GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ July 9 Speculative Fiction New Releases | I Smell Sheep

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 9 Speculative Fiction New Releases

It wasn't a big release day in speculative fiction, but here are some to check out. The most anticipated was Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darydra Jones . A BIG fan of the series heard I hadn't read it yet and gifted me the first book. She is that big of a fan! Can't wait try it :)

Next week is a big release week so stay tuned!

disclaimer: all these covers are links to our amazon affiliate pages. I Smell Sheep will get a small percentage of all sales through these links as an advertising fee. I Smell Sheep uses the money to pay for sheep s*** and shipping <G>

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