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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winning the Internet this week...sock puppets, explosions, Wookiee sex

First off, you're a bunch of pervs. You just clicked because you wanted to see Wookie'll have to scroll down <G>.
This is why you don't jump from a moving subway car.

Oh, so wrong...but so right...

Sheep guest reviewer Gef Fox found this little nugget!


  1. well, I'll never look at a wookie the same way again, that's for sure!

  2. All that hair in the drink/desert .....I just can't !

  3. Lol reading those comments, I am so glad I did not watch the video... but I will send the email with this post to my best friend who just saw the latest Star Trek movie before Christmas.

  4. I favor gainfully stunning resources - you will see these people in: go there
