Joining I Smell Sheep today for our latest interview is author Alexandra Ivy! New York Times Bestselling author of the Guardians of Eternity series. We know you're excited to start this one so lets get to all the details from the mind behind the books. Grab a snack, sit back and enjoy!
Chicago. Vampire Nightclub. 2 Sheep and 1 Guardian meet.
Katie: Alexandra welcome and thank you for taking the time to sit down with us today. First question that I am dying to know is this: where can I find Styx? I love that sexy vampire and I must find him! lol
Styx is absolutely one of my favs And oddly he almost remained just a shadow in the background. When I was writing Embrace the Darkness, Viper’s story, I hadn’t really planned to write about Styx, but by the time I finished the book I knew that the vampire king had to find his mate!
Katie: I am so glad you did, I love that Styx is silent but strong. What’s the phrase…walks softly but carries a big stick? Hahaha that’s him!
Amber: What was the craziest thing you ever did as a kid?
I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but when I was very young my next door neighbors moved and left their house empty. One day I found a stack of paint in their back yard and I decided it shouldn’t go to waste, so I played Picasso on the house, the bbq, the lawn furniture…oh, I was in sooooo much trouble
Amber: I love that! Hahahaha. I’m sure your parents were laughing in secret about it. Lol
I think so too They were always great.
Katie: How much fun is it writing about Vampires, Witches, Werewolf's and Fey?
Insane amount of fun!!!!! I love the world building and the fact that they’re smart asses and dangerous and oh so sexy!
Katie: Yes, it’s the perfect mix for me as well. When I start these books I literally can’t stop until it’s finished. Just THAT good!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!
Amber: Were your characters inspired by anyone in your life? Or were they all created in your imagination?
Usually they’re a combination of different people I know as well as a large dose of imagination. I’m at an age that I love writing about delicious alpha males, but if I actually had to live with one day in and day out I would probably put a stake through him I love the fact that my husband is kind and gentle and always thinks about what will make me happy.
Katie: Levit is the cutest little gargoyle, how could you not love that little guy. I wonder will he ever find someone to love?
Absolutely…you’ll get a hint in Tane’s story and more in Bound by Darkness!
Katie: I caught the hint, that’s what had me asking this question. I can’t wait!
Amber: I ask this of every author but I’m always curious to know what books got you excited about writing? Was there a particular author who inspired you?
I’ve loved books all my life and I’ve been an avid reader since I was five!! But oddly my desire to write came from playwrights, maybe because I was a theatre major. Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward and Neil Simon have all been huge influences on my career.
Katie: In the latest book Devoured by Darkness, [in stores now] Tane takes front and center. How much fun was this story to write? Because I have to say, it was a blast to read.
I really loved Tane’s story. Not only because he truly came alive while I was writing his book, but the unfolding threat from the impending return of the Dark Lord has really given an extra edge to the storyline.
Katie: Oh I can’t wait. How many new characters will we be meeting in upcoming books? Any idea?
Ariyal and Jaelyn will be in the next book Bound by Darkness as well as Uriel and Kata who will be in an upcoming anthology. I hope to make a story for Santiago and of course, Caine and Cassie will be having their story…after that…hmmm…I hope for more, but we’ll have to see what my editor has to say
Amber: What was the very first book you remember owning? Mine was Amelia Bedelia. She made me laugh every time! Lol.
I actually remember back to my Dr. Seuss books But the books that first swept me away from the world was Nancy Drew mysteries. I would disappear into my room for hours and my mother was terrified I might become a complete hermit.
Amber: My sister and I got a set of Nancy Drew for Christmas when we were probably ten. I ended up stealing hers because she wasn't reading them! I loved George.
Katie: What helps you get into that creative mood? Any things that help you find that inspiration to write?
I’m fairly flexible. I think it comes from the fact that I started writing when my sons were very young and I learned how to write while keeping one eye on them playing and even being able to write in five or ten minute chunks when necessary! Later I would take a notebook to football games, golf matches…wherever I could catch a few minutes to write
Katie: Has there been a favorite character for you so far? One that has just stood out from the rest? Or can you not pick favorites. lol
I think my favorite will always be Dante since he was my first! He spent a long time lurking in the back of my head before I ever sat down to write his story and he was the one who was the role model for all the other vampires.
Amber: If you could relive, or do over, one moment in your life what would it be?
Probably that whole painting the neighbors house thing Seriously I’ve been so blessed in my life. I certainly haven’t succeeded at everything I’ve tried (it took me ten years before I became published and I received over fifty rejections), but I’ve learned as much from my failures as I have at my successes and I don’t think I would change a thing!
Katie: Now you also write under the pen name Deborah Raleigh, can you tell us a little about those books?
My Deborah Raleigh books are regency historicals and while they’re obviously different from my Alexandra Ivy books they do have the same alpha heroes with a large dose of humor and some adventure At the moment I’ve put them on the back burner, but I’m excited to announce that three of my really, really early books under the name Debbie Raleigh are going to be reprinted. My Lord Vampire, My Lord Eternity and My Lord Immortality were traditional regencies that had vampire heroes long before they were popular!! They will be repackaged under the name Alexandra Ivy!
Katie: Excellent! I can’t wait to dig into those! Do you know any release dates so far?
The first one, My Lord Vampire which will be March 2012 and My Lord Eternity August 2012 and My Lord Immortality TBA 2012!
Amber: Where would you go if you went on your dream vacation? It can be any country, at any point in the past or present.
I’ve been very lucky to be able to travel throughout Europe, but I haven’t made it to Russia yet and I would love, love, love to visit St. Petersburg!! I would enjoy visiting today, but it would also be fun to be able to travel back when the Czars were at full power (always assuming I’m an aristocrat and not a serf).
Amber: Who is the person who has encouraged and inspired you the most in your life?
Soooooo many!! But absolutely my parents. I grew up in a small town in Missouri to very traditional parents, but they offered me unconditional support through my early phase of wanting to become a famous actor and then when I decided I was going to be an author. Never once did they make me feel that my dreams were silly or out of reach. And of course, my husband was always encouraging me to keep going, even on my darkest days. I’ll always be grateful for their belief in me.
Katie: Where can fans find you in the coming months? Will you be at any book signings or conventions?
I very rarely attend conventions or signing…sigh. I will be sure to announce any appearances on my website!
Katie: My last question before we do a little rapid fire is this. [gives Amber a pointed look] In hickory, dickory, dock why did the mouse run down the clock at the stroke of 1? Any guesses? lol *Amber shakes her head and looks away*
Hmmm…that one I’ll have to give some thought He was the designated driver??
Katie: LOL Okay I love that answer.
Katie: And now to the ever popular and widely loved Rapid Fire Round! Clear your mind madam and answer with the first thing that comes to mind.
Katie: Audio or Visual
Amber: Checkers or Chess
Katie: Rock or Country
Amber: Sword or Bow
Katie: Cookies or Cupcakes
Amber: Coke or Pepsi
Amber: YEEESSS!! Take that Ms. Katie! HAHAHA! Another win for Team Pepsi!
Katie: [sticks out tongue at Amber] Coke rocks. All I have to say. hahaha
Katie: Boobs or Bum
Amber: Kittens or Puppies
Katie: Night or Day
Amber: OJ or Apple Juice
Apple Juice
Katie: Full Moon or New Moon
Full moon
Amber: Harry Potter or Twilight
Harry Potter
Katie: Speakers or Headphones
Amber: Known or Unknown
Katie: Letterman or Leno
Amber: Sunflowers or Daises
Amber: Thank you so much Alexandra! We have loved chatting with you. Your answers were awesome! You have so much personality and spirit and you're a pepsi lover to boot! This has been an amazing opportunity. Good luck with all the future writing!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I had a great time
Now for the prize giveaway, In the comments below please list two things to be automatically entered to win the Ivy prize pack.
1. Your email address
2. Are you a vampire fan or werewolf fan?
Contest ends December 19th at midnight.
Good Luck!
I remember reading a vampire regency story ages and ages ago, but as it was translated in Dutch I don't know if it was one of your books as I do not remember the English title or the author *blushes*
ReplyDeleteCool interview as always!
And if I have to chose I'd go for werewolves, but vampires are cool as well. Nothing beats zombies though!
I prefer werewolves. I also like vampires, but I think werewolves can be so sexy!! xD
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway! I love this series.
How can you pick between cookies and cupcakes?!
Heather Sizemore
Although I do find werewolves sexy, I almost always tend to lean towards the vampires no matter what I am reading. Maybe it's the fact that they always seem so much more mysterious.
Miki Horchler
How can I choose between vampire and werewolf... they're both sexy and mysterious... If I had to choose one...urgh.... I guess I will go for Vampire....
Keep up the great work Alexandra, I loves this series and cant wait for more :0)
1. Chllybrd(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDelete2. Im actually an equal fan of both.
I agree, it's sooooo hard to pick between the two. Vampires are so cool and mysterious, while Weres are hot, passionate animals. Equal shares of yumminess!
ReplyDeleteVampires hands down. There are quite a few I would like in my stocking.
I read both vamps & weres. I do prefer weres though. I LOVE Ivy's series. Looking forward to reading Devoured by Darkness.
Thanks everyone for all the great comments! Keep them coming, we love to hear from you. :)
ReplyDeleteAs for my pick...well it should be pretty obvious that I am hands down a blood sucking leech lover! [Bite me!]
I started out being a vamp lover, but something drew me over to the were's... sigh... Maybe it's their animalistic ways. Grrrrr :) If put in a spot where I have to choose... right then... I say were's... but... if I had my choice, BOTH! (cause, I'm greedy and... I'm cool like that. lol).
ReplyDeleteChristy - kaialove7@gmail.com :)
mycolleges7@yahoo.com Lately its been hard to choose between vampires and werewolves because of things like twilight. The first vampire movie I'd ever seen was interview with a vampire and the first romance vamp book I read was alexandra ivy's. I just picked up styx's book because it looked interesting and fell in love with the series. Nomatter what though I am a total vampire fan. :D
ReplyDeleteOK, Katie's mom here again. Hmm, vamps or wolves?
ReplyDelete-Only one wolf - Jacob from Twilight - LOVE that smile and yummy skin tone. Sad, but most wolves have a way of just taking off into the woods too much for my taste - while vamps are almost always trying to get through your window! Way sexier! So the vamps get my vote!
P.S. from Katie's Mom.....After the excitement of choosing between vamp or wolfe I forgot to mention that I'm really looking forward to reading Alexandra's books....and getting an introduction to some new characters.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a hot series - I can hardly wait!!!
Wow, great interview. I can't wait to read Tane's story. I love this series and haven been waiting not so patiently for it to be released. Vampires or werewolves. Hmm, that is hard. I like both. I guess I'll choose vampires since they were my first love. I've been reading about vamps since I was in middle school. Love them.
I've also just introduced a new species of dark fey who I'm starting to love :) Paranormals are filled with so many fun characters these days!!
ReplyDeleteWow...great interview! I love this series, I have to say that Styx has been my favorite to date, but Tane is pretty hot too!
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower...I followed a link from Alexandra's FB page.
Thank you! Maria - mmafsmith@gmail.com
My first love was the vampire but lately I've been drawn to the wolf. I'm going to stick with the vamps :). vsloboda(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThanks Maria! We always love getting new followers! I am a huge animal lover so I have to go with werewolves. They are buff, protective, and smokin hot! Who wouldn't love them? We love all the comments and want to thank Alexandra for being so awesome! THanks for the love and support everyone!
ReplyDeleteit's a toss up for me, however when im cold i want a hot werewolf but when im hot a nice vampire will do *winks*
I can't wait for my book to finally arrive. :)
ReplyDeleteVampires and a close second Weres.
ReplyDeleteSo hard to choose. But I've always had a thing for Vampires, although lately werewolves are gaining ground...i love my vamps.
my friend sent me all but the most recent book in the series ~ can't wait to read start reading them :)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview :-)
While I'm Team Zombie my next team would be vampires.
@Cherry I am going to check with the judges on that answer Cherry. As zombies was clearly NOT listed in the two choices above.
ReplyDelete[conferees with judges]
As you did state "Vampires" in the last sentence your answer will be counted. But this was a warning. Please stick to the strict rules here at I Smell Sheep.
Thank you Cherry. And please continue to leave comments with us. :)
[and for everyone who does not know, Cherry is my friend and this was all a joke. lol :)]
ReplyDeleteright now it is werewolves. that could change tomorrow depending on what book I am reading .
Vampires every time!
ReplyDeletesmaccall @ comcast.net
i was so lucky to meet this spell caster
ReplyDeleteMy name is miss deborah collins from houston,texas.i never believed in love spells or magic untill i met this spell caster once when i went to africa in june last year on a business summit i ment a man called dr koko is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to texas my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help email address dr kokotemple@gmail com
This powerful White magic love spell is tailored to bring your lover back in your arms permanently and with no delay. I use the best spell casting techniques to make your lover come home. This spell is customized to your situation and deals specifically with the barriers that have risen between you and your ex-partner. One by one, all obstacles will be removed until your lover realizes that leaving you was a mistake and desire nothing but coming back into your arms.you can also contact him in is email
address /dr.kokotemple@gmail.com
ReplyDeletemiss joy
Dr.kokotemple, and friends, I wanted to give you an update on my situation. On Feb 14, 2006 I requested a binding love spell be cast on my boyfriend. His eyes roamed to any woman that passed us and it made me feel horrible. I am happy to report that a week after I requested the spell he proposed to me. We have been married for a year now, are expecting our first child in Nov. 2009 and he no longer has eyes for any other woman. I was greatly impressed with the fast results and the personal attention I was shown during the casting and beyond.he is real a good spell caster email dr.kokotemple@gmail.com