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Monday, December 27, 2010

A film I worked on!

Back in November I got the chance to be a Production Assistant for a documentary called X-Band Transmission. Shot in the city I love and proudly call home, the Bay Area! That's Northern California for those of you who don't know. ;)

The film takes a look at real life Paranormal Activity and the people in this world who feel they are a part of that in some way, shape or form. It's different and interesting for both believers and nonbelievers alike.

I was far more interested in gaining additional experience on the film making process as a whole. It's hard work but well worth it in the end. I had the time of my life and I look forward to pursuing this avenue further.

Enjoy a look at the first trailer to this film. I am looking forward to the finished product and a FILM CREDIT! Watch out Hollywood cause here I come! :)

1 comment:

  1. It really was a wonderful experience for me. :) I will use the knowledge I gained in all my up coming projects. Thanks Piggy for the love and support. xoxoxox
