GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Bloggy Award Nomination! Vote for I Smell Sheep | I Smell Sheep

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bloggy Award Nomination! Vote for I Smell Sheep

Guess what? I Smell Sheep was nominated for a Bloggy Award! It is for Katie's hilarious review of Waterborne by Katherine Irons which you can see in whole here

Here is the blurb posted on the Bloggy site:


I Smell Sheep: Waterborne

If you like undersea adventures and dreamed/thought you were Ariel growing up (ok I totally did) then you'll enjoy this tale. It's chock full of an imaginative underwater world that's both vivid and breathtaking. Sometimes it's better down where it's wetter. Zing!"

These two barely know each other and all of a sudden they are jumping in-between the kelp sheets. Wow dude, buy me a crab dinner first at the very least, mmkay?"

Click HERE to go vote (scroll down to the bottom for voting) for I Smell Sheep! If we win we will have a give away celebration of Sheepy stuff like coffee mugs, mouse pads and shirts! Ohhhh, myyyyyy!

Let the herd be heard!