GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ 28 New Book Releases in Speculative Fiction for March 24 | I Smell Sheep

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

28 New Book Releases in Speculative Fiction for March 24

Lookie, lookie at all the bookies! We recently reviewed Fated by Donna Augustine and Dark Alchemy by Laura Bickle...both got 5 sheep...just saying...

Our WTF-ery is something we've all be waiting for...a werepug. If anyone wants to review this I will post it on our site! Come on...take a bite...(warning this is only 10 pages for $.99, but werepug...seriously)

Click on the covers to be taken to the amazon page. I Smell Sheep is an affiliate of amazon and we will get a tiny percentage of each sale for advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing on my wishlist for this week :) And a werepug, wow. You could cuddle with him in both forms ;)
