GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Royal House of Shadows Saga GIVEAWAY! | I Smell Sheep

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Royal House of Shadows Saga GIVEAWAY!

The Royal House of Shadows is a four part series from Harlequin featuring four different authors heading up each story. This is an amazing series I'm recommending to all the PNR lovers out there. Each story has a heavy fairy tale flavor but with a much darker twist, I was hooked from book one. Our review for each of the stories is shown below:

I Smell Sheep is giving away all four books in the series, I've lovingly read these books but they are still in great shape. This contest is open to EVERYONE so to enter please list the following:

1. Your Email Address
2. What's your favorite fairy tale?
3. Do you follow our blog? If so you get DOUBLE entries

Contest ends January 11th at midnight
Good Luck!

Lord of the Vampires 4-in-1Lord of Rage & Primal InstinctsLord of the Wolfyn & Twin TargetsLord of the Abyss & Desert Warrior


  1. Sounds like an incredible series! It's hard to pick just one fav fairy tale -- I grew up reading a LOT of them. I guess I'll pick "Snow White and Rose Red", a German tale collected by the Brothers Grimm (not to be confused with the story of Snow White). I definitely follow this blog and my email is dani AT daniharper DOT com. Thanks for the giveaway -- and four great reviews!

  2. I favorite fairy is the Six Swans by Brothers Grimm.
    I follow this blog

  3. Thanks for this great giveaway!I think I like a lot of favorite fairy tales. But I think I would choose Snow White, it's always a pleasure to remind the story.

    I'm a follower: Melliane


  4. my fave fairy tail is little mermaid!!! ever since i saw the cartoon from disney, i just love it. especially sebastian, the crab :)) err, it is a fairy tail right, hope i'm not wrong ^^;

    i'm a follower, and my email is :)

  5. These books look and sounds great. And there are some awesome authors contributing to this set. My favorite fairy tale? Hard to pick just one. I've always loved Beauty and the Beast. And then I also like Cinderella and the Little Mermaid. But I think Beauty and the Beast would be my favorite if I had to pick only one.
    +1 Already following GFC: LadyVampire2u

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  6. I've always liked The Big Bad Wolf...I know, I know I should be rooting for the good guys but the thought of being stalked by the big bad wolf and having him try to blow down the piggies houses is too much fun. lol

    Blog follower.

  7. Awesome giveaway. Please count me in. My favorite faerytale is Cinderella.
    GFC follower CrystalGB

  8. oh boy, a giveaway! This looks like a good series. My favorite fairy tales were always Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella.
    And I'm an avid blog stalker, er follower.


  9. Wow, fantastic giveaway! I haven't read this series, but what a set of authors! I'd love to!

    My favorite fairy tale growing up was Beauty and the Beast...which set me up for the Paranormal loving freak which I am today, I'm sure, haha!

    I'm also an avid stalker via all social medias ;-)

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

    Gena Robertson

  10. My favorite fairy tale has always been the princess and the pea.
    I would love to read this series, it sounds really good.
    I am a gfc follower.

  11. My favorite fairy tale is The Ugly Duckling. Thank you so much for the giveaway :) I am a GFC follower. baychriz at gmail dot com

  12. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.
    I'm a GFC follow plus G+ and FB.

    saphsbookblog at gmail dot com

  13. Sounds like an awesome series! My favorite fairy tale is Briar Rose by The Brothers Grimm.

    I am a follower: Kristina


  14. My favorite fairy tale is Bluebeard. I always wondered why he had a blue beard and why he killed his first wife.

    and I'm a follower of course!

  15. Fave fairy tales would have to be Brothers Grimm:) When I was a kid i LOVED the stories and still do! Great Blog and it sounds like a great series.

    I am a follower

  16. Oh... a SHEEP... oh and some great books too!!! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME... favorite fairy tale hmm.. umm... i would probably say either "The Ugly Duckling" for the warm fuzzy feelings (no pun intended) or Hansel and Gretel.i mean come on.. candy house and it ends in a BBQ?! YUM

  17. Ugly Duckling I dont know why
    I follow Lisa McGeen

  18. OH yes I have been wanting to read this series.
    I love Tam Lin, can never get enough.
    GFC Teril

    terilhack at yahoo dot com

  19. I enjoy Beauty and the Beast because men are quite stubborn beastly things but sometimes they can change and love can warm their cold hard heart.

    kasuranna at yahoo dot com

  20. sounds like some great books. I love to read and always looking for new books and authors to check out.
    My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. I always hoped that when I was younger that I would find my Prince Charming. I new that now matter what life threw at me, that it could never be that bad. I figured Cinderella could make it through and find her prince, that so could anyone.
    Thanks for the chance to win. What a great prize. I am a GFC & email follower: Chris Bails/

  21. my favorite fairy tail is beauty and the beast. Still to this day when I am down with a cold or flu I curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and pops in the dvd and watches it always makes me feel better:). What a great giveaway and am a follower also
    Melissa Toews

  22. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast (but my favorite telling of the beauty and the beast is the book Beauty by Robin McKinely). Awesome giveaway! I'm a follower.

  23. Thank you so much for the giveaway! My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella! I'm a follower! Crossing fingers!! :)


  24. Hi!
    Thanks for the giveaway

    My email
    My favorite fairy tale is Snow White
    & yep I'm a follower

  25. My favourite fairytale in all it's different incarnations is Beauty and The Beast. I can't get enough of all the variations clever authors are writing :D
    follower: ilona
    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  26. My favorite fairy tale is the Little Mermaid! Rapunzel is fun too. Thank you for the contest!

    I am a follower.

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  27. Thanks you so much for this great international giveaway. i would be delighted to discover this serie ( the plush is cute too)

    My favorite fairytale: beauty and the beast ( i need happy end^^;;)

    gfc follower: miki or isabelle frisch


  28. My favorite fairy tale would be Hansel and Gretel. I was always fascinated by that story as a kid.

    And of course I'm a member of the flock =)

  29. Lots of Beauty and the Beast love here. Usually I see a lot of Snow White or Cinderella. Nice change! :-P

    My favorite, though, is Sleeping Beauty. And The Grimm fairy tales.


    teawench at gmail dot com

    thanks! Looks like a great series.

  30. Probably my favorite fairy tale would be Red Riding Hood. But there are a lot of fairy tales that I love.
    GFC follower: June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  31. My favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella, I've always loved that the poor downtrodden girl gets the prince in the end.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com
    GFC follower - Barbara E.

  32. Fantasic giveaway! I have always held Cinderella close to my heart, definitely my favorite...not sure how I feel about the new version with a Cyborg in it, but we shall see.

    brilliant dot love at hotmail dot com

  33. I've been wanting to buy these books! I would LOVE them!

    My favorite fairytale was always Cinderella, because I felt like her growing up - I always thought my mom had children so she could have a slave. Close second is Beauty and the Beast.

    Follower! shauntih
    shauntih(at)hotmail(dot)com shauntih(at)gmail(dot).com

  34. My favourite fariytale is Cinderella. (Its a renewed favourite - just finished Cinder)

    Im a follower: Gabbie


  35. Love the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.
    GFC Follower
    scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

  36. My favorite was, oddly, "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" by the Grimms. Not particularly a stunning piece, but it tickled my fancy when I was a kid. :P

    I am a GFC. :D

    gamergirlconfessions at gmail dot com

  37. My fav is Beauty & the Beast (love the Disney version).
    Happy to adopt any used books, just toss them this way! I'm amazed you are wiling to part with them but hey, I'm not going to argue :)

    I'm a GFC (thumbelinda03)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  38. i have so wanted to read this series for a while. my fav is beauty and the beast. i just love that one.

    GFC follower for a long time : Lindsey


  39. I was pondering getting these for soooooo long and now after Xmas I decided to get them and they don't have book 3 on German amazon anymore. O_O

    So yay- thank you for the chance. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella but not the Disney version. We have one that's more of a Czech/German tale here. So much better in my eyes.

    I'm following you on gfc and I'm pretty sure i do that on twitter too but well am too lazy check right now. ;)

    thegeekybookworm [at] gmail [dot] com

  40. My favorite is Beauty & the Beast.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. My favorite has always been the Little Mermaid!
    I follow your blog on Twitter and my email is

  42. I love fairy tales. My favorite are Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. I can't choose between them. Sleeping Beauty because I think every girl would love to believe there's a man out there who'd be willing to slay a dragon and run through flames just to kiss her. Beauty and the Beast because I like how Beauty has to look past the beast and learn to love the man. And how falling in love helps the beast become a better person.
    GFC follower as Diana
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  43. My favorite is Sleeping Beauty. I follow you on Facebook - Stephanie Atwood

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  44. My favorite is Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid.

    Blog follower.
    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  45. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Favorite tale is Cinderella)))
    I am a GFC - Anastasia. (

  46. Thanks for the giveaway.
    My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella.
    I follow your blog via email.

  47. Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

    My favorite was always Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Mainly because I have always been fascinated by dwarves as depicted in stories.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

    I follow via GFC as buddyt

  48. Thank you for the terrific giveaway and for not excluding international readers! You are the best! :-D

    I have heard great things about this series, so I am very curious.

    My favourite fairy tale is Cinderella :-)

    And of course I follow the blog via GFC, Twitter, FB, etc.

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  49. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! This series sounds fantastic! I loved beauty and the Beast growing up, Disney version, if that counts :)

    gfc: erin

  50. snow white

    i follow on gfc/twitter/i asked to join the faceook groupe

  51. Why didn't you ask something easy like my favorite Nursery Rhyme. That is an easy answer, Little Bo Peep. My favorite fairy tale? Hmmm... I think maybe the Three Billy Goat's Gruff or Little Red Riding Hood. I follow your blog via GFC. Thank you for the super fantastic awesome giveaway!

  52. Sounds like a great series! I would love to read it.
    My favorite is Beauty and the Beast.

    GFC follower (Mariee)
    marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

  53. I cannot say I really have a favorite fairy tale per se. If I can go with Disney's take, it would be 101 Dalmations - can't you just see all the little weres with spots running around to save the day Yep I like the concept. Thank you for sharing today and for the awesome giveaway opportunity. I think I have Lord of the Abyss in my kindle TRB, at least it is very familiar to me, will have to look it up and see for sure.
    I am a follower.

  54. My favorite Fairytale is The Little Mermaid,
    And I follow your blog!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    bloggingbooks @gmail .com

  55. My favorite Fairytale is Beauty and the Beast...I love how the heroine could see through Beast's "ugly" exterior and fall in love with the real person :)
    I follow the blog :) I'm Ashley Applebee or EdgesAngel22 not sure lol
    Ashley A

  56. I've read a lot of Jessica 'Doc Jess' Anderson before and really love her stories
    lindsay AT lindsaydowns DOT com

  57. I would have to say my favorite fairytale (today) are going to be in two parts. I guess it’s a kind of a ying-yang thing. The first is Little-Toot, I’ll call it Ying. I listen to Little-Toot for hours on end as a kid. Over and over and over and over again. For those interested you can check it out on you-tube with this link and experience it for yourself And no I have no idea who the group is that posted it, but the story part is the same as the storybook and record that I had as a kid. The 2nd one, let’s call it the Yang, is The Tale of The Three Brothers. This may not be as old as some of the tales, but I think it’s an interesting story and a good lesson in the end.

  58. Sounds like a great series. Thanks for the giveaway.
    I think my fave fairy tale would have to be snow white, especially now with watching the show once upon a time.

  59. Sorry forgot my email address

    name is: sdunicorn

  60. Mine has always been Beauty and the Beast. I loved the orginal script and the old black and white that was done in French! I am GFC Nikki!!! There are a lot of different answers :) Thats always cool!!

  61. My email addy is

    My favorite fairytale would have to be The Seven Swan Brothers. It was so sad and beautiful.

    And I follow your blog.

  62. I'd love to win these! My favourite fairy tale is Cinderella, but mostly because I love the movie Ever After. Thanks! I follow on GFC as JessS.


  63. This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and enter. Some great fairytales were listed! I hope everyone gets a chance to read this wonderful series.

    The winner is: sdunicorn

    You have been emailed and will have 5 days to respond.

    Stay tuned more wining coming up!
