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Thursday, November 7, 2013

“Selling your Soul to the Dark Side – Job opportunity” by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom + giveaway

“Selling your Soul to the Dark Side – Job opportunity”
by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom 

Hello Sheepsters! I’m Linda, author of paranormal romance and urban fantasy books for Kensington, Dorchester, Amazon Montlake, and Harlequin Nocturne . . . here to post a job opp I saw recently, and wondering who might fill it. Because I write about dark (or potentially goofy) things, according to whim and contracts, this particular add caught my eye.

The add read: “Recruiter needed. Only the wicked need apply.” 

Recruiter? I repeated. As in someone who finds and places people in businesses?

But . . . wicked as a requirement? WTH?

So, of course I called.

Here is what I found out. NEVER ANSWER AN ADD LIKE THAT!

But in case you might fit the bill . . . and have a stubborn streak that makes you want to find out for yourself what this is all about, forgetting that curiosity did the cat in . . .

Job: Recruiter, for the Dark Side. 
Experience necessary: None we can mention over the phone. 
Job description: Find the souls on a “take down” list, and then take them down. 

Interruption by me, here:

Question: “Down, as in . . . below ground?” 
Their answer: “All the way to the Underworld, where earthly sins are atoned for.” 

Question: “Are we actually talking about hit men?” 

Their answer: “We wouldn't out that so crassly.” 

(Just so you know, I did dare to pose another question) But I will now paraphrase the rest of what they told me as a sales pitch.

There are perks for a job well done – and are quite profitable, actually.

1) You’d be a princess of the seventh layer of the Seventh Seal of Hades, and get to wear a tiara.
2) You’d have a perfect female assembly, with molecules rearrangeable according to whim.
3) Cushy Manhattan apartment provided.
4) Limmo at your beck and call.
5) Wardrobe to die for.
6) Immortality. 

Okay, so I had one more question that you’re probably thinking of, too. 
Question: “Why is there a job opening?” Answer after a slight hesitation: “We had a defection.” 

*I hung up, quickly. My own little defection.

And being a writer, I checked some things out about this “business.” Since the internet is marvelous tool, and can be quite wicked in how far information can go . . . this is what I got:

The Dark Side has 10 Recruiters, the best of which is a being who calls herself “Wanda.” In order to remain on the earth plane, chasing targets, a Recruiter has to be very good at her job, which means she has to be bad news for everyone else. 

This piqued my interest, so began a search for “Wanda,” using all resources available to me, and eventually tracked her down. I wrote her story in a biographical urban fantasy novella called “Hot Holiday,” and published it under the series title: Dark vs Light. “Hot Holiday” was just released this month in e-book formats.

Wanda’s tale is worth reading for not only the bits of info and words of wisdom she provides, but to get a handle on what really goes on beneath our noses – things we really, really don’t want to know goes on . . . unless like me, you have to know everything about life and the afterlife and the gray zone (earth plane) where the Light and the Dark sometimes touch down, and though uncomfortable, have to deal.
Fascinating? Different? Slightly quirky and not all that dark? Let me tell you . . . her tale is a doosy.

The Dark Side has placed a hit on Santa Claus, and sent their secret weapon, a Recruiter named Wanda, to seal the deal. But Wanda might not be fully prepared for Santa’s hot, heavenly bodyguard. In the days leading up to Christmas, who would imagine that the Dark Side's voluptuous secret weapon might meet her match in an . . . attorney?

I hope you’ll check it out. (smiley face) Wanda hopes so, too – and since she got hold of Santa’s NAUTHTY List, you might not want to make her mad.

** In the spirit of the season, I’m giving away a backlist book to one lucky commenter. YAY! Who doesn’t like early holiday presents? 

And Wanda is open for questions. She would like to know if you have anyone in mind who might fit the job description above . . . and what you’re doing to make this upcoming holiday bright? 

Please do leave a comment, so we know you’re here. Connecting is what this writing gig is all about. Right? Cheers for now – waiting to hear from you today. 

About the Author:
Linda Thomas-Sundstrom is an award-winning author of paranormal romance novels and novellas, with books published by Kensington Brava, Dorchester, Amazon Montlake, and Harlequin Nocturne.

Linda lives in the west, and is a teacher by day and a writer by night. She lives with her family on a ranch, and truly believes that "paranormal" is her middle name.

A fan of all things gothic, Linda writes fast-paced, atmospheric paranormal and urban fantasy romances that tweak the genre into tasty, sexy, believable fare. More than anything, she hopes you'll come along on this wild, wonderful ride with her.


  1. So Wanda, what are the hours of this potential job? I may have a sibling who might fit the profile.

    Loved the post and this sounds like a fun read.

    1. Dear Dawn.... the hours vary according to ability. Meaning that if you're GOOD at this, you've got plenty of time off for good behavior. We love siblings. Provide name and date of birth, and we'll do the rest. Mwaaaaaa...ha..... haaaa.....
      Linda and Wanda

  2. Thanks for the fun post and congrats to Wanda on the new release! Wanda... what is the one thing that you have to have/do while writing?
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Erin... Wanda doesn't bother to write. She needs me for that. (*wink*). So I'll take this question. I always have comfy clothes on and a glass of ice tea beside me. In the winter, I have to have a little floor heater. Working on this story, I didn't need that because WANDA is so flaming hot, I needed a floor fan.
      Happy Thursday..... thanks for stopping by.

    2. Hi, Linda!
      I love the Want Ad, but I doubt I'd qualify for the job. Congrats on the new release, and I hope you and Wanda achieve great success together!


    3. Thanks heaps for stopping by, Alexis. Happy writing to you!

  3. Fun post, this sure sounds like a great story.

  4. Awesome post! Can't think of anyone who'd fit the bill...and a hit on Santa? Not cool. :)

    1. Really, CJ. No one to fit the bill? Hmmmmm. You must be a really nice person. hehehe.
      Happy Thursday to you!
      Linda and Wanda

  5. Hey y'all... I'm off to teach classes, but will return tonight to answer all questions and return waves. Please do leave one..... everybody needs love.

  6. Super fun post Linda! :)

    So is Wanda the defector??? Inquiring minds want to know...

    Lisa :)

    1. Oh yeah...... maybe so. hehehe. You'll have to read HOT HOLIDAY to find out. (I am sooo mean). Hugs to Lisa.

  7. I will be sending my resume in immediately, I really love my work and think this would be a grand opportunity I think the manchild will be deep frying a turkey this year - so it might be getting a little warm around here anyway . . . Thank you for the fun and making me smile today :)

    1. Hello Denise.... Wanda will be calling you soon.... so glad you're willing to fill the vacancy. LOL LOL *waving*

  8. What a fun post! Though I don't think I know anyone for the job. lol

  9. Love the ad! And...well... I am looking for work ;)

    LOL.. :)

    ~Veronica Vasquez~

    1. you have the perfect name for the job!

    2. With a name like CHAOTIC KARMA, you are right up the Dark Side's dark alley, my friend. You might have to fight Denise (comment above) for it, though. HA.
      Thanks for the comment and happy what's left of Thursday night.

  10. can't think of anyone; baking cookies

  11. well going to get the decoration up and then they are going to getthe tree oflight and yes i do it me

  12. Goodness! Maybe my friend, Emma?? Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Love giveaways. Love you guys for commenting here.

  13. I've posted a short excerpt on my facebook author page - in case you'd like a peek at a snippet of HOT HOLIDAY. search there.

  14. Uh. the "search there" isn't part of the facebook address, of course. *headdesk*

  15. Not long now until one of you wins a book! Can't wait to see who it is. Will it be YOU?
    Happy Wednesday from LInda

  16. I know a certain family member who would be perfect for this job, my youngest son who at 21 has the 'just a little bit evil' down pat :D As tp brightening up the season I'm afraid that is not on my mind as it will be my first one without my husband who passed away last month.

    Thanks for the giveaway though it is most generous of you.

    1. ilona - so sorry to hear of your loss, and your wicked little son...... sending good vibes to yu before WANDA gets here.

  17. Thank you for telling me so much! But I'm also interested in how I can find a new job? I have been trying to find a suitable vacancy for myself for a long time!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello everyone! Not so long ago I lost my job and started looking for a new one so that I would always have money. I was able to find this site on the Internet general labor jobs. And among many vacancies, I was able to find the most suitable job for me! I think you can do the same if you want to find a new job!

  20. I am sure that if you search long and hard, you will definitely find exactly what you need. This is quite real and I am sure that you will succeed, you just need to keep looking

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