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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Alpha Dog or Male?

What is the difference between a dog and our favorite Alpha Males? Well, not much apparently <G>. I have a t-shirt that has the "Dog Property Laws" and  I thought "OMG! Those apply to our favorite heroes" Let's take a look and see if you agree...

Dog/Alpha Property Laws

1. If I like it, it's mine

2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine (anyone else get goosebumps?)

3. If I can take it from you, it's mine

4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine

5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be your in any way.

6. If I am chewing something up, all the pieces are mine

7. If it just looks like mine, it's mine

8. If I saw if first, it's mine

9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine

10. If it's broken (substitute dead here), it's yours.

So, which Alpha Male comes to mind for you. This is a no brainer for me - Jericho Barrons!

from KMM's website


  1. Made my day. Sounds like every guy I ever dated! lol

    If it's dead, it's yours. :D

  2. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. lmao love these.

    I could name so many men that this reminds me of. and speaking of which please send this over the Mark McCann he would get a kick out of it. :P

  3. Oh gosh!! This is awesome. Put a smile on my face. =)
    So so true.

  4. My fav:
    If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine...

    I have pugs, PNR heroes and a hubby. Believe me, it applies.

  5. *giggles uncontrollably* "if it was mine a little while ago its STILL mine".. what does it say about me if alot (mmk pretty much all) of those "laws" are pretty much my mantra too? O.o

    As for which male? *herds all of the Brotherhood of the Black Dagger warriors into one area* I pick this one.. *circles finger around all of their heads and grins wide*

  6. I agree with Tina C., definitely the Black Dagger Brotherhood! True!
    Kathryn P.

  7. Oh gosh!! This is awesome. Put a smile on my face. =)
    So so true. lol

  8. hahaha! awesome! That gave me a good giggle :)

  9. True! I want in on that BDB action. And toss in the Alphas from The Big Bad Wolf Series (Heather Killough Walden), and we are good to go!!

    Liz @ Fictional Candy
