Sheep is once again hooking folks up for the Holidays! Teaming up with I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Kid Lit Frenzy for the Book Lover's Holiday Hop. To find the next stop in the tour click HERE.
This contest will be open for US residents only (sorry everyone else) but fear not because we will have many other chances for everyone else to win too. Let's take a look at the prizes!

How To Live On Mars by Robert Zurbin
4 Magnets from the wonderful Alien series by Gini Koch
Swag from author Larissa Ione
Swag from author Merrie Destefano
Book mark and trading cards from author Dani Harper
Screw No Evil note pad and sticker
Mini stocking with the letter S on it (for Sheep *winks*)
To win make sure to listing the following and DOUBLE entries for followers!
1. Your Email Address
2. What would be the most important item you'd need to have while living on Mars?
3. Extra entry if you Facebook or Tweet about the post. (Just list either one)
Contest ends Dec. 6th at midnight with winner announced on the 7th.
Good luck!
The one thing I would have to have on Mars is.....My books of course! YOu hardly ever find me without a book close by(even on my desk at work!) I don't think I could survive without anything to read!
ReplyDelete*I am a Follower
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!Happy Holidays!
There are so many things I would want to make sure I had. But if I could only list one I would say food. I am not sure about eating anything from another planet so I would bring food with me to eat until I was sure it was okay.
ReplyDeleteGFC follower
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Vamper_Fan/status/142603538705547264
I would have to assume that you had safe air, food and water. After that, I would say someway I could communicate with my family I left behind.
Mmm well after enough food and coffee I would need books, glorious books. Maybe like a super tablet that would automatically add all new releases onto my ereader while in Mars. Free for inhabitants.
ReplyDelete+GFC Teril
terilhack at gmail dot com
I'd have to bring Bill Gates - he'll have the money to buy us a ticket back to earth.
ReplyDeleteI'm number 237 on the hop - stop by and see me!
GCF Devyn Dawson
devyndawson at yahoo dot com
I would need a duplicator...lol Yes, a machine that would duplicate anything I wanted from home. ahahah
gfc follower
Oxygen - I keep thinking about Total Recal where their eyes bug out :)
The most important item I'd need would be a computer, I couldn't live without it. Oh, and chocolate of course.
ReplyDeleteBarbed1951 at aol dot com
I think the most important item I would need on Mars would have to be a Screw No Evil note pad on which I could make a real dandy plan for survival and in addition some magnets would work real well as weapons - oh yea, think throwing stars here that stick. Thank you for the holiday fun!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower, just in case you could not tell and I had to tweet to the masses ( https://twitter.com/#!/ZDz59001/status/142909545252003840)
Most important thing to have with me on Mars: Would have to be Kitty Martini's purse filled with all her goodies and all the poofs... :)
ReplyDeleteshared on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/KellyMueller_
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Books-n-Kisses/240017362704897
I follow your blog. :) Kelly M
Thanks for the giveaway
I would need my books, definitely!
ReplyDeletelisa dot k dot mann @gmail dot com
I think for me the most important thing that I will have with me on mars would be my laptop, at least I know that i will be able to communicate with the world one way. Thanks for the give away.
ReplyDeleteTweet : https://twitter.com/#!/rogue484/
email : Neoterragoddess@gmail.com
I would definitely need a book to past the horribly slow time.
ReplyDeleteprettyhadengurl (at) yahoo (dot) com
The most improtant thing I'd need on mars (and call me cheesey) I would need my husband. I couldn't live without him.
One item I would have to bring with me to Mars is my iPod 'cause it would have my music and books on it that way I get the best of both worlds :D
Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to live on Mars, I would need my laptop, my books, and probably breathable air- so a special suit of sorts. (-;
If I was to live on Mars, I would need a oxygen tank. :P
the most important things for me to live on Mars would be.........breathable air, a great book and my love!!! Cant read one of these great books and not have a man with you....cmon!!!
ReplyDeletesorry email address is iluvmik16@gmail.com (this is for traci16)
ReplyDeleteI would want to have my kindle so I can read my books and be connected to the internet. lol. If Mars doesn't have the internet, then I will bring the technology to establish it. Thanks for the giveaway.
wingedpersephone at gmail dot com
Oxygen :))
Flock follower: kimyunalesca
awesome giveaway!
I think I'd have to have a working laptop, otherwise how would you know what was going on back home.
ReplyDeleteGFC follow as seriousreader
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/BookOwner/status/143730965393575936
seriousreader at live dot com
One of those big oxygenated bubble homes. I think I saw a movie like that once, but I don't remember the name. Thank you for the chance at your giveaway!
ReplyDeletefollow gfc: Sebrina C
Thanks for the giveaway
ReplyDeleteGFC Michele Luker
jmluker at winco dot net
I cannot imagine life without my laptop and internet lol If I can't have those, then I need my kindle to keep my mind busy.
I follow you on GFC
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would need AIR! LOL Food and water would be good too, of course. After that my Kindle.
ReplyDeleteGFC Follower Library Lady
adsanders77 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the chance to win! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom GFC Krystal Larson
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely need oxygen, water, and a good book! :)
well besides the obvious id need chocolate and books
ReplyDeletety for the chance
I follow on gfc as Becca. Is my dog an item? I would like to have him. Thanks! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteA fully functional seal-able greenhouse!
ReplyDeleteGFC- Krysta Banco
I think a space suit.
ReplyDeleteTweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/CharissaJackson/status/143962341820743683
GFC: Leigh Ann
ReplyDeleteprobably oxygen would be helpful...
Thanks for the great giveaway. Everything won is donated to the Franklin High school.
The most important thing i think i would take would be H20 Not sure if there is drinkable water on mars or not.
I tweeted about your giveaway
This contest is now closed! The winner is: K33p3rofViolence
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone who entered and stick around for more fun coming up very soon! :)