GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ 47 New Book Releases in Speculative Fiction for January 6 | I Smell Sheep

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

47 New Book Releases in Speculative Fiction for January 6

There is a sheep load of books out today! Some really great urban fantasy especially.

Click on the covers to be taken to the amazon page. I Smell Sheep is an affiliate of amazon and we will get a tiny percentage of each sale for advertising.


  1. Wow So Many! And I do covet aout 5 of those ...

    1. lol, you are going to have to move into a larger home to make room for all the books you own.

  2. Bought two already and just wish the book funds stretched to more of them.
