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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Swag: Concarolinas 2015 recap

Sunday Swag Team!
Riverina Romantics 
 I Smell Sheep 

Featured Event: Concarolinas 2015

Baaart and I went to Concarolinas May 29-31. I attended as a guest editor and got to sit panels with some great people. I try to go to Concarolinas every year because it's awesome and local for me (Charlotte, NC). It is a chance to see old NC authors/readers/publisher friends. Below is a pictorial tour of my experience!

Special Guests: Joel Hodgson (of MST3K fame), Michael Hogan (of Battlestar Galactica), and Doug Jones (of the Hellboy franchise, Silver Surfer, Pan’s Labyrinth, etc.)

First the hotel! One of the nicest con hotels I've stayed at.
All the rooms are suites and soooo big. I had a den. The convention hallways were cavernous. Baaart was a little freaked out looking down from the eighth floor.

Baaart found friends in the gift shop.

It ain't a SFF con unless there is Dr. Who stuff. Baaart enjoyed hanging with K-9.

Cosplayers are what make going to cons a squeee worthy experience. So many talented people.
Mad Max!

Leo is the only furry that usually shows up at Concarolinas. He's a really nice guy, except for the trying ti eat Baaart part.
 Check out that Warhammer costume! It was probably the best costume there. It has working lights and stuff.
You are hard put to find a con with an Elsa of some kind.

Of course meeting new and old friends is what makes the whole thing worth while :)
This lady was spinning yarn. Baaart was impressed but refused to share his wool. J. Matthew Saunders is the author of Daughters of Shadow and Blood (trilogy of Dracula's wives), John Hairston Jr. is an artist from the area. I bought a cool print of Jason (Friday the 13th) for my daughter. 
Jason Gilbert wrote a cool book Bad Movie Beware!: Over 100 movies that no human being should watch. Ever. (Fail-Flix Presents). His wife, author and editor, Melissa Gilbert was also there. She was on the editing panels with me. You need to check out Amy Konechy's website for some awesome geek jewelry. She can do custom too. I didn't get a pic of author Darin Kennedy but Baaart liked the cover of his latest release The Mussorgsky Riddle.

Southern Ghouls Do It Better Panel with  Jake BibleAlexandra Christian, Nancy Northcott, and Jeanne Adams. Jeanne Adams also put on one of the most popular panels of the weekend: Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters: A Body Disposal Primer for Writers.

yeah, Baaart got a hug

I met the wonderful Clay and Susan Griffith. Got an audio book! After I listen to it I'll give it away. Fact: the narrator for the book is James Marsters (yes, Spike!)

Gail Z. Martin had a book release party and there was candy. Gail is a super nice and smart lady. She writes epic fantasy, urban fantasy and has a new steampunk coming out this year, Iron and Blood.

There was some great entertainment at the con. Valentine Wolfe is always there along with the Pineapple Shaped Lamps comedy team. They played SiFi Who's Line is it Anyway. I didn't get a pic, but the The League of Extraordinary Belly Dancers was incredible!
I don't know who the Aussie is that Baaart met, but I am very disappointed
 *I Smell Sheep does not promote animal inebriation*

Swag from Concarolinas. Some of the stuff is signed. You also get a Concarolinas program (that black panther on the cover is the con's mascot Cee-Cee)

Head over to Riverina Romantics and win more Swag!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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