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Monday, October 4, 2010

Sheeped by an Alien T-Shirt Winner!

This time around we had more than twice the number of people enter our little give away, which meant that I had to do things a little differently from the last giveaway. If you remember last time, our winner was voted on by a virtual committee of 20 individuals.

This time around, we have the same 20 individuals returning, but instead of a single vote, we needed to divide our candidates into 3 groups. The committee presided over each group to come up with a semi-finalist, then all 3 semi-finalists were debated over in order to come up with our final winner.

To help facilitate the voting, I put my wizard hat on and summoned a few imaginary friends from my childhood. They call themselves Marutachi. They're a mischievous lot, but I didn't think they'd get themselves in too much trouble... but anyway, let's get back to the voting.

Group 1 consisted of Becky, Lisa and Lily... and here is how the voting went:

Vote 1

Lisa : 11

Lily : 8
Becky : 1

The winner is: Lisa in 1 round!

Lisa won in a very decisive victory! There was no need for debate at all!

Group 2 was far more contentious. The committee had to decide between McPig, Amber, and Patti. Voting required 4 separate debates! Check it out!

Vote 1
McPig : 10
Amber : 6
Patti : 4
Nobody got a majority!

The floor is open for debate!
Donna champions McPig calling upon Tenured voters to consider McPig's a
wesomenessMaria champions Amber calling upon MiddleAged voters to consider Amber's worthyness
Victoria champions Patti calling upon voters from the NorthWest to consider Patti's awesomeness

Vote 2
McPig : 8
Patti : 6

Amber : 6
Nobody got a majority!

The floor is open for debate!
Katherine champions McPig calling upon Female voters to consider McPig's greatness
Nicole champions Patti calling upon MiddleAged voters to consi
der Patti's worthyness
Victoria champions Amber calling upon Female voters to consider Amber's sweetness

Vote 3
McPig : 10
Amber : 6
Patti : 4
Nobody got a majority!

The floor is open for debate!
Peter champions McPig calling upon MiddleAged voters to consider McPig's sweetness
Linda champions Amber calling upon MiddleAged voters to consider Amber's greatness
Veronica champions Patti calling upon Female voters to consider Patti's greatness

Vote 4
Patti : 15
McPig : 3
Amber : 2
The winner is: Patti in 4 rounds!

Group 3 consisted of Ruth, Kelly, and Lanae. Like the first group, the voting happened quickly, needing only one round of votes.

Vote 1
Ruth : 12
Kelly : 5

Lanae : 3
The winner is: Ruth in 1 rounds!

That gave us our finalists! Ruth, Lisa, and Patti!

After a short break, the committee reconvened to debate the finalists. No doubt, this would be a long debate... so everyone hunkered down for the long haul.

Vote 1
Ruth : 8
Lisa : 7
Patti : 5

Nobody got a majority!

The floor is open for debate!

Melissa champions Ruth calling upon Female voters to consider Ruth's mettle

Maria champions Lisa calling upon Female voters to consider Lisa's worthyness

John champions Patti calling u
pon MiddleAged voters to consider Patti's greatness

Vote 2

Patti : 10
Lisa : 7

Ruth : 3
Nobody got a majority!

The floor is open for debate!

Nicole champions Patti calling upon Female voters to consider Patti's awesomeness
Francois champions Lisa calling upon Male voters to consider Lisa's worthyness

Linda champions Ruth calling upon Female voters to consider Ruth's awesomeness

Vote 3
Patti : 15

Lisa : 5
Ruth : 0

The winner is: Patti in 3 rounds!

There you have it! Thank you Marutachi for your hard work... and Congratulations Patti!


  1. Awww....I'm not sure what just happened there but...thanks!

  2. Congrats Patti! Nice job!!!!!

    Thanks to everyone for leaving a comment and keep coming back. :)

    Richard--you have outdone yourself in nerdness my friend. It keeps growing...and I LOVE it! Nice job on the voting system. :) xoxox

  3. Woot! Congrats, Patti! (And, Katie/Amber/Richard...where's my shirt?!? LOL)

  4. @Gini its comin! I have to get them made and shipped lady! These things take time! lol
    You are getting one asap.

  5. I love this voting system! Please forward address to which I may send bribes for future voting!!
    Congrats, Patti. May you rock that baby proud and never cross my path should I try to take it. Or lick it. Kidding! (a little.)

  6. @Amber Scott--this system is ALL Richard. ;) Only one as nerdy as he could create such a masterpiece. lol
    And just to make it fair this is why he has to be the impartial judge. hehehe
    As for bribes...well I do happen to know he is a BIG Harry Potter fan. ;) Just saying....

    We may have to do another contest for TBA or AT, seems the shirt was a big hit!

  7. Wow.. I totally made it to the top three! I'm stoked!! If I'd known there was bribing capability I would've jumped on that in a heart beat!

    Congrats, Patti (mutters lucky devil)!!

  8. Wow. That was something else! lol Congrats, Patti!
