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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why you should join the I Smell Sheep Facebook Group!

official snack of the Flock
Are you a member of the I Smell Sheep Facebook group? Well, if you aren't, you are missing out because being part of our flock has perks. We have quite a few authors (at least all the cool ones) that stop by to keep us up to date on their goings on. There are other bloggers (again, only the cool ones) that contribute to the madness. The flock also loves to share funny and geeky things they find online like these little nuggets Dani Harper found...
Sheep waffles or Roadkill?
I am not sure if I should be horrified or hungry <G>

how freaking cute is this?!
Here are some of the cool sheep authors that share their awesomeness with us:

Dani is a fun and active part of the Flock. She shares all sorts of funery as well as links to all her contests! She also has a cool blog where she talks about all things paranormal. Katie has reviewed two of these books: Moon-Dawn
Here are Dani's books:
THIS is why we love Dani! She made this:)

Changeling Moon is only $1.99 for the kindle right now!

Right now Dani is doing a big book tour for her latest release Changeling Dawn. Join her FaceBook page to keep up with all the stops and give aways!

All this week he is offering his kindle books for FREE! Click here for the full schedule.


Keep up with all Scott's doings (he admits he is weird so you might find him amusing <G>) and follow him on Facebook

Robert is the author of a fabulous new vampire novel called Shining In Crimson. I ought to know cause I reviewed it!

Right now The Quiet and What Happens in Vegas... are FREE!!
Join his Facebook page to keep up with this awesome series

Katie reviewed Nephilim recently and it earned 4 1/2 Sheep!!!. The rest of her books are at some great prices!! Check her out on Facebook

Lisa rocked the paranormal world with her fabulous book Night Walker (Book #1 Night Series)
look at the cover of her next book...*shudder*

I have read her novella Across the Veil and at $.99 it is a great read!

official drink of the flock!
I could go on and on, but I think I might get hit with moonpies (they tend to fly around here) or have Kool-Aid dumped on me (the official drink of the Flock!) So here are some of the titles from our other author sheeples!

Cool, huh? So join the flock over at Facebook


  1. Let me add to this by saying...once we hit 200 followers on the Facebook group I'll do an EXCLUSIVE giveaway for just those followers alone!

    In addition to all the giveaways we run monthly. Winning! (gods I never get tired of saying that!)

    Awesome post Sharon. xoxo Sheep rock!

  2. I'm all in favor of Kool-Aid being the official drink but where was I when we decided on Moon Pies? Because that would not be my choice. Not that anyone listens to me anyway. *grumble grumble something about Vietnam*

  3. I'm in! Love the new fb group. Moon pies? Ya know I don't think I've ever actually had one of those. Oh and can my koolaid be coffee flavored? LOL

  4. okay, Moonpies won't be the "official" snack, but just one of the many we offer? What would you vote for Ben?

  5. Thanks for the blog shout out!!!

    Sheeples = The Best!!!

    And the Christmas cards ROCKED!!! LOL

    Lisa :)

  6. Hilarious! Loved your post Sharon! I'm a sheeple from waaay back but had no idea there was a whole flock of us out there! My friends and family have always called me Bleetz or Bleetie because I used to bounce around our lambs on all fours as a little kid, thinking I was one. 30 years later, I still have my own flock downunder in oz... shear, spin felt and use their wool for rugs, stuffings etc... My company name is Bleetie & Co so my multi-award winning novel Diamond Eyes is Copyright to Bleetie & Co... my business email addie is therefore also bleetie@... all my stationery etc, so I have to say I ADOOOORE all the pics here!!

    Would love to join? :)))

  7. I like Bleetz. We have a mascot named Baaaart. So funny, I was in Best Buy recently wearing my I Smell Sheep shirt and a lady stopped me all excited thinking I was a spinner . I felt bad when I told her I was a book blogger. That is so cool you own your own flock :)

  8. I told my hubby to sign up ;)

    OMG! The sheep roadkill waffles! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
