Which one should be made next?" I would like to see a movie poster for the famous film-noir film "The Big Sheep."

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a truly awesome blog! Love you guys!

    PS - Adrienne's movie posters rock!

  3. I would give you ten warm wooly hugs

  4. It would be interesting to see what you could come up with poster wise for The Hunt using the mascots. It was the last movie I saw in a theater before they closed. (Thumbs up)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! I would give you 10 fluffy puppies!

  6. I would give you 10 stuffed sheep.

  7. Ahaha, I'd give you 10 pillows to count sheep on.

  8. I’ll give you 10 Milk Chocolate Easter Eggs.

  9. I would give you 10 chocolate sheep.

  10. Happy, happy birthday!! I’ve enjoyed countless discussions, interviews, and reviews as well as pictures! Thank you so much!!

  11. I just celebrated my birthday yesterday - more years than you, but I won't say how may. How about a Sheep Wars poster - celebrating the release of the final movie ij the Star Wars series.

  12. What an awesome anniversary! Congrats and keep on sheeping us in the future!

  13. Awesome anni and posters! Congrats :) I'd love to see the Matrix posters being made into Sheepix

  14. Happy 10th Birthday. i would give you 10 stuffed sheep
