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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Villains are complicated characters! Guest Post with Alyssa Richards + giveaway

Villains are complicated characters! So, there are rules for them in my books.
First rule for one of my villains is that I have to understand why they are the way they are. I like to know their family history, their background and what happened in their life to make them what they are. It’s rarely simple or just one thing. Just as in life it’s always a complex mix of experiences and how a person responds to them that makes them who they are.

The next rule is that there must be some redeeming quality about them. Good villains are never all bad. I think that’s true in life as well. Hard as it may be to find sometimes. They usually have at least one quality that makes them likable. It keeps hope alive, I think. And I don’t think I could write them if there wasn’t something about them that I didn’t enjoy.

Villains also have to be rich characters. I like depth to all of my characters, but especially with villains.

And finally, they have to be real. I can’t imagine making someone up for a story. To me, my characters are real. When they show themselves to me, I simply do my best to learn who they are, channel them onto the page and share their experiences with my readers!
Somewhere in Time ( The Fine Art of Deception, Book 2)**
by Alyssa Richards
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Romantic Suspense
December 8, 2015
Word Count: 97,000
Publisher: Self-Published
ISBN: 9780979226564
**Can be read as a standalone novel.
Addison Montgomery has finally found love with the man of her dreams, Blake Greenwood, and is ready to live another lifetime of happiness with him. But the morning they’re supposed to bring closure to their dark, violent past, all chances of a happily-ever-after turn as dead as the ghosts she sees on a daily basis.

Now Addie must team up with her greatest enemy, embracing her not-quite-perfect gift of reading art psychically. If she succeeds, she will finally learn the truth behind her father’s and grandfather’s disappearances. If she fails, every chance at love she’s ever hoped for will be destroyed. But one thing is clear: she has to choose between saving Blake or her family, and there’s no way she can ever have both.

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In this sexy and suspenseful debut novel from Alyssa Richards, an art appraiser who has a gift for seeing the history of an object with just a touch, tries to put her gifts and her troubled past behind her. Fans are calling THE FINE ART OF DECEPTION: UNDOING TIME, "enthralling" and "a new take on paranormal romance that you just can't put down!"

The Fine Art of Deception: Undoing Time
by Alyssa Richards
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January, 2015
Page Count: 247
Publisher: Self-Published
ISBN: 978-0-9792265-7-1
Art appraiser Addison Montgomery just wants a normal life. One where she can ignore the vicious ghosts who follow her. One where she’s free from her “gift” of touching an object and seeing the owner’s deepest secrets. And one where she can fall in love without having all of the above get in the way.

But when tall, dark, and dangerous gallery owner Blake Greenwood enters her life, normal is the last thing she’s feeling. The man has more secrets than the priceless art he sells, giving Addison’s quest for normal no chance. That, and he may just hold the key to uncovering the truth behind her father’s unexplained disappearance.

Despite her paranormal gifts warning her to stay away, she feels an inexplicable, captivating fascination for him, something that goes deeper than attraction. There’s something between them that’s older than time, and if she can learn to give him her trust, it may just save her life.

About the Author:
Alyssa Richards is a paranormal romance author who lives in the South with her husband and two children. She recently published her first paranormal romance book called The Fine Art of Deception: Undoing Time and is currently working on the sequel. Alyssa’s writing is influenced by her curiosity with ghosts and the supernatural world. She writes daily and believes that discipline and commitment to the craft are critical to be a successful writer. Whenever she gets the opportunity, Alyssa enjoys travel, spending time with her pups, and nurturing her herb and rose garden.
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