GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Swagday is Baaaaaaack! | I Smell Sheep

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Swagday is Baaaaaaack!

Ready to win a swagasmic amount of stuff? Ready to try a new author and/or genre? Here we go……

Our featured authors this month are Christina Henry, Helen Lowe, Jess Haines, Anne Elizabeth, Juliana Stone and Josh Lanyon

swag authors: Joleene Naylor, Faith Hunter, Jana Oliver, Lisa Hendrix, J. William English, Erin Kellison, Chhole Neill, Keri Stevens, Sylvia Day,Paige Tyler, Lisa Kessler, EJ Stevens, Alayna Williams, Kerrelyn Sparks, Lori Armstrong, Sophia Jordan, Pamela Palmer, Karen Chance, Colleen Gleason, Tracey O'Hara, Jessa Slade, Patricia Rasey, Merrie Destefano, Kristine Cheney, Jennifer Estep, Donna Grant, Kalayna Price, Michele Hauf, Casey Daniels, Angie Fox, Terri Garey

Guess the author's series game

1. Christina Henry writes a kick ass Urban Fantasy and is offering up an ARC of Black Night, which is book #2 in what series?

2. Helen Lowe is offering her fantasy novel Heir of Night that won the Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Novel, which is book #1 in what series?

3. Jess Haines is offering a copy of all three of her Urban Fantasy books: Hunted By Others, Taken By Others, Deceived By Others which are part of what series?

4. Anne Elizabeth is not only a senior reviewer/contributor over for RT magazine she is also has created her own comic book. She is offering a signed copy of Pulse of Power, which is in what series?

5. Juliana Stone is offering the first two books of her PNR: His Darkest Hunger and His Darkest Embrace, which are part of what series?

6. Josh Lanyon, my favorite m/m mystery author, is offering a signed copy of Mexican Heat, which is the first book in what series?

Here are your hints: Jaguar Series, Crimes & Cocktails Series, Madeline Black Series, The Wall of Night Series, H & W Investigations Series, Pulse of Power Series

***My July Blog Shout Out goes to***

Smexy Books Romance Reviews

This is one place I visit everyday. The team there does tons of reviews. My favorite feature is their Friday Top 10. It is always full of smexy and funny. Mandi started Smexy Books in 2009 and then brought on Tori in 2010. They have over 1000 followers. This Sheep is in awe of what a fun and active site they have. Smexy Books, you guys ROCK!

Mandi is offering a second place prize of a copy of Dragon Bound and a matching bookmark to be picked from all the commenters that get the game answers correct.


First Place winner gets:

1. Uncle Sam Hat filled with swag (picture above), flag, star necklace, stickers/tattoos, cool shades, flag pencil, hundred dollar bill pencil, copy of the US constitution, and festive earrings made by my daughter Holly!

2. Books from 3 of our featured authors, but they must be ones you haven’t read before.

3. Book/care package sent to a soldier over seas in your name. For the protection of our soldiers locations I can’t tell you to who or where it is going. I give the package to the our local Veteran Affairs chapter and then address it.

Second Place winner gets: book+ bookmark from Mandi over at Smexy Books

How to win:

1 entry for commenting and playing the game

1 entry for being a follower

Be sure to leave your name, email and if you are a follower

Contest closes July 17th at midnight. Good luck!

Email me if you have questions: sstogner1 at gmail dot com


  1. Fun little game Here goes:

    1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series.

    I have actually not read any of these authors. If we get to choose which books to try, I wold love to try Josh Lanyon, Juliana Stone, and Christina Henry books. Thanks so much.

    **GFC follower: June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  2. What a wonderful contest with incredibly generous prizes. Thank you for sharing. GFC - Denise Zaky

    1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night
    3. H&W Investigations
    4. Tia Stanton - Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crimes # Cocktails

    I love #3 in the prize package - how thoughtful of you :)


  3. So I'm guessing I'm supposed to put my answers here. Hopefully that's right.

    1. Black Wings (according to Amazon and her website)or Madeline Black (according to Goodreads)
    2. The Wall of Night
    3. H & W Investigations
    4. SO I checked amazon, goodreads and google but couldn't find a series for this so I'm guessing the series is called Pulse of Power.
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crimes & Cocktails

    So I haven't read any of the authors yet, though their books sound good. I'm GFC Following as Jenn of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger. Email is jennlovesed14 at gmail

  4. 1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    These are all new authors to me and I'd love to read any of these books. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!
    GFC: LadyVampire2u
    FB: Aprille Shadowspeak
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  5. thank you for this giveaway !

    1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H&W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Warriors Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series

    I'm a GFC follower : Melliane

  6. Another great Swag giveaway/contest!

    My entry:
    1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series.

    I LOVE Jess Haines' H&W Investigations series and I read Helen Lowe's Thornspell, but all the other authors I yet have to try.

    +1 follower

  7. This was fun, here's my entry:

    1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series

    There are several series here that I haven't had a chance to get started on, or just have one book.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  8. I hope I got these right as I haven't read all of these series'

    1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series


  9. Ohh
    1. Madeline Black series
    2. Wall of Night
    3.H&W Investigators
    4. Pulse of Power
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crimes of Cocktails series/.

    wow these look like some fabulous summer reads!
    GFC Teril
    terilhack at yahoo dot com

  10. These all sound yummy!! Lana

  11. Here we go, my answers:
    1. Madeline Black
    2. The Wall of Night
    3. H&W Investigations
    4. Pulse of Power
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crimes & Cocktails

    That is *extremely* awesome that you are sending books overseas to our military heroes! Thank you so much for doing that :)

    I haven't read any of these authors, so I'd be excited to get any of them!!

    I am a follower of your blog, but for some reason, google won't log me in. I'm seaellare :)
    Christine Rowlands

  12. Thank you for the great giveaway! :-)

    Here are my answers:
    1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series

    I've sent a request to follow by email & FB :-)


  13. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
    I have not read these authors.

    1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H&W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Warriors Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series


  14. 1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    I've read the 1st Madeline Black and the 1st and 2nd H & W Investigations series :)
    Tamara (tamara525 [at] gmail [dot] com)
    Can't wait to read Book #2 from MB and #3 from H&W

  15. Thanks for the contest it was a lot of fun.

    1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H & W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series

    GFC follower - Sherry S.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  16. Wow. Pretty interesting series & I've not read any of them yet!
    1. Black Wings
    2. Wall of Night
    3. Others
    4. Pulse of Power
    5. Jaguar Warrior
    6. Crimes & Cocktails
    Follower on Twitter

  17. Thanks for the giveaway. I just read Juliana Stone's The Darkest Hunger, the rest is new authors for me .
    My answer :
    1.Madeline Black Series
    2.The Wall of Night Series
    3.H & W Investigations Series
    4.Pulse of Power Series
    5.Jaguar Series
    6 Crimes & Cocktails Series

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower : Ren
    sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

  18. . The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    Not familiar but so excited to get acquainted!!!!!

    FB follower Melinda Sheridan

  19. 1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H&W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Warriors Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series

    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Follower through Google

  20. 1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H&W Investifations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Sweies
    5. Jaguar Warriers Series
    6. Crimes and Cocktails Series

    Thanks for the chance to win. Waiting with baited breath for the MB second book in her series. Ahhhhh summer reading.....

  21. 1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series.

    I have read 1, 3 and 6. #3 is one of my top three favorite series right now. Can't wait to read Deceived.

    GFC Anne38

  22. 1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    I haven't read any of them yet
    sheila@utah dot

  23. 1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    I have the first Jess Haines book but I haven't read it yet. I follow the blog :)
    I like the care package, nice touch.
    You didn't say if this is international...


  24. 1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H & W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series

    I found this blog from Helen's blog. I'm a Wall of Night fan.

    I'm waiting for my facebook follower to be approved.


  25. 1. Madeline Black series
    2. Wall of Night Series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power.
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes and Cocktails series

    Wow there is some sweet swag up there. Thank you!
    kasuranna at yahoo dot com

  26. Series:
    1. Madeline Black
    2.Wall of Night
    3. H&W Investigations
    4. Pulse of Power
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crime and Cocktails.

    That was fun. I found this site through Helen Lowe's post so thank you!

    bookittome at gmail dot com

  27. 1 entry for commenting and playing the game
    1 entry for being a follower

    1. Madeline Black
    2. The Wall of Night
    3. H&W Investigations
    4. Pulse of Power
    5. Jaguar Warriors
    6. Crime and Cocktails

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  28. I like your 1-2-3 approach to the first prize, Sharon: what an amazing swagday, I an honored to be part of it. Best of luck to all the entrants.:)

  29. 2 entries one for being a follower - as soon as you guys approve me ;)and the other for playing.

    I read about you on Helen's blog so came over for a look.

    1. Madeline Black Series
    2. The Wall of Night Series
    3. H & W Investigations Series
    4. Pulse of Power Series
    5. Jaguar Warriors Series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails Series

    ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com

  30. 1. The Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. The H & W Investigations series
    4. The Pulse of Power series
    5. The Jaguar Warriors series
    6. The Crimes & Cocktails series

    Love having new series to check out.

    gfc follower
    cathy m
    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  31. 1. Madeline Black series
    2. The Wall of Night series
    3. H&W Investigations series
    4. Pulse of Power series
    5. Jaguar Warriors series
    6. Crimes & Cocktails series

    All are new authors to me. Love discovering new authors:)
    GFC follower: Heather Powers
    FB follower:
    Sassy street siren
    My email earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

  32. okay, contest closed! Today I will get the winners picked and notified. I am going to let my daughter's rat, Drake, pick the winner I'll take pictures of it. Good luck to everyone!
