Writer(s): Dave Dwonch
Artist Name(s): Anna Lencioni
Cover Artist(s): Anna Lencioni
32 pgs. / All ages / FC $3.99
Cyrus is on the fast track to solving Michael’s murder, but there’s an unexpected curve in the road ahead. The killer is hunting him, and Death is sure to follow.
The sheep just got real for Cyrus Perkins! He's starting to make some headway in solving Michael's murder. He knocked on a few doors doing a little amateur detective work and found some answers...unfortunately that answer came at him with a baseball bat! Michael is getting some memories of his pre-death life, but it might be too late to help save Cyrus. Then there is one line spoken by a friend of Cyrus that hints at something mysterious about Cyrus' girlfriend...
Artist Name(s): Anna Lencioni
Cover Artist(s): Anna Lencioni
32 pgs. / All ages / FC $3.99
Cyrus is on the fast track to solving Michael’s murder, but there’s an unexpected curve in the road ahead. The killer is hunting him, and Death is sure to follow.
The sheep just got real for Cyrus Perkins! He's starting to make some headway in solving Michael's murder. He knocked on a few doors doing a little amateur detective work and found some answers...unfortunately that answer came at him with a baseball bat! Michael is getting some memories of his pre-death life, but it might be too late to help save Cyrus. Then there is one line spoken by a friend of Cyrus that hints at something mysterious about Cyrus' girlfriend...
It is so easy to love Cyrus. He's just good people. Up to this point Michael has acted like a carefree kid, all excited about what he can do as a ghost, and brought a bit of comedy to the story. But that boy is slowly disappearing as memories of his previous life start coming back. There might be a reason for his "death-amnesia"...protecting him from the tragic circumstances of his death. The cover of Micheal and his friends, before his death, really drive this home. Hankie, please...
This a comic that gets better with each issue as you are pulled deeper into the mystery.
5 "baby talking" Sheep
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