I wanted to put together a quick post for everyone to see what all we have coming up throughout this month. It's going to be filled with a bunch of cool prizes so make sure to mark the date and enter as much as you can. No limit on the winning and double your chances by following our blog! Here we go!
July 5th- Interview with Kevin Hearne author of the UF trilogy Iron Druid Chronicles.
Chance to win a signed book!
July 8th- Embraced by Blood Book Tour. Author Laurie London is giving away a copy of her book during this tour so make sure to get your entry in.
July 10th- Swagday! Sharon is back again with a BUNCH of cool items from authors like; Helen Lowe, Christina Henry, Jess Haine, Anne Elizabeth, Josh Lanyon and more! Uncle Sam is bringing the swag to you so make sure to check this out!
July 11th- Beautifully Broken Book Tour. Amber is going to have a review of latest book by YA author Sherry Soule. Stay tuned for details on a prize...
July 13th- Interview with author Scott Nicholas. Sharon got the chance to sit down for a one on one with this fantastic man, she will be offering up some fun mystery prizes!
July 18th- Menage a Blog Book Tour- sponsoring author Amber Scott with a review of Soul Search and a book giveaway.
July 19th- Interview with UF author Sean Cummings. Giving away a signed copy his book and Sheep swag items.
July 25th- Interview with UF author Alayna Williams. She will be giving away singed copies of her books.
July 28th- Interview with Sci-Fi author Dan Abnett. Ben and Richard teamed up on this one and the author will be giving away a singed copy of his book.
As more details come we will dish them out, but pretty much it's going to be a wild month for prizes. Enjoy the summer folks and happy reading!
Much Sheep love;
Amber, Katie, Sharon, Ben and Richard
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