GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ I Smell Sheep's 11th Bloggerversary Giveaway | I Smell Sheep

Thursday, April 1, 2021

I Smell Sheep's 11th Bloggerversary Giveaway

Well, we survived 2020 and made it to our 11th bloggerversary!

Author/Artist Adrienne Wilder made this for our 10-year because Godzilla vs. King Kong was supposed to come out... that didn't happen, but it came out yesterday!

We are doing a big sheep giveaway like we do every year.
$50 amazon gift card
$20 amazon gift card
I Smell Sheep t-shirt
Sheep swag box
3 sheep swag bags
?# Envelopes of Love*
*if you are an author or artist and want your swag included in our Envelopes of Love, contact Sharon if you can mail it before the end of April

You just fill out the form below
there is a chance for extra entries if you get sheep creative for our FB group.

--Take a pic of yourself with a real or fake sheep
--Create a FB banner for our group. Use this as a chance to promote your book or business! (I'll post all that I receive), 
--Take a pic of your pet and sheepify it
--Sing a sheep song
--Add a sheep to a famous work of art...

You can post your entry to the FB group or you can send it to me and I'll post it for you.
(we did something like this during the Year of the Sheep 2015. Here are some of the entries)

Here is the link to the form if that is easier for you


  1. Congrats on your 11th Blogiversary

  2. I was literally thinking last week about the blogoversary and was thinking it wouldn't be for a few months yet. Well, happy #11!

    1. Lol. It always sneaks up on me! Thanks for all the support :)

  3. Awesome! Happy Eleventh Blogoversary :)
