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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Book Review: No Guts, No Fury (Federal Bureau of Magic Cozy Mystery Book 3) by Annabel Chase

by Annabel Chase
March 26, 2019
201 pages
Publisher: Red Palm Press LLC
Welcome to Chipping Cheddar, where supernaturals are hidden in plain sight

I'm less than thrilled when the Federal Bureau of Magic sends a training instructor to make sure my skills are up to snuff. Agent Quinn Redmond is an uptight fae with a rigid approach to rules and regulations that even a do-gooder like me finds stifling. When an eerie fog settles over the town, residents begin acting out in response, resulting in overtime hours for Chief Fox and local law enforcement. Things take a deadly turn when one of the residents ends up dead and I worry his death is only the beginning.

Will I manage to shine a light on the situation or is the whole town destined to remain in a fog?

No Guts, No Fury (Federal Bureau of Magic Cozy Mystery, Book 3) is a full-length humorous paranormal cozy mystery.

This is the 3rd book in the Fury series from this established author. Standard ingredients are found for a “cozy” PN mystery. The is a relatable female lead, chaotic family dynamics, a hunky “off-limits” temptation, and antagonistic friends.

I always return to these stories to cleanse my palate with pure mindless reading, no heavy thinking required. No underlying lessons or mental twists to clutter up the pure ZEN like atmosphere that comes with these stories. Many authors do this genre very well and Annabel Chase can count herself as one of the top contenders. I think she has quite the audience that follow her stories. I tend to get caught up in these series of “cozy” readings just like eating a bag of potato chips.....can’t eat just one!

This particular series is about a fury demon born into a household that thrives on revenge. But Eve has decided to take the “good” path so moves away to the human world and joins the “normal” FBI. Even trying to ignore her powers, they start to manifest and she is assigned back to her home town to the division of FBM (Federal Bureau of Magic). With no other choice, she moves home, tries her best to ignore the constant pressure from her family to “embrace” her heritage and use her newfound powers to thwart the bad guys!

Each series installment tackles a new “magical” crime and shows advancements in Eve’s abilities. In addition to once again trying to assimilate herself in her home town she is struggling to keep her attraction to the new (human) Sheriff under control. Because, of course, humans must not be made aware of the PN population that live side by side with them.

There are a few “eye rolls” during my read but not enough for me to not have gone back and started the series from the beginning. Every now and then I just want to set back with a bag of chips and finish the whole thing!

Getting 3.75 “Fur-ious” sheep.

Jeanie G

About the Author:
Annabel Chase is the author of urban fantasy and cozy mystery novels. She would love to live in a magical town where she can shop at Ready-to-Were for the perfect outfit, flirt with hot angels and vampires, and cook gourmet meals without exerting any effort.

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