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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Flock talk: Today is national chocolate with almonds day!

I missed national chocolate day yesterday...but! Today is national chocolate with almonds close enough.
I want to share with you my favorite chocolate cereal...which also has almonds in it.

I'm somewhat of a cerealphile (real word? Is now!). Good chocolate cereals are hard to find. Usually, the chocolate doesn't really taste like chocolate...and has a weird aftertaste.

Then I discovered Trader Joe’s Just The Clusters Chocolate Almond Granola Cereal - 16 oz
I eat this cereal for breakfast, as a snack, and dessert. And it's cheap...$2.99

Changing gears...I found a new dark chocolate that is smooth and delicious.
This is flocking good!

Got any chocolate food suggestions for me to try?


  1. Yum I am celebrating by making Almond Joy Cookies on my blog. Come visit for this quick & easy recipe using 4 items only.

  2. Is chocolate and cheese a classic combination? Every now and then I like to come up with something new that I've never tried before. The good thing is that nowadays there is no problem finding and buying products that will be really fresh, high quality and authentic. I always order cheeses here if I have a desire to try cheeses from other countries, say France, rather than a copy of a product that was made close to the original recipe.
