GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Sheep Interview: author Larissa Ione + giveaway! | I Smell Sheep

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sheep Interview: author Larissa Ione + giveaway!

Today the Sheep are honored to bring you our interview with PNR Goddess Larissa Ione. Her amazing series of books have captivated readers around the globe, truly a fantastic read I'd recommend to anyone. If you're all now thinking this hottie author is one to marry and keep forever in unicorn filled rooms of can't! She's mine! Mine! No touching! *hiss*

Katie: Thanks so much for coming back to chat with us Larissa, how have things been since we last spoke in February?
Larissa: Busy! Like, OMG, I need a year-long vacation, busy! And thanks for having me back!

Katie: For those that don't know about your Lords of Deliverance can you fill folks in a little?
Larissa: Sure! The LOD series is a spinoff of the Demonica series. It's about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and they're trying to save the world after the events that took place in the fifth Demonica book, Sin Undone, unleashed a new wave of terror that could bring about the End of Days. The Horsemen are neither good nor evil until their Seals break, and now that one has broken, it's only a matter of time before they all break. You'll see lots of gritty violence, steamy love scenes, and best of all, you'll see all of the Demonica characters, some of whom play large roles.

Katie: Ares is my lover, I don't care who he's "with" he is mine and I will not take no for an answer! Sorry had too much caffeine today. Anyway, what's been the best part about writing the stories of the Four Horsemen?
Larissa: LOL -- glad you love Ares so much! I'd say the best part about writing them has been that I get to incorporate real legends and events into the books. I'm a history buff, so any time I can squeeze some of it in, I'm happy!

Sharon: We are asking authors what they like and/or dislike on review blogs. Got any advice for us and other bloggers?
Larissa: I love bloggers and review blogs! It's you who help spread the word about our books, and I appreciate it more than I can say. I really hate to criticize or offer advice, but I guess the one thing I dislike seeing is when reviews get personal against the author or presume to know what the author was thinking when they were writing the book. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often, especially on blogs. Seems to be more of an Amazon thing!.

Katie: Aside from an amazingly written story you sure do know how to spice things up with these beef cakes. What new, uh how to put this, "extra curricular activities" can we look forward to. (Yeah I went there, don't look at me like that Sharon!)
Sharon: Wha? I was just thinking how unusually tactful you were. Your shock treatments must be…er…nevermind….
Larissa: LOL -- well, look for a lot of, um, hand action in Immortal Rider. When you have two virgins (Limos and Thanatos) in one book, you get a lot of sexual frustration!

Katie: Some folks may not know that you're something of a dog whisper haha can you share the things you've been teaching the animals at your house?
Larissa: Ha! My dog doesn't think I "whisper" at all! But we've been learning the usual obedience stuff, as well as ringing a bell to go out, going potty on command, taking her chew toys to her bed (to chew ONLY on the bed so the floors don't get messy,) and the big one: LEAVE THE CAT ALONE!!!! :)

Sharon: If I blindly stuck my hand in your purse and grabbed something what would I probably find?
Larissa: Receipts. I never clean out my purse.

Katie: Your Demonica Series is another entertaining storyline, what can fans look forward to from the hottie UG doctors?
Larissa: Ooh, UG doctors play big roles in Lethal Rider. You'll be seeing a lot of our Demonica peeps, because the world is a messy, messy place in the LOD books!

Sharon: Which book (either series) was your favorite to write and why?
Larissa: Hmmm...I really loved writing Passion Unleashed because Wraith is just so much fun, but I think the final LOD book (Reseph's book,) is just as much fun, because Reseph is a blast -- such an easygoing, happy guy. Well, sort of. He's a little out of sorts given what he's done as Pestilence!

Katie: If you could go out on a date with anyone from past to present who would it be and why?
Larissa: Not a clue. Really. I think I like fictional people too much!

Sharon: Give use a few favorites (song, gum, dessert, tv show, weapon of mass destruction)
Larissa: Pizza, beer, fried cheese curds, cinnamon gum, country music, Independence Day (the movie,) Star Trek (in general,) zombie (favorite kind of apocalypse)

Katie: Where can folks find you in the coming months?
Larissa: Check your local insane asylum

Katie: Larissa's been through the drill before so lets get some Rapid Fire questions going! GO!

Katie: Country Side or Sea Side
Larissa: Sea!

Sharon: Crunchy insides or chewy insides
Larissa: You scare me

Katie: Creepy Attic or Creepy Basement
Larissa: Um...neither?

Sharon: Thunder or lightning
Larissa: (Well, technically, you can't have one without the other...yes, I'm a meteorologist. Obnoxious, I know...)

Katie: Singing in the car or Shower
Larissa: Car!

Katie: True Blood or Dexter
Larissa: True Blood!

Sharon: Speedboat or sailboat
Larissa: Speedboat

Katie: Star Trek Next Gen or Battlestar Galactia
Larissa: Star Trek TNG

Katie: D&D or Pathfinder
Larissa: D&D

Katie: Fae or Shifters
Sharon: aw, this one just isn’t fair!
Larissa: Shifters
Katie: haha I know Sharon, that would be like me asking you Shifters or Prime.

Katie: Cookie Crisp or Lucky Charms
Larissa: Lucky Charms!

Sharon: Fire magic or Water magic
Larissa: Fire

Katie: Larissa, as always it's been a pleasure. We love you and can't wait to see what you come up with next! Anything you'd like to add before we wrap?
Larissa: Thanks so much, ladies! Love you right back! Can't think of anything to add, but I appreciate the time you took to write up the questions and to be so great! Hugs!


Larissa's been kind enough to offer up some amazing swag items from her 'Horsemen Series' and the Sheep are adding a "screw no evil" tote bag and other goodies! Also, today is the official release date for Immortal Rider so follow the Amazon link below to grab your copy! In the comments below answer both things to be entered to win:

1. Your Email Address
2. If I reached inside your purse/bag what would I find?

Contest open to EVERYONE! Double entries for followers. Ends November 27th at midnight. Good luck!


  1. Great interview,thanks you for the giveaway

    1) isabelle(dot)frisch(at)gmail(dot)com

    2)If you reached in my bag you would find:pen and a small notebook

    gfc follower: miki ( or isabelle frisch)

  2. Awesome interview!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :-)

    2)If you reached into my purse you'd find my Nook!:-)

    GFC Follower-jfort357

  3. 1)
    2) If you reached into my purse you would find I'm broke.

  4. Awesome interview - love the quick fire questions!

    1) project(dot)tbr(at)gmail(dot)com
    2) loads of junk and old reciepts

    GFC follower: Claire

  5. This was a great interview! I love Larissa's books and I can't wait to read Immortal Rider! Thanks so much for the swag giveaway :-)

    1. Ambercruz1(at)yahoo(dot)com
    2. If you reached in my purse you would find (just like Larissa) a lot of old receipts. It's really quite embarrassing to be honest. I'm really bad about cleaning it out! Lol

    GFC: Amber Hughes

  6. 1)
    2) anything my magical purse can carry like a blowtorch, comic books, a brush etc... I mean honestly, a woman can't leave home without ALL her essentials! ;)

  7. Ohh I am loving this new LOD series.
    1. terilhack at yahoo dot com
    2. Eww get past the old Kid gum, and you may find a copy of Shadow Reader in my purse this morning.

  8. These are the luscious Lords! I love the first book and Immortal Rider, whew should be awesomesauce.
    1) kasuranna at yahoo dot com
    2) right now, receipts, coupons, calculator and a tiny notebook.

  9. Great interview - really enjoyed it! I keep hearing tantalizing things about these books....

    1) dani at daniharper dot com
    2) my mini tape recorder and several pads of paper and twenty pens (in case I get a great idea ... or even a not so great idea)

  10. Awesome Interview, thanks! cant wait to get this book.. christmas maybe? lol

    Man that is a purse has everything so with one dig you will probably find: kleenex, pens, notepads, gum,a book, a giant wallet... and tons more...

    alainala AT hotmail DOT ca
    (i am a loyal sheep, and i follow!!!)

  11. Great interview! Loved the questions and I can not wait to read this..maybe Santa will bring me all the books on my list this year!!
    1) kristinaparmenter51(at)gmail(dot)com
    2) In my purse.....lip gloss, keys, chocolate bar, crayons,paper, paperclips, and I seriously just found a half eaten musta put it there!
    (follower :))

  12. Geesh, I've been known to live out of my purse... couple packs of cheese crackers & peanut butter, hairbrush, checkbook (why do I carry it? there's no money there), Barnes & Noble membership card, list of books I want, notebook, a handful of ink pens... why a handful? ::scatching head:: -g-

    azurebead AT yahoo DOT com

  13. 1) gamergirlconfessions at gmail dot com
    2) My purse just carries the essentials: meds, wallet, keys, phone, book I am currently reading, handheld game system, glasses, hand creme, notepad and pen, checkbook, munchies, and the kitchen sink.

    GFC Follower

  14. Lovely interview. I am reading a lot about this book all over the web and I wanted it long before that. Darn funds and wants just don't match :(

    Just took a look at my handbag (or for you Americans - my purse) and it has my mobile phone, 4 carrier bags/totes,a calculator, two purses (coin holders),a credit card holder with all my library cards in it, a spectacle case, a lotto ticket holder, a crossword book, my Sony touch,a comb, antacid tablets,two bunches of keys, an asthma inhaler, a handkerchief , a sanitary towel and an assortment of ball point pens. Good job it mostly gets carried in the basket of my mobility scooter :D


    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  15. If you looked in my purse you would find my nook, some money, credit cards, kleenexes and cough drops cause I am sick, and a notepad & pen. I always have my nook and/or a book in my purse. I love to read and my nook and a book always go everywhere with me. You never know when you will have a chance to read.
    Larissa is a new author for me and would love to check out her books. Would love to win, so please choose me for the giveaway.

  16. If you reached inside my purse you would always find an empty wallet, my kindle (with Immortal Rider already on it), my migraine medicine, chapstick, keys, phone (if it isn't in my pocket) and whatever else my kids decide to throw in for good measure!

    Thank you so much for the fanastic giveaway!

    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  17. I want to play too! Don't worry I can't win. :P

    Right now in my purse is:

    measuring tape, Trident gum, Clinique face lotion, vanilla hand sanitizer, Antiperspirant, nail file, I Smell Sheep business cards, Marlboro Red Label pack, Victoria's Secret 'Lost in Fantasy' spray, Lip Smacker chapstick (4), sunglasses, blue latex gloves (don't judge me!) Advil and a lighter!

  18. 1. manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
    2. You would probably find either a receipt (I too keep way to many) or ink pen (little obsessed with pens). You would also have the great chance of gettting some kind of medication (either for headache, allergies, or back pain) & chapstick. And of course, either a book &/or Kindle.

  19. great giveaway thank you
    i am a follower
    if you was to look in my purse first you would probably notice how heavy it is then see a cell phone photo album, wallet. check book, kleenex,headache medicine, lipstick, hand sanatizer, perfume, hand lotion, nail file and clippers, a book or kindle, something of my son in there and possible something for my husband and a few other things.

  20. Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much:)
    GFC follower: Julie Witt
    I don't have a whole lot in my purse, so a notepad and pen, a bunch of bracelets and earrings for some odd reason, and crayons!
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  21. Thank you so much for sharing this fun interview with us today, not to mention the opportunity to win some really good stuff here

    I have stopped carrying a purse because it was too heavy LOL You name it and it was probably in there including the kitchen sink. I now use a small clutch that bulges with ID, cards, receipts, and an over abundance of coffee punch cards with only one punch because they probably could not pay me to go back for their coffee again LOL (bit of a coffee snob here,I admit it, but I am tolerant of those not as discerning and am willing to share the punches)

    Thanks for the fun! I am a sheeply follower.

  22. Awesome giveaway and fabulous interview, I look forward to reading more about the Lords of Deliverance series :)

    1) shroudedheart(at)hotmail(dot)com
    2) In my bag right now there's 3 pens, a pad of paper, my wallet, keys, ipod, zipdrive, 2 pins, passport... Ummmm... I think that's it and trust me that's a lot for this tiny bag that won't even fit my kindle in it lol

    GFC Follower:- Shroudedheart

  23. If you looked in to my purse, you will find my checkbook, wallet, lipgloss; 1 diaper and wipes (for 5 month old), my monthly planner and my keys.

    Love Larissa Ione and I hope to win.

  24. If you looked inside my purse/bag you would find a wallet, numerous lipgloss, a big container of gum and hand wipes (You never know when you will need one, seriously).


  25. *Forgot to put I am a GFC follower.

  26. Are you sure you want to do that? My purse is a worm-hole. You never know what your going to pull out. Jimmy Hoff or the Fountain of Youth? Most likely you'll grab a coupon or reciept.
    GFC follower

  27. 1. Your Email Address, wendykeel at
    2. If I reached inside your purse/bag what would I find? everything..........probably first you'd come across a pen, or coupons or a notepad or keys..............

    I can't wait to read this one Larissa!!!

  28. 1. My email: Gabbie-ethela AT hotmail DOT com
    2. If you reached inside my bag you would find: my wallet, phone, pen, puffer, book, 2 packs of playing cards, a map, roll on deodorant and headache tablets.

  29. 1 - franalokas (at) yahoo(dot)com
    2 - you woul probably find a lot of coins, they always fall from my wallet

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Great interview. And this series is fantastic.
    scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

    if you reached into my purse you'd find a book most likely or my billfold one or the other.

  31. LOL, thanks for the giveaway! The interview was very entertaining. I'm a GFC follower - Under the Covers.

    You'd probably find Fate's edge by Ilona Andrews in my purse right now. I'm reading it now!

    alltherhage AT gmail DOT com

  32. You would probably find loose Legos from my son, coins, receipts, coupons, my wallet, and the pen I can never find.
    Thanks for the giveaway
    GFC follower: KimS.

  33. marypres(AT)gmail(DOT)com

    GFC: Mary Preston

    If you reached inside my handbag you would find: a mobile phone, lip gloss, gum, wet wipes, pen, wallet & assorted bits of rubbish.

  34. You would probably find my iPhone and my wallet. Thanks for the giveaway.

    GFC follower/international

  35. 1. Email: bookandmoviedimensionblogger (at) yahoo (dot) com

    2. If I reached inside your purse/bag what would I find?
    A book or my Sony e-reader inside my tote.

  36. You would find my wallet, cell phone, and a bunch of receipts. Thanks

  37. oops forgot to add I'm a follower on facebook. Christina Ray Vanderford

  38. 1. marlenebreakfield(at)yahoo(dot)com
    2. a wallet, a small notebook and pen, a small planner and a fiber bar
    3. GFC follower Marlene Breakfield

  39. 1.
    2. My purse consists of my life on most days. There is the typical phone, pen, chapstick, messy wallet and gum. But also hair ties, lotion, possibly a shank of some sort, many many receipts that can tell you I have a Pumpkin spice latte and a veggie wrap every day, lists of things I always forget, socks, a 20 sided die, charger for an old phone I no longer have and of course my current book (with a Pumpkin spice or veggie wrap receipt in my stopping point).
    So, yea....I'm a mess.

  40. Great interview ladies!

    1) rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com
    2) In my purse you would find: wallet, gum, tissues, scissors, pens, pencils, deodorant, hand sanitizer and a word search book

    I'm a follower!

  41. I love love love this series! Great interview!
    You would find chocolate! Lol! Never leave home without it!

  42. 1.
    2. You would find a wallet, lots of old reciepts, and of course a handy multi knife for all those incidents when you need to cut tape or tags. LOL *hehe mom of 3 boys so yeah knife is always handy*

  43. Great interview! Congrats on the new release.
    1. LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
    2. You would find my keys first probably. I have a huge bunch of keys that takes up most of the space.

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com


    You would find my wallet, pen, notebook and whatever paperback I am currently reading.

    Love Larissa's series can't wait to get it!

  45. Thanks for the giveaway! I follow via GFC: Brenda Demko. If you reached into my purse, you'd find kleenex (not used), Carmex, keys, my license, my debit card,a pen, a book, a few receipts, my checkbook, and a calender.

  46. I have almost everything inside my bag. My wallet, my keys, my mobile phone, mp3, notebook, pens, glasses, wet wipes, hand cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair clips, brush, perfume, lip gloss, mascara, tiny mirror, roll on deodorant, some medicines, meds/gums, and of course my book.
    Yes, it is heavy.
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  47. thanks for a great giveaway!!!

    in my purse would be my wallet, lip gloss, cell phone travel charger, keys, cell phone, address book, pad of paper and pen...i just cleaned it out so it's practically

  48. This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter and a big thanks to Larissa for taking the time to come back and chat with us!

    The winner is: Shrouded Heart

    You will have 5 days to respond to my email. Stick around everyone more winning coming up! Baaaa!
