Professional goals
Personal goals
Prediction for the New Year
We put together a cool prize pack to start your New Year off on the right hoof (see what I did there?) Sheep style!
Professional: Come up with a kick-ass new series!
Personal: Get more sleep and work less
Prediction: JR Ward will release The King early. Yes, she will. Uh huh. I don't care what you say.
Aline Hunter (Omega Mine)
Professional: Build connection to my readers.
Personal: Learn more about the dog rescue industry.
Prediction: Unknown...but isn't it always?
Lisa Kessler (Beg Me To Slay)
Professional: Expand my readership
Personal: Lose some weight
Prediction: Thor will gift humanity with his conditioner so we too can have Godly Locks... Woot!
Gini Koch (Alien Research)
Professional: Get back to writing 6 novels a year
Personal: Meet Nathan Fillion in person
Prediction: 2014 will show that I'm not writing fiction about Alpha Centauri but actually acting as a journalist. (Or I'll be arrested for kidnapping Nathan Fillion. Right now, either could be true.)
Dani Harper (Storm Bound - Grim #2 March 2014)
Professional: Finish writing the third installments for both the Grim and the Dark Wolf Series.
Personal: I will refrain from over planting the vegetable garden.
Prediction: Zucchini and spaghetti squash will be falling out of my closets by September.
Josh Lanyon (Stranger Things Have Happened: An Adrien English Write Your Own Damn Story)
Professional: A big mainstream release in 2014
Personal: Restore my iTunes music library on my computer
Prediction: There will be a Duck Dynasty crossover spinoff with the Kardashians called The Duckdashians
Sean Cummings (Poltergeeks & Student Bodies)
Patricia A. Rasey (Viper: Sons of Sangue)
Professional: Write a sequel to an adult UF that is currently being shopped
Personal: Focus on my overall wellness
Prediction: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford wins re-election
Personal: Focus on my overall wellness
Prediction: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford wins re-election
Professional: Sell a foreign edition of my work
Personal: Become a better photographer.
Prediction: Bigfoot in public office.
Personal: Become a better photographer.
Prediction: Bigfoot in public office.
Ashlyn Chase (How to Date a Dragon)
Professional: publish my first Indy title.
Personal: continue to lose weight on the ideal protein diet until I 'm gawgeous!
Prediction: Mother Nature will appear in person and apologize.
Professional: publish my first Indy title.
Personal: continue to lose weight on the ideal protein diet until I 'm gawgeous!
Prediction: Mother Nature will appear in person and apologize.
Scott Nicholson (Solom: The Scarecrow)
Professional: Release four new books this year.
Personal: Take the family on two SCUBA dives.
Prediction: Carolina Panthers will win the Super Bowl.
Professional: Release four new books this year.
Personal: Take the family on two SCUBA dives.
Prediction: Carolina Panthers will win the Super Bowl.
Angie Fox (My Big Fat Demon Slayer Wedding)
Professional: Release two more demon slayer books, and one brand new series book
Personal: Learn to write with a dog chin pressed against my keyboard, because - let's face it - she's not going anywhere
Prediction: Many more will die on The Walking Dead (and I will watch with glee)
Professional: Release two more demon slayer books, and one brand new series book
Personal: Learn to write with a dog chin pressed against my keyboard, because - let's face it - she's not going anywhere
Prediction: Many more will die on The Walking Dead (and I will watch with glee)
Rachel Firasek (Drowning)
Professional: Produce and release three novels.
Personal: I would like to be able to walk a 5K by the end of the year.
Prediction: Rachel Firasek will win the lottery, buy a hut on an island, and spend her days writing at her heart's content. (Pft...I think you have to play to win.)
Professional: Produce and release three novels.
Personal: I would like to be able to walk a 5K by the end of the year.
Prediction: Rachel Firasek will win the lottery, buy a hut on an island, and spend her days writing at her heart's content. (Pft...I think you have to play to win.)
Professional: Publish four books
Personal: Lose 24 pounds
Prediction: Simon Cowell will not only join the cast of Dancing With the Stars, but he will win the whole kit and caboodle.
Kate Douglas (Wolf Tales series and Spirit Wild series)
Professional:– to complete at least three books in 2014
Personal: to step away from my computer more often and enjoy the real world a bit
Prediction: I predict that I will once again fail to stick with any of my New Year’s resolutions regarding diet.
Personal: Lose 24 pounds
Prediction: Simon Cowell will not only join the cast of Dancing With the Stars, but he will win the whole kit and caboodle.
Kate Douglas (Wolf Tales series and Spirit Wild series)
Professional:– to complete at least three books in 2014
Personal: to step away from my computer more often and enjoy the real world a bit
Prediction: I predict that I will once again fail to stick with any of my New Year’s resolutions regarding diet.
Professional: Release book 2 of Sons of Sangue: Hawk in the spring, release the novella Heat Wave in the summer, and have book 3 of Sons of Sangue: Gypsy well under way for an early 2015 release.
Personal: To actually bite the bullet for my husband and take a cruise that he’s been wanting to take (I get motion sickness).
Prediction: I’ll hopefully learn about grandbaby number 2 on the way from my youngest son and his wife. My oldest son will get a place of his own.
Stephanie Rowe (Inferno of Darkness)
Professional: Make the NYT list
Personal: Heal my broken foot and injured elbow so I can exercise again
Prediction: I predict that I will be invited to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, and, I will be the first person over age 22 (or thereabouts) to win the whole thing.
Nancy Holzner (Hellhound)
Professional: Write a gothic horror novel
Personal: Move back to New England
Prediction: Purely to make my daughter happy, the Red Sox will win their second World Series in a row.
Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock series)
Professional: Start a new series, set in the Jane Yellowrock world, but with new characters to solve paranormal murders. I'm thinking a unit for PSYLed, special agents with Homeland Security, each with a paranormal gift. And one main character for the unit that my readers will love. Hopefully, that is!
Personal: Stay in shape and get better on my new kayak. Which I totally did not see on Santa's credit card back in November. Nope. Didn't see it. (hides eyes)
Prediction: Here is where I'm supposed to say, "Peach on earth." Right? No? Wait. That was supposed to be peace. But peach is more likely. Anyway, get a good book for the days when you need to turn off the news and bury your head in a fictional world. Try mine! Jane Yellowrock, Have Stakes, Will Travel.
Caris Roane (Embrace the Mystery)
Professional: to write all the books I have planned for the year
Personal: to create better balance between work and play
Prediction: Facebook will let all our friends and fans back into our newsfeeds.
Kerrelyn Sparks (How to Seduce a Vampire -Without Really Trying)
Professional: Start a new series
Personal: Learn how to use commas
Prediction: Thor, and, Loki will return! (please)
Tara Fox Hall (Her Secret, Promise Me Series Book #6)
Professional: Write a gothic horror novel
Personal: Move back to New England
Prediction: Purely to make my daughter happy, the Red Sox will win their second World Series in a row.
Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock series)
Professional: Start a new series, set in the Jane Yellowrock world, but with new characters to solve paranormal murders. I'm thinking a unit for PSYLed, special agents with Homeland Security, each with a paranormal gift. And one main character for the unit that my readers will love. Hopefully, that is!
Personal: Stay in shape and get better on my new kayak. Which I totally did not see on Santa's credit card back in November. Nope. Didn't see it. (hides eyes)
Prediction: Here is where I'm supposed to say, "Peach on earth." Right? No? Wait. That was supposed to be peace. But peach is more likely. Anyway, get a good book for the days when you need to turn off the news and bury your head in a fictional world. Try mine! Jane Yellowrock, Have Stakes, Will Travel.
Caris Roane (Embrace the Mystery)
Professional: to write all the books I have planned for the year
Personal: to create better balance between work and play
Prediction: Facebook will let all our friends and fans back into our newsfeeds.
Kerrelyn Sparks (How to Seduce a Vampire -Without Really Trying)
Professional: Start a new series
Personal: Learn how to use commas
Prediction: Thor, and, Loki will return! (please)
Tara Fox Hall (Her Secret, Promise Me Series Book #6)
Professional: Grow my readership and better my craft (why NOT try to overachieve?)
Personal: Spend more time with the people in my life that are important to me
Prediction: A prolific cannibalistic sheep will be born with batwings and fangs, giving rise to a new top-selling yarn within the year called "worst of the worst wool."
Personal: Spend more time with the people in my life that are important to me
Prediction: A prolific cannibalistic sheep will be born with batwings and fangs, giving rise to a new top-selling yarn within the year called "worst of the worst wool."
Alex Hughes (Sharp - Mindspace Investigations book #2)
Professional: Expand into new series.
Personal: Set up a daily yoga time at home.
Prediction: The cats, having finally trained humans to their liking, will bring in their mothership and take over the world. Very little will change other than scratching posts at every intersection and kitty treats at fine restaurants.
Professional: Expand into new series.
Personal: Set up a daily yoga time at home.
Prediction: The cats, having finally trained humans to their liking, will bring in their mothership and take over the world. Very little will change other than scratching posts at every intersection and kitty treats at fine restaurants.
Alethea Kontis (Hero and Wild & Wishful, Dark & Dreaming)
Professional: I plan on more productivity...which unfortunately means fewer appearances. I suspect this might hurt me even more than it hurts my fans.
Personal: I am finally going to finish unpacking our apartment (we moved in late August) and hang my prisms in the window instead of leaving them on tables to scatter rainbows everywhere
Prediction: I predict that this is the year! 2014 is when I will hit big and become an "overnight success." It's going to happen. And we will all laugh and toast each other with massive amounts of champagne.
Professional: I want to write at least 3 full length novels in 2014. I've just gone from working full time plus writing to part time, so I'm very motivated to increase my production in the coming year!
Personal: Spend more time with my family. I just moved across the country from Los Angeles to Florida to be closer to everyone. No more excuses for being an unsociable troll.
Prediction: The next smash hit on the NY Times bestseller list will be "Harry Potter's 50 Shades of Hunger Games at Twilight". You heard it here first, folks.
Jocelynn Drake (Dead Man's Deal)Professional: I plan on more productivity...which unfortunately means fewer appearances. I suspect this might hurt me even more than it hurts my fans.
Personal: I am finally going to finish unpacking our apartment (we moved in late August) and hang my prisms in the window instead of leaving them on tables to scatter rainbows everywhere
Prediction: I predict that this is the year! 2014 is when I will hit big and become an "overnight success." It's going to happen. And we will all laugh and toast each other with massive amounts of champagne.
Professional: I want to write at least 3 full length novels in 2014. I've just gone from working full time plus writing to part time, so I'm very motivated to increase my production in the coming year!
Personal: Spend more time with my family. I just moved across the country from Los Angeles to Florida to be closer to everyone. No more excuses for being an unsociable troll.
Prediction: The next smash hit on the NY Times bestseller list will be "Harry Potter's 50 Shades of Hunger Games at Twilight". You heard it here first, folks.
Professional: Sell a new series to a publisher
Personal: Lose 20 pounds
Prediction: I will finally get over my Assassin's Creed addiction ... or I will finally be inducted into the Assassin's Guild because of my killer parkour skills.
Professional: In 2014, I hope to make at least 20,000 new reader friends
Personal : Take a few days off. Not a lot. Just enough to stay sane
Prediction: I will prove that my theories on time travel are not only true, but relevant. (Hopefully will prove this by example)
Professional: complete the fourth and final Grigori Legacy book
Personal: top 2013's canning totals (yes, I'm insane)
Prediction: I will open my door and find Iron Man on my front porch one day (please, please, please, please!!!)
Erin Kellison (Soul Kissed (Shadow Kissed #2))
Professional: Release a new series (in the works!)
Personal: Make time to read for enjoyment
Prediction: Apocalypse (zombie or other) will occur and neither will happen :)
Pamela K. Kinney (The Witch and the Familiar)
Professional: Get more novels written and edited--one as Pamela K. Kinney and another as my pseudonym for paranormal romance, Sapphire Phelan. Hopefully something self published on Amazon and a novel accepted through a publisher.
Personal: Exercise more and maybe lose some weight.
Prediction: An agent or big publisher accept me?
Joleene Naylor (Shades of Gray- Amaranthine #1)
Professional: To publish Children of Shadows, the sixth book in the Amaranthine series, work on the Executioner short stories and write the seventh book in the series
Personal: To buy a house. In Iowa. Maybe. It's a maybe-goal. Those are the best kind because if they fail you can always say "it was just a maybe, anyway." Ha ha!
Prediction : I predict that I will the Irish lottery, have a long lost Uncle Naylor in Yugoslavia leave me millions of dollars, and probably get at least three people who think my "profile is attractive". That is assuming my characters don't kill me first. I really worry that they will organize one day.
Nancy Northcott (Renegade)
Professional: Learn to write faster
Personal: Whittle down the To Be Read mountain
Prediction: The Black Widow will become the leader of the Avengers.
D.B. Reynolds (Aden)
Professional: Learn to write faster
Personal: Whittle down the To Be Read mountain
Prediction: The Black Widow will become the leader of the Avengers.
D.B. Reynolds (Aden)
Professional - Use my writing time more efficiently
Personal - Get more sleep
Prediction - Cabe (Hawk) Delgado and I will spend one long, hot, and very memorable night together!
Personal - Get more sleep
Prediction - Cabe (Hawk) Delgado and I will spend one long, hot, and very memorable night together!
Carolyn Crane (Off the Edge)
Professional: write faster! And read faster. Why am I such a slowpoke?
Personal: Learn to needlepoint dishtowels. Which probably won’t help me read or write faster, but I think it will be meditative. Maybe.
Prediction: Another important new social media form will emerge, and I will pretend not to notice.
Professional: write faster! And read faster. Why am I such a slowpoke?
Personal: Learn to needlepoint dishtowels. Which probably won’t help me read or write faster, but I think it will be meditative. Maybe.
Prediction: Another important new social media form will emerge, and I will pretend not to notice.
P1 - Since I stay at home - get more clutter removed from the house
ReplyDeleteP2 -
P3 - Hubs will NOT retire in June :)
p1: keep up with my spanish studies
ReplyDeletep2: try to balance rest and work as to avoid exhaustion and the large range of problem that come with it
p3:my brother will find a job!
Professional..I will buckle down and write more rat related articles.
ReplyDeletePersonal..Try to get out of the house a little more often. (I have agoraphobia so this will be a challenge)
Prediction...I'll finally get that 'crazy rat lady' title I've always wanted. lol
Professional ; I want to retire.
ReplyDeletePersonal: Become a crystal healer
Prediction: The coming year has to be better.
Pro - Actually figure out how to do all the blogging stuff better to serve readers more and perhaps myself too!
ReplyDeletePersonal - Stop eating like it's Christmas so I do not look like I eat as if it's Christmas.
Prediction - Will figure out all there is to know about Wordpress.
P1-to be a better teacher of course with new and innovative ideas.
ReplyDeleteP2-to eat healthier and get more exercise.
P3-another year where all my family continues in good health and has a job.
P1: Survive!
ReplyDeleteP2: Didn't I already say it in P1? :)
P3: Plan that trip to NZ & get to meet a dwarf, hobbit & elf. Pass on the dragon.
P1....Use my time more efficiently
ReplyDeleteP2....Be a healthier person
P3....Husband will retire
This was so much fun to read! Okay, here are mine...
ReplyDeleteProfessional: I will find new ways to teach out-of-the-norm art techniques to others.(And maybe even try to sell some of my art)
Personal: I will finally visit New Orleans.
Prediction: I will be much happier than I have been in years.
P1: improve my work ethics at work to better myself
ReplyDeleteP2: to exercise and try to loose 25 pounds and learn some new skills
P3: to find myself and help more people out that are less fortunate than I am.
P1 - get a raise!
ReplyDeleteP2 - fight back against my diabetes better
P3 - Will read more books than this year!
P1 find a new job
ReplyDeleteP2 Get in better shape
P3 I will be a happier person this year
P1--- Continue taking courses to earn my degree in ECED
ReplyDeleteP2 --- Drink more water and start taking better care of myself
P3 --- The hubs and I will enjoy our 15th Wedding Anniversary with a weekend away!
Thanks for this fun post ladies and gentlemen! Some really made me laugh out loud, especially some superhero wishes ...
ReplyDeleteProfessional: I keep working full time at the same office I have been working for the last 23,5 years
Personal: write better reviews for my blog and I hope to become a member of a streetteam for an author whose work I admire
Prediction: I will discover some amazing new to me authors in 2014 and gobble up their complete backlist.
Professional: Grow my client list for my dog training business and help more people and their dogs.
ReplyDeletePersonal: Find more time and money to support the great Authors out there.
Prediction: Two fall into a deep sleep(I need a vacation) and become a heroine in a best paranormal book ever. And wake up in Thor's arms! Is it 2014 yet?
Professional: Be more production, more organized, write more.
ReplyDeletePersonal: Move around at least a few times a day before becoming fused to the furniture.
Prediction: That in 2014, people will continue to worship TV and movie celebrities, and ignore all the issues that actually matter in society.
Professional: Find a job
ReplyDeletePersonal: Stand up for myself more
Prediction: There will be a new social media trend that takes over
P1 - Start my business
ReplyDeleteP2 - Finish my novel
P3 - The death of an iconic figure
1. Not to stress over work related things that are out of your control.
ReplyDelete2. Be healthy and enjoy life more.
3. It'll be a good one.
P1- find a new job and do the best @it that I can
ReplyDeleteP2- do my best in school & be happy knowing my best was don
P3- I dont ake predictions becasue no one but God know he future
P1. Start selling stuff from my new business Bespokecrochet4U
ReplyDeleteP2. Get off Jobseeker's Allowance
P3. Hopefully become a grandmother at last.
Professional Try to improve my Website Design Skills and maybe try to write
ReplyDeletePersonal. To have operation so I'm not in pain anymore
Predictions. None because who knows what's around the corner
By the way what is Moon Pie.
Professional: Clean parts of the house everyday!
ReplyDeletePersonal: Increase my spirituality!
Prediction: Hubby will do something extra special for our 20th wedding anniversary!
1P- Finish writing my novel
ReplyDelete2P- Eat healthier
3P- Burning things in my kitchen is in the near future, LOL
1. clean the bookshelves more often
ReplyDelete2. exercise more
3. it won't be as cold
Professional goals- work hard and save up to buy a house
ReplyDeletePersonal goals - read lots of books
Prediction for the New Year - have fun making cake pops (just got the kit for xmas)
Personal 1. Win lotto (fingers crossed)
ReplyDeleteProfessional 1. Would like to start a franchise in my town...I know it will take off)
Prediction 1. Win lotto, start happy
Thanks again for fun giveaway Sharon!!!
Personal goals - Get my foot fixed so I can get back to a healthy and active lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteProfessional - New job, that I like.
Prediction for the New Year - It is what it is.
1. Find a job
ReplyDelete2. Lose weight
3. Husband will get full time work
personal - get on frickin treadmill
ReplyDeleteprofessional try to be patient with idiots
prediction - don't see it happening (the above)
Moon pie graham cookie-ish filled with marshmellow filling & covered in CHOCOLATE (or other flavor)
this is traditionally eaten with RC COLA!!!!
Professional goals – Find a great job
ReplyDeletePersonal goals – Finish College
Prediction for the New Year – That I’m going to have an awesome New Year!!
Professional: Start working on my works-in-progress again and actually finish one.
ReplyDeletePersonal: To stop smoking.
Prediction for the New Year: That this year will be better than the last year and my life will finally get back on track.
This will be a better year
ReplyDeleteWill be able to go back to work
Read more
Okay dokee...
ReplyDeleteProfessional: Earn more. LOL Actually, I could earn more if I work on having a schedule for writing that I stick to...and focus.
Personal: Exercise 5 days a week. That's it--
Prediction: I'll try to get a schedule, and it will work partially except when my kids throw a wrench in things...because they are teens and that's what they do. I will stick to the exercise because it's really not an option.
ReplyDeleteProfessional...stay the course less choco, as if
Prediction It will all be the same
ReplyDeletePersonal-make time for me
Professional - fnd a new job where the hours are better for kids
Prediction - be happier
:) thanks fo the great giveawy
Well now....
ReplyDeleteProfessional - Be a better mom and wife
Personal - Adopt a healthier Lifestyle
Prediction - Be a better friend
Love following you! Thanks for the chance to win some coolness!