Pas (War of the Alphas Book 4)
by: SM Reine
July 27, 2015Pages: 244
Deirdre Tombs is a Beta without her Alpha. Everton Stark is missing, just days in advance of the election to replace Rylie Gresham as leader of all North American shifters.
She can’t control his allies anymore. She can’t win the election without him.
Everything will be lost unless Deirdre can become a better monster than Stark.
Pas is book 4 in the War of the Alphas series by SM Reine. This series is a continuation of Reine’s long running series which focuses on what happens after Genesis. This is the final book in this set of the series. The next continuation of the series will be the Mage Craft series which will premiere at the end of June 2016!
Everton Stark is missing! He went into the Winter Court for revenge and no one has seen him since. Deirdre still feels strongly that Stark should be the next Alpha and should participate in the election. So she does what any good Beta would do. She continues on like Stark is just busy and she is following his orders. The problem with that? Eventually, the allies are going to want Stark not Deirdre.
In this epic finale of the War of the Alphas Deirdre found the answers to so many of her questions and I can’t wait to see what she will do in the future of this continued world of Reine’s.
by: SM Reine
July 27, 2015Pages: 244
Deirdre Tombs is a Beta without her Alpha. Everton Stark is missing, just days in advance of the election to replace Rylie Gresham as leader of all North American shifters.
She can’t control his allies anymore. She can’t win the election without him.
Everything will be lost unless Deirdre can become a better monster than Stark.
Pas is book 4 in the War of the Alphas series by SM Reine. This series is a continuation of Reine’s long running series which focuses on what happens after Genesis. This is the final book in this set of the series. The next continuation of the series will be the Mage Craft series which will premiere at the end of June 2016!
Everton Stark is missing! He went into the Winter Court for revenge and no one has seen him since. Deirdre still feels strongly that Stark should be the next Alpha and should participate in the election. So she does what any good Beta would do. She continues on like Stark is just busy and she is following his orders. The problem with that? Eventually, the allies are going to want Stark not Deirdre.
In this epic finale of the War of the Alphas Deirdre found the answers to so many of her questions and I can’t wait to see what she will do in the future of this continued world of Reine’s.
5 Sheep
About the Author:
Hi everyone! My name is Sara, and I'm the New York Times Bestselling Author of urban fantasy known as SM Reine. I collect swords, cat hair, and typewriters (which I do use for writing!). You can usually find me writing on my treadmill desk at 2am whilst listening to dubstep. Yes, dubstep.
If you would like to know the instant I have a new book available, you should enlist in my Army of Evil! I'll only email you when I have a new release, which is generally no more than once a month. I can't write any faster than that. :)
Hi everyone! My name is Sara, and I'm the New York Times Bestselling Author of urban fantasy known as SM Reine. I collect swords, cat hair, and typewriters (which I do use for writing!). You can usually find me writing on my treadmill desk at 2am whilst listening to dubstep. Yes, dubstep.
If you would like to know the instant I have a new book available, you should enlist in my Army of Evil! I'll only email you when I have a new release, which is generally no more than once a month. I can't write any faster than that. :)
Thanks for the review. Don't know how I missed this series. Immediately picked up Book One!