GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Comic Review: Skullkickers #23 (Dark Skullkickers #1) by Jim Zub | I Smell Sheep

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Comic Review: Skullkickers #23 (Dark Skullkickers #1) by Jim Zub

Skullkickers #23: (Dark Skullkickers Dark #1)
Story By: Jim Zubkavich
Art By: Edwin Huang
Art By: Jim Zubkavich
Image Comics
Price: $3.50

Diamond ID: APR130431
Published: July 3, 2013

Yup, we're beating this re-re-re-re-boot dead horse one... more... time. DARK SKULLKICKERS DARK - it's the comic the industry needs, it just doesn't know it yet! Our fourth story arc ends and darkness begins! Secrets are revealed, continuity is poked and, of course, violence is unleashed. For die-hard collectors keeping up with our old sequential numbering, no problem! Our B cover legacy variant is a classic issue twenty-three.

I missed Skullkickers #22, and as such got a little bit lost at the start of Skullkickers #23. I can only assume it was similarly awesome, or I managed to avoid the lone stinker since I started reading the series.

Either way, Rex and Kusa find themselves reunited with the Dwarf at the top of the mountain. Now, I'm not too sure what they were expecting to find after slogging and slugging there way past all kinds of nasty obstacles, but I'm pretty sure a saloon full of drunken revelers was fairly low on the list. And yet that's precisely where they wind up.

Considering the irreverent nature of Skullkickers, I shouldn't be surprised, but surprises is what Jim Zub specializes in. And Edwin Huang's specialty remains his electric illustrations. Each issue features characters and settings that leap off the page, aided by colors from Misty Coates and Ross Campbell that ought to be the envy of every Saturday morning cartoon.

The climax of "Eighty Eyes on an Evil Island" sees a barroom brawl as window dressing around an existential conversation between Kusa and the elfin narrator of this whole story. As for how it all wraps up and leads into the next story arc, well you'll just have to read it to believe it. Just when I think I have things figured out, cue the swerve and we're off in a wild new direction.

If you haven't checked out Skullkickers yet, it looks like the next issue might be a great place to start. If you can track down the back issues of his series though, all the better.

4 and 1/2 Sheep

Guest Reviewer: Gef Fox

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